对于机器学习和⼈⼯智能研究⼈员⽽⾔,好多⼈都只是构建好模型后就没有进⼀步处理了,停留在⼀个⽐较粗糙的模型上⾯,没有将其变成⼀个产品,其实好多创业型⼈⼯智能公司都是设计好模型后,将其转化成产品,之后再推向市场。每⼀个深度学习研究者⼼中或多或少都想成为⼀名创业者,但不知道超哪个⽅向发展。那么,本⽂将从最简单的⽹页应⽤开始,⼀步⼀步带领你使⽤TensorFlow创建⼀个卷积神经⽹络(CNN)模型后,使⽤Flash RESTful API将模型变成⼀个⽹页应⽤产品。
本⽂使⽤TensorFlow NN模块构建CNN模型,并在CIFAR-10数据集上进⾏训练和测试。为了使模型可以远程访问,使⽤Python创建Flask web应⽤来接收上传的图像,并使⽤HTTP返回其分类标签。
1.安装Python、TensorFlow、PyCharm和Flask API
1.1 安装Anaconda/Python
为了确保Anaconda3是否安装成功,在CMD命令⾏中输⼊(where Python),如果结果类似于下图,则表明安装成功。
1.2 安装TensorFlow
C:> conda create -n tensorflow pip python=3.5
这为TF安装创建了⼀个空的⽂件以保持虚拟环境(virtual environment, venv),vevn的位置在Anaconda3安装的⽬录⽂件下:(Anaconda3envstensorflow)。
C:> activate tensorflow
1.3安装PyCharm Python IDE
相较于在CMD命令⾏中输⼊代码,本⽂更倾向于使⽤Python IDE。本⽂选择PyCharm,。此外,下载安装完毕后,需要设置Python 编译器,操作如下图所⽰,选择之前安装的作为IDE的编译器。
1.4 安装Flask
最后的⼀个⼯具是安装Flask RESTful API,安装命令如下:
C:> pip install Flask-API
def unpickle_patch(file):
Decoding the binary file.
:param file:File to decode it data.
:return:Dictionary of the file holding details including input data and output labels.
patch_bin_file = open(file, 'rb')#Reading the binary file.
patch_dict = pickle.load(patch_bin_file, encoding='bytes')#Loading the details of the binary file into a dictionary.
return patch_dict#Returning the dictionary.
该⽅法接收⼆进制⽂件并返回⼀个包含有关此⽂件详细信息的字典。该字典除了标签之外还包含⽂件中所有的10,000个样本的数据。 为了解码整个训练集,创建get_dataset_images函数。该函数接收数据集路径并仅对训练数据起作⽤。因此,它会过滤⼀些⽂件并只返回以data_batch_开头的⽂件。测试数据在模型训练好后再进⾏处理。
def get_dataset_images(dataset_path, im_dim=32, num_channels=3):
This function accepts the dataset path, reads the data, and returns it after being reshaped to match the requierments of the CNN.
:param dataset_path:Path of the CIFAR10 dataset binary files.
:param im_dim:Number of rows and columns in each image. The image is expected to be rectangular.
:param num_channels:Number of color channels in the image.
:return:Returns the input data after being reshaped and output labels.
num_files = 5#Number of training binary files in the CIFAR10 dataset.
images_per_file = 10000#Number of samples withing each binary file.
files_names = os.listdir(patches_dir)#Listing the binary files in the dataset path.
Creating an empty array to hold the entire training data after being reshaped.
The dataset has 5 binary files holding the data. Each binary file has 10,000 samples. Total number of samples in the dataset is 5*10,000=50,000.
Each sample has a total of 3,072 pixels. These pixels are reshaped to form a RGB image of shape 32x32x3.
Finally, the entire dataset has 50,000 samples and each sample of shape 32x32x3 (50,000x32x32x3).
dataset_array = s(shape=(num_files * images_per_file, im_dim, im_dim, num_channels))
#Creating an empty array to hold the labels of each input sample. Its size is 50,000 to hold the label of each sample in the dataset.
dataset_labels = s(shape=(num_files * images_per_file), dtype=numpy.uint8)
index = 0#Index variable to count number of training binary files being processed.
for file_name in files_names:
Because the CIFAR10 directory does not only contain the desired training files and has some other files, it is required to filter the required files.
Training files start by 'data_batch_' which is used to test whether the file is for training or not.
if file_name[0:len(file_name) - 1] == "data_batch_":
print("Working on : ", file_name)
Appending the path of the binary files to the name of the current file.
Then the complete path of the binary file is used to decoded the file and return the actual pixels values.
data_dict = unpickle_patch(dataset_path+file_name)
Returning the data using its key 'data' in the dictionary.
Character b is used before the key to tell it is binary string.
images_data = data_dict[b"data"]
#Reshaping all samples in the current binary file to be of 32x32x3 shape.
images_data_reshaped = shape(images_data, newshape=(len(images_data), im_dim, im_dim, num_channels))
#Appending the data of the current file after being reshaped.
dataset_array[index * images_per_file:(index + 1) * images_per_file, :, :, :] = images_data_reshaped
#Appening the labels of the current file.
dataset_labels[index * images_per_file:(index + 1) * images_per_file] = data_dict[b"labels"]
index = index + 1#Incrementing the counter of the processed training files by 1 to accept new file.
return dataset_array, dataset_labels#Returning the training input data and output labels.
使⽤creat_CNN函数创建CNN模型,该函数创建卷积层(conv)、ReLU激活函数、最⼤池化(max pooling)、dropout以及全连接层(full connection,FC),最后⼀层全连接层输出结果。每⼀层的输出
get_dataset_images函数返回的数据。create_conv_layer函数接收输⼊数据、过滤器⼤⼩和过滤器数量,并返回输⼊数据与过滤器集合进⾏卷积的结果。这组滤波器的⼤⼩根据输⼊图像的深度⽽设置。 create_conv_layer的定义如下:
对于dropout层,接收⼀个保持神经元的概率参数,它表明会有多少神经元在dropout层被丢弃。 dropout层是使⽤
ef dropout_flatten_layer(previous_layer, keep_prop):
Applying the dropout layer.
:param previous_layer: Result of the previous layer to the dropout layer.
:param keep_prop: Probability of keeping neurons.
:return: flattened array.
dropout = dropout(x=previous_layer, keep_prob=keep_prop)
num_features = _shape()[1:].num_elements()
layer = shape(previous_layer, shape=(-1, num_features))#Flattening the results.
return layer