Using TOGAF™ to Create an EA Portal that Facilitates Major Architectural Change Global Financial
Services Organization
A global financial services
company offering banking,
insurance, and asset
management services with 85
million customers in over 40
countries and employing
approximately 115,000 people.
It has a broad client base
ranging from individuals and
families, through small,
medium, and large
corporations to institutions and
national governments.
Value Message
“Enterprise architecture
frameworks create the
capability to manage shared,
common, and re-useable architecture assets to improve
governancebusiness planning and change
TOGAF has evolved into a
strategic business management
tool that enables the business
community to expose and
optimize the value of their
hidden business assets.”
Garry Doherty
TOGAF Product Manager
The Open Group Challenge The Operations department of a global financial services business needed to replace their IT systems in order to fulfil their strategic goals of: • Reducing costs and operational risks • Improving productivity and quality • Standardizing, consolidating, and upgrading their IT • Creating an operational IT environment which enables the business to achieve operational excellence and customer intimacy Their overall need was to integrate requirements from many sources in a coherent architectural approach. In particular, to overcome the observed difficulties with enterprise architecture artifacts – namely that they are often scattered, duplicated, not managed or owned, and only published on local intranets, making it difficult for the architecture community to find them. Solution In 2006, an initiative to set up enterprise architecture began with a working group installed to select a market standard to organize best practices and share these with the business. The working group chose TOGAF™ because: • It gave good insight into the IT architecture • It aligned IT with the business • It integrated and harmonized the pieces The TOGAF Architecture Deve
lopment Method (ADM) was used to sort out and position the existing architecture processes alongside best practices. Process Business Outcomes
In the summer of 2007, an EA portal was established to share some 200 artifacts globally, with a clear governance framework for submitting an artifact and its approval by an editorial board.
The portal was highly visible and enabled the business to store, share, and re-use their architectural assets in a uniform, standardized, and unambiguous way.
The EA portal became very successful, being visited over 16,000 times in the first five months by the business community.
For more information, visit /architecture .
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