第一部分 阅读(共三节,满分 50 分)第一节(共4小题每小题4分,满分30分)阅读下面的材料,从每题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
                                                Wash Your Hands After ...
(1)Playing with dogs.
(2)Using the bathroom.Touching a cut.
(3)Sneezing or coughing.
(4)Playing outside.Eating.
                                  Proper Hand Washing with Soap and Water
● Wet your hands with warm,running water and spread(涂)soap and lather(泡沫)well.
● Move your hands forward and back hard together for at least a quarter of a minute.
● Clean all surface(表面),including the backs of your hands,between your fingers and so on.
● Wash well.
● Dry your hands with a piece of clean cloth.
(1)When should you wash your hands?      
A.Before playing with dogs.
B.After touching a cut.
C.After coughing.
(2)Which of the following is the proper hand washing?      
A.Only clean the backs of your hands.
B.Spread soap after wetting your hands.
C.Dry your hands with your clothes.
Name:Kongtong Mountain,known as the "First Taoism(道教)Mountain in China"
Height:667.5 meters
Elevation(海拔):1,456﹣2,123.5 meters
Ticket price:110 yuan (holidays)/55 yuan(normal)
Place:Pingliang City of Gansu Province
How to get there:Bus No.9 from the train station,No.13 and No.21 from the airport
Stories behind it:
Once upon a time,Yellow Emperor once visited Kongtong Mountain to ask a man of wisdom,Guangchengzi,something about state governance(治理)and health care.The first Emperor of Qin also visited Kongtong Mountain.
(1)If you arrive in Pingliang City and want to go to Kongtong Mountain,you can go there       .
A.by bus
B.by train
governanceC.by plane
(2)Which of the following is not mentioned(提及)in the charts?      
A.how high the mountain is
B.the emperor who visited the mountain
C.the proper time to visit the mountain
(3)What can we know from the charts?      
A.Guangchengzi might be a man of deep learning.
B.You can visit Kongtong Mountain on holidays with a lower price.
C.Kongtong Mountain is located in Qinghai province.
3.(10分)According to a new study,the Amazon rainforest(亚马逊雨林)may become grassland in a few years.
    The Amazon is the world's biggest rainforest.Climate change(气候变化)and human﹣activities make it "sick".Usually,the rainforest can fix itself.But now,it feels too "tired" to get better.The trees may die and the rainforest could turn into a hot and dry grassland.
    The Amazon was one of the world's wettest places.But since 2005,three droughts(干旱)have hit the rainforest.They were caused by climate change.The trees don't have enough water to grow.What's more,as they become dry,they can easily catch fire.
    What's more,people cut down rainforest trees for wood.They burn the forest to make farmland.They clear trees for minerals(矿产).All these activities have caused about 17
percent of the rainforest to disappear.
    The Amazon is like the lungs(肺)of our earth.They make more than 20 percent of the planet's oxygen(氧气).If the Amazon "dies",there will be more CO2 and our Earth will become even hotter.The Amazon is also home to over 3 million animals and plants.Many of them can't live anywhere else.They could possibly just disappear.
(1)What does the new study show?      
A.The Amazon rainforest was grassland in the past.
B.Many people enjoy their activities in the Amazon rainforest.
C.The Amazon will have fewer trees in the future.
(2)How do droughts make the Amazon rainforest"sick"?      
a.They make plants grow more slowly.
b.They cause climate change.
c.They make the grass in the forest grow faster.
d.They make it easier for the forest to catch fire.
(3)What does the word "disappear" in the story mean       .
(4)Why is the Amazon called "the lungs" of the Earth?      
A.Because it has 17 percent of the Earth's minerals.
B.Because it makes over one﹣fifth of the Earth's oxygen.
C.Because people and animals can breathe more easily there.
(5)What does the writer want to show with the last paragraph?      
A.The future of our earth.
B.The real reason of climate change.
C.The importance of the Amazon.
4.(10分)New York City is home to some of the tallest buildings on the Earth.Recently,it has also become home to a new skyscraper(摩天大楼),which is the thinnest in the world.
    After years of development,Steinway Tower is now finished.The height of the building is 435 meters.But it's just 18 meters wide.The weight﹣to﹣height ratio(比例) is 1:24.That makes the building look very thin,like a chopstick sticking up from the ground.
