The butchers at Pingkiang killed progressive people.
Read was a progressive without being wholly partisan.
As for those obstinate conservatives, we should not only persuade them with words, but also prove their mistakes with facts.
Many conservatives are getting credentialed. 许多保守派正得到信任。
The Southern conservatives within the party backlashed. 该党南方保守派产生强烈反应。
The Southern Democrats were factionalized into two groups: conservatives andliberals. 南方民主党分裂成为两派:保守派和自由派。
When it comes to American values, he implied, we are all liberals, we are allconservatives—or at least we ought to be. 当提到美国人的价值取向时,他暗示:我们都是自由主义者、都是保守主义者,或者说,至少我们应该是这样。
The Democrats won in America in 2008, while conservatives won in Britain,Sweden and the Netherlands in 2010. 美国民主党在2008年胜出,而英国、瑞典和荷兰的保守党派在2010年赢得选票。
But he acknowledged he still has a long way to go to win over staunchconservatives. 但是他承认,要把坚定的保守派争取过来,还有很长的一段路要走。
But these merely stand for the maintenance of their own position, less radicalchange, keeping the welfare provisions, and so on – they are basicallyconservatives. 但这些人只是在主张他们自己的立场,主张不那么根本性的改变,主张维续福利政策,等等。他们基本上是保守派。
This election, she voted for a leftist party because she believes it will do a betterjob than conservatives to help people cope with the economic crisis. 她在这次选举中投了一个左派政党的票,因为她相信,左派政党在帮助人民应对经济危机方面会比保守派做得更好。
Not all conservatives, however, are critical of Romney for the path he is taking. 然而,并是并不是所有的保守派人对罗姆尼所采取的做法不满。
Asked if she feared being attacked by Congressional conservatives, she said: “Itook this job because I want drug users to be recognized as people with adisease. 当她被问到,是
Despite the inevitable calls from conservatives and deficit hawks, now is not thetime to reel in the measures taken by the government to fight the recession. 尽管保守派和支持消灭赤字的鹰派必然会提出要求,但现在就取消政府为了对抗经济衰退而采取的措施,还不是时候。
If conservatives were to rally around a single alternative candidate, they couldquite probably supplant Mr Romney with one of their own. 如果保守派被要求团结在一个参选人周围的话,他们很有可能会选择其他人来代替罗姆尼。
Often opposition comes not only from the conservatives, who cling to tradition, but also from the extremist militants, who favor neither the old nor the new. 通常,反对者不光是那些墨守成规的保守派,也有可能来自既不喜新亦不厌旧的极端主义好斗者。
When conservatives complain that they feel they can't make criticisms of Obamawithout b
eing called racist, they have a point, and on an individual level I have some sympathy with them. 当保守派抱怨说他们不能批评奥巴马,要不然就会被称作是种族歧视者,他们说得有道理,就个人而言,我是有点同情他们的。
Another factor that bodes well for Republicans is that millions of conservativesappear energized to vote this year. 对共和党有力的另一个因素是成百万保守派选民今年似乎要积极投票。
Another factor that bodes well for Republicans is that millions of conservativesappear energized to vote this year. 对共和党有力的另一个因素是成百万保守派选民今年似乎要积极投票。
