Translation of the useful expressions:
自给自足的自然经济 self-sufficient natural economy
水能载舟,亦能覆舟 The water that carries the boat can also overturn it.
多元一体 integrated pluralism
礼仪之邦 the land of ceremony and propriety
青铜器 the bronze wares
甲骨文 the inscriptions on tortoise shells or animal bones
铭文 the inscriptions on bronze or copper wares
书同文、行同伦 the written language and behaviors have to be standardized
儒、道、佛、法家 Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, Legalism / the Legalists
焚书坑儒 ordering that books be burned and Confucian scholars be buried alive
无为而治 proposing to govern by doing nothing that is against nature
独尊儒术、罢黜百家 paying supreme tribute to Confucianism while banning all other schools of thought
四大发明 four great inventions
守内虚外 internal defense and external slackening
重文轻武 laying stress on the cultural achievement while making light of the military exploits
清明上河图 The Festival of Pure Brightness on the River
求和谐,主平衡 seeking for harmony and maintaining equilibrium
消灾祈福 averting calamities and praying for blessings
临时抱佛脚 Clasp Buddhas feet when in trouble
六合 the six realms of Heaven and Earth, East and West, North and South
内圣外王 the supreme morality internalized as cultivation and externalized as governance of virtue
真诚、正心、修身 sincerity, integrity and intellectual cultivation
齐家、治国、平天下 Keep your family in order, govern the state effectively and bring peace to the world
中庸  the golden mean
天人合一 oneness of man and nature
大一统 Great National Unity
集体利益 collective interest
人伦 human relations
宗族关系 patriarchal relations
否极泰来 out of depth of misfortune comes bliss
以柔克刚 conquering the rigid with the gentle/ defeating the strong by the weak
以不变应万变 coping with shifting events by sticking to a fundamental principle
一张一弛 alternating tension with relaxation
仁者爱人 The benevolent love others.
仁政 benevolent government
以民为本 People are the foundation of the state.
People come first, the state comes second, and the king third.
性善论 the theory of original goodness of human nature
小国寡民 a small state with a small population
无为而治 ruling with inaction
汉代经学 Imperial Confucianism in the Han Dynasty
祭歌 sacrificial songs
东方思维模式 oriental mode of thinking
编年史 annals
入德之门 a gateway to perfect virtue
忠孝仁爱 loyalty, filial piety, benevolence and love
杀身成仁 killing oneself for ren/ humanity
舍生取义 killing oneself for yi/ righteousness
恻隐之心,人皆有之 All men have natural sympathies.
人物画 figure painting
壁画 murals
仕女 leisurely and carefree beauties
写意画 free hand brushwork
山水画 landscape painting
意境 artistic conception
仁者乐山,智者乐水 A true man loves the mountains; a wise man loves the sea.
花鸟画 flower-and-bird painting
寄物言志 expressing ideas through certain objects
梅兰竹菊 plums, orchids, bamboo and chrysanthemums
书法 calligraphy
篆书 the Seal Character
隶书 Official Script
楷书 Regular Script
行书 Running Script
草书 Cursive Script
文房四宝 the Four Treasures of the Study
毛笔 writing brush
宣纸 Xuan paper
对联 Chinese couplets
中国印章 Chinese seals
篆刻 seal cutting
官印 official seals
私印 private seals
民间工艺 folk handicraft
木版年画 block-printed Chinese New Year Pictures
剪纸 paper-cut
门签 gate labels
心灵手巧 a clever mind and nimble fingers
高手 master-hands
国际风筝都 International Capital Of Kites
潍坊风筝节 Weifang Kite Festival
龙头蜈蚣风筝 dragon-headed centipede
尊龙传统 the tradition of dragon worship
刺绣 embroidery
纺车 spinning wheel
织机 weaving machine
麻织品时期 flax fabric period
民间纺织 folk textile
governance印染 printing and dyeing
蜡染 wax-dyeing
扎染 tie-dyeing
陶瓷 ceramics/ pottery and porcelain
兵马俑 terra cotta  warriors and horses
青瓷 blue porcelain
白瓷 white porcelain
唐三彩 tricolored glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty
五大名窑 five kilns
紫砂壶 the boccaro teapot
金银玉器 gold, silver and jade wares
金缕玉衣 jade clothes sewn with gold thread
避邪 anti-evil
玉佩 jade pendent
竹木藤器 bamboo, wood and rattan work
木雕 wood carving
柳编 wickerwork
草编 straw-knitted work
泥塑 clay figure modelling
面塑 dough figure modelling
烟花爆竹 firecrackers and fireworks
闹花灯 lantern show
元宵节 Lantern Festival/ Yuanxiao Festival
猜灯谜 solving the puzzles on the lanterns
踩高跷 stilts-walking
舞龙 dragon lantern dance
锣鼓 drums and gongs
舞狮 lion dance
跑旱船 boating dance/ land-boat dance
花鼓 colored drum dance
腰鼓 waist drum dance
十八般武艺 skill in wielding the 18 kinds of weapons
龙舟竞渡 the dragon-boat race
拔河 tug-of-war
烹饪 culinary arts
佛跳墙 Buddha jumping over the wall
