In this article, we’ll take a look at using the strtok() and strtok_r() functions in C.
These functions are very useful, if you want to tokenize a string. C provides these handy utility functions to split our input string into tokens.
如果要标记字符串,这些功能⾮常有⽤。 C提供了这些⽅便的实⽤程序函数,可将我们的输⼊字符串拆分为标记。
Let’s take a look at using these functions, using suitable examples.
使⽤strtok()函数 (Using the strtok() function)
First, let’s look at the strtok() function.
This function is a part of the <string.h> header file, so you must include it in your program.
#include <string.h>
char* strtok(char* str, const char* delim);
This takes in an input string str and a delimiter character delim.
这将接受输⼊字符串str和定界符delim 。
strtok() will split the string into tokens based on the delimited character.
We expect a list of strings from strtok(). But the function returns us a single string! Why is this?
我们期望从strtok()获得字符串列表。 但是该函数返回⼀个字符串! 为什么是这样?
The reason is how the function handles the tokenization. After calling strtok(input, delim), it returns the first token.
原因是该函数如何处理标记化。 调⽤strtok(input, delim) ,它返回第⼀个标记。
But we must keep calling the function again and again on a NULL input string, until we get NULL!
Basically, we need to keep calling strtok(NULL, delim) until it returns NULL.
基本上,我们需要继续调⽤strtok(NULL, delim)直到返回NULL 。
Seems confusing? Let’s look at an example to clear it out!
似乎令⼈困惑? 让我们看⼀个例⼦来清除它!
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main() {
// Our input string
char input_string[] = "Hello from JournalDev!";
// Our output token list
char token_list[20][20];
// We call strtok(input, delim) to get our first token
// Notice the double quotes on delim! It is still a char* single character string!
char* token = strtok(input_string, " ");
int num_tokens = 0; // Index to token list. We will append to the list
while (token != NULL) {
// Keep getting tokens until we receive NULL from strtok()
strcpy(token_list[num_tokens], token); // Copy to token list
token = strtok(NULL, " "); // Get the next token. Notice that input=NULL now!
// Print the list of tokens
printf("Token List:\n");
for (int i=0; i < num_tokens; i++) {
printf("%s\n", token_list[i]);
return 0;
So, we have our input string “Hello from JournalDev!”, and we’re trying to tokenize it by spaces.
因此,我们有输⼊字符串“ Hello from JournalDev!”,我们正在尝试⽤空格标记它。
We get the first token using strtok(input, " "). Notice the double quotes, as the delimiter is a single character string!我们使⽤strtok(input, " ")获得第⼀个令牌。 注意双引号,因为定界符是单个字符串!
Afterwards, we keep getting tokens using strtok(NULL, " ") and loop until we get NULL from strtok().
之后,我们继续使⽤strtok(NULL, " ")获取令牌并循环,直到从strtok()获取NULL 。
Let’s look at the output now.
Token List:
Indeed, we seem to have got the correct tokens!
Similarly, let’s now look at using strtok_r().
同样,让我们现在来看⼀下使⽤strtok_r() 。
使⽤strtok_r()函数 (Using the strtok_r() function)
This function is very similar to the strtok() function. The key difference is that the _r means that this is a re-entrant function.
此函数与strtok()函数⾮常相似。 关键区别在于_r表⽰这是可重⼊函数。
A reentrant function is a function that can be interrupted during its execution. This type of function can also be safely called again, to resume execution!
可重⼊函数是可以在其执⾏期间中断的函数。 也可以再次安全地调⽤此类函数,以恢复执⾏!
This is why it is a “re-entrant” function. Just because it can safely enter again!
这就是为什么它是“可重⼊”功能的原因。 只是因为它可以安全地再次进⼊!
Due to this fact, re-entrant functions are thread-safe, meaning that they can safely be interrupted by threads, just because they can resume again without any harm.
Now, similar to strtok(), the strtok_r() function is a thread-safe version of it.
现在,类似于strtok() , strtok_r()函数是该线程的线程安全版本。
However, this has an extra parameter to it, called the context. We need this, so that the function can resume from the right place.
但是,这有⼀个额外的参数,称为context 。 我们需要这样做,以便函数可以从正确的位置恢复。
NOTE: If you’re using Windows, the equivalent function is strtok_s(). strtok_r() is for Linux / Mac based systems!
注意 :如果使⽤的是Windows,则等效功能为strtok_s() 。 strtok_r()适⽤于基于Linux / Mac的系统!
#include <string.h>
char *strtok_r(char *str, const char *delim, char **context);
The context parameter is a pointer to the character, which strtok_r uses internally to save its state.
context参数是指向字符的指针, strtok_r内部使⽤该指针保存其状态。
Usually, we can just pass it from a user-declared pointer.
Let’s look at the same example for strtok(), now using strtok_r() (or strtok_s() on Windows).
让我们看⼀下strtok()的相同⽰例,现在使⽤strtok_r() (或Windows上的strtok_s() )。
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main() {
// Our input string
char input_string[] = "Hello from JournalDev!";
// Our output token list
char token_list[20][20];
// A pointer, which we will be used as the context variable
// Initially, we will set it to NULL
char* context = NULL;
// To get the value of the context variable, we can pass it's address
/ strtok_r() to automatically populate this context variable, and refer
// it's context in the future
char* token = strtok_r(input_string, " ", &context);
int num_tokens = 0; // Index to token list. We will append to the list
while (token != NULL) {
// Keep getting tokens until we receive NULL from strtok()
strcpy(token_list[num_tokens], token); // Copy to token list
token = strtok_r(NULL, " ", &context); // We pass the context variable to strtok_r
// Print the list of tokens
printf("Token List:\n");
for (int i=0; i < num_tokens; i++) {
printf("%s\n", token_list[i]);
return 0;
Token List:
While we get the same output, this version is better, since it is thread safe!
结论 (Conclusion)
In this article, we learned about how we could use the strtok() and strtok_r() functions in C, to tokenize strings easily.在本⽂中,我们学习了如何在C中使⽤strtok()和strtok_r()函数轻松地对字符串进⾏标记。
For similar content, do go through our tutorial section on !
参考资料 (References)
on strtok() and strtok_r() functions in C
