Despite their genetic similarities, my twin sisters Lenna and Elsa were quite different. Lenna was a recognized athlete in our munity. We all expected her to attain a scholarship on one field or another, but she lacked a certain edge to her reasoning. Elsa got along well with everyone who works in the library, but she had the grace of a twolegged table. They had found few occasions to relate with one another and grew distant. Had I not lived with them, I would not have known them to be sisters.
They did, however, share a drive for success that seemed to bee more successful around the same time during senior year. After a track and field season, Lenna was offered full scholarship at a reputable state university near our home, so long as she maintained a 3.0 GPA. Elsa had a more important thing to do: she was one perfect report card away from seizing the chance of making a speech at a graduation ceremony from her opponent, Chet Goodweather. At the end of the sixth Wednesday of the fourth marking period, as the sisters unfolded the printed report cards, their smiles turned to tears: Lenna was getting a “
D” in science and Elsa was getting a “C” in gym class.
Lenna and Elsa came home at the same time and were surprised to find one another disappointed. As they argued with one another about who had suffered the greater misfortune, they realized that the other’s problem sounded easy to solve. Elsa barked, “Your problem isn’t even a problem. I could pass that test easily and I can show you how to as well.” Lenna retorted(反驳), “Well, all you need to do to get an ‘A’ is to shorten your mile time to five or ten minutes. Two weeks of training with me and the coach will try to have you on the track team.” The girls exchanged glances and came to a quick agreement.
Paragraph 1: Every morning for the next two weeks, Lenna woke Elsa up at 4:30 to run.
Paragraph 2: Final report cards were distributed the Monday before graduation.
Every morning for the next two weeks, Lenna woke Elsa up at 4:30 to run.
Final report cards were distributed the Monday before graduation.
Every morning for the next two weeks, Lenna woke Elsa up at 4:30 to run. At first Elsa was barely moving, and Lenna was able to review her science vocabulary while jogging alongside her, but by the end of the two weeks, Lenna actually had to sweat a bit to keep up with her. Every day after school, Elsa would drag Lenna into the library. The girls woul
d talk excitedly as Lenna periodically caught on to a difficult concept during these marathon study sessions.
Final report cards were distributed the Monday before graduation. Lenna and Elsa agreed to meet up at the library after school to open their report cards together. Surprisingly, when Lenna unfolded her report card, she got a “B” in science class and would meet the terms of her scholarship. Elsa got an “A” in gym class. With another perfect report card in hand, she would surely edge out Chet Goodweather to bee the top student in the class
Every morning for the next two weeks, Lenna woke Elsa up at 4:30 to run. Outside was dark and empty. Elsa was a little scared and hesitant at first, but with Lenna’s pany, she felt confident and began to run. When she was exhausted and tried to stop, Lenna cheered her up enthusiastically. “e on! You can do it! Think of you giving speech!” When it was over, Elsa run faster than she used to be. At night, Elsa began to tutor Lenna. Lenna lagged behind the schedule, so Elsa made a science study plan for her and explains the
problems over and over again.  With time ticking by, Elsa ran faster and Lenna had less problems. And finally came the day of examination. 
Final report cards were distributed the Monday before graduation. With heart pounding violently, they opened the envelops slowly and tremblingly. Then they let out screams of joy and hugged together, jumping wildly. “Yes, we all get As. Now we can get our dream e true.” Lenna kissed Elsa on the cheek, “Thank you, sister!” For the first time, they truly understood where the bond between sisters could get. They should have overe their differences and cooperated to achieve more. When Elsa gave the speech at the graduation ceremony, she said, “Always have a faith in your friends and siblings. Together we can overe everything!”
Every morning for the next two weeks, Lenna woke Elsa up at 4:30 to run.  The early hours was cold, and Elsa often found herself wondering whether she had made the right choice. However, her determination to get that “A” in gym class kept her going. With Lenn
a’s guidance, she pushed her limits, running mile after mile, gradually shaving minutes off her time. Meanwhile, at night, they studied together, going through plex equations and scientific theories. Elsa’s patience and methodical approach were inevitable to Lenna, who had always found science to be her Achilles’ heel. Soon, Lenna began to grasp the concepts she had previously struggled with. 
Final report cards were distributed the Monday before graduation. Lenna had managed to bring her science grade up to a solid “B” while Elsa got “A” in gym class. Both of them now have their dreams e true. Their joint effort had not only improved their grades but also had brought them closer than ever. They realized that their differences could be strengths when they supported each other. The bond they had forged during those two weeks would remain with them throughout their lives, reminding them of the power of teamwork and determination. 
