I. Translate the following English idioms into Chinese.

1)  To take French leave      不告而别
2)  A stony heart            铁石心肠
showcase3)  At one’s fingertips        了如指掌
4)  To have a hand like a foot    笨手笨脚
5)  As mute as a fish          噤若寒蝉
6)  To return good for evil      以德报怨
7)  To shut one’s eyes against… 视若无睹
8)  To talk black into white    颠倒黑白
9)  To turn a deaf ear to        充耳不闻
10)  Practice makes perfect.    熟能生巧
11)  Plain sailing              一帆风顺
12)  To be dead drunk          烂醉如泥
13)  Laugh and grow fat        心宽体胖
14)  To fly into a rage          勃然大怒
15)  To look for a needle in a haystack  海底捞针
II. Translate the following idioms into English.
1 出尔反尔 .        to go back on ones words
2)自食其果          to eat one’s own bitter fruitto reap what one sows
3 忠言逆耳          Honest advice is unpleasant to the ear.
4)一言既出,驷马难追。  What is said cannot be unsaid.
5)画饼充饥              Drawing a cake to satisfy one’s hunger
6)谋事在人,成事在天。  Man proposes, God disposes.
7)引狼入室    to invite /bring a wolf into the house; to open the door to an enemy
8)后患无穷    no end of trouble for the future
9)远亲不如近邻。    Neighbors are dearer than distant relatives.
10)搬起石头砸自己的脚。  to lift a rock only to crush one’s own feet
11)人怕出名猪怕壮。      Fame is as fatal to men as fattening to pigs.
12)东风压倒西风。        The East wind prevails the West wind.
The weather and human life are both unpredictable.
14)有目共睹    to be obvious to all; as clear as day
15)说三道四    to make irresponsible remarks/criticism
Unit 6 Business Communications
1. We’ll place a larger order if the price is more favorable.
2. We’re very interested in your newly designed laptop; could you give us some idea about the price?
3. A 20% discount would be too much for us, for it would slash our profit margin.
4. The cost has been rising steadily since last January, but we haven’t yet raised our prices.
5. How about a 15% discount the first year and the second year at 12%, with a guarantee of 2,000 units?
6. We offered the agent a structured deal to make it easier for him to agree.
7. Discounts depend on the quality of the goods and the size of the order.
8. We only do business in volume sales, so we can offer lower prices than other dealers.
9. We’d like you to give training to our technical staff in Shanghai, and we’d like you to pay the fee for after-sales service.
10. Your demand is too high; if we can reach some middle ground the business might be concluded.
Unit 7-8 & 5
1. 天津菜不仅融合了传统中华饮食文化,而且展示了地方文化和人文特。
Tianjin’s cuisine is not only a delightful combination of the traditional Chinese culinary elements, but also a showcase of local culture and people.
2. 中餐虽然健康,但盐分过高。下面这些小窍门可以帮助你在制作中餐时减少菜里的盐分。
While Chinese cooking can be very healthy, the level of salt in Chinese dishes can be quite high. Here are tips to help you reduce the level of sodium when cooking Chinese food.
3. 温州大学是一所地方综合性大学,由温州师范学院和原温州大学合并而成。
Wenzhou University (WZU) is a comprehensive regional university, which was founded through the merger of Wenzhou Normal College and the Former Wenzhou University.
4. 温州大学位于浙江省南部美丽的沿海城市温州,分茶山校区和学院路校区。 
WZU, made up of Chashan campus and Xueyuan Road campus, is located in the beautifully coastal city -Wenzhou, in the south-east of Zhejiang Province.
5. 温州大学现有20个学院,全日制在校生28161人,教职工2437人,其中专任教师1293人。专任教师中,有教授182人、副教授400人。
Currently there are 20 colleges in WZU, with a full-time student population of 28161. The number of faculty members is 2437, among whom 1293 are full-time teachers, including 182 professors, 400 associate professors.
6. 温大与国际多个高等院校、科研机构建立了良好合作交流关系,开展联合办学、学生交流和互派访问学者等各种形式的合作
WZU has established cooperative relationships with many foreign educational institutions and scientific research institutes, in the form of joint educational programs, student exchanges, visiting scholar schemes, and the like.
7. 你把自己的首张专辑献给你的母亲,请问她对你的艺术生涯产生了什么样的影响?
You dedicated your debut album to your mom. In what way did she impact your art career?
