TPO24 listening 问题解析
(编辑整理by 傻美)Section 1
Conversation 1
1. Why can the man NOT find the book he needs?
A. The bookstore is sold out of the book.
B. The bookstore he is in does not carry the book.
C. His professor did not order enough copies of the book.
D. The book is not being used for any course offered at the university.
解析:(29”)定位句:no, it's not coming up. Hmm..,. I am not seeing it
2. What are two possible reasons that the speakers consider for why the man cannot find the book? Click 2 Answers
A. It is for a graduate-level course.
B. Information about the book was entered incorrectly into the computer system
C. The man has given the woman an incorrect title for the book.
D. The professor forgot to submit the book order.
解析:(48”)定位句:Oh, oh, you know what? Um, it's for a graduate class. Would that maybe make a difference? I mean, I am an undergrad, but I am just taking this one class in the graduate de
partment, so...
(1’03”)定位句:But, let maybe it'it could be that whoever that entered it misspelled the title or the author's name, so I can't find it on the computer and I can't tell if it's sold out.
男生认为是不是因为他是graduate class的,所以书店没有,店员说也有可能是其他的店员输入错名字了,所以通过电脑不到,选择AB
3. What does the woman offer to do for the student?
A. Save a copy of the book for him as soon as it comes in
B. Order more copies of the book
C. Call the computer store across the street
D. Find a store that sells the book if he cannot find it
解析:(2’28”)定位句:But if not, come back, and I'll help you find it somewhere else. I can call
around to see if other bookstores might have it. OK?
店员说,你先去那家店,不着的话再回来,我给你问问其他的店有没有,所以选D。But if not这词儿听见就应该竖起耳朵,是提示词。
4. How does the man react to the information the woman gives him about where computer science books are sold?
A. He is embarrassed that he did not think of it himself.
B. He suggests that the information be posted in the store
C. He apologizes for bothering the woman.
flowing的意思D. He is annoyed that the woman did not tell him sooner
解析:(2’19”)定位句:Maybe they should put some up. It could have save us both some time. 店
5. Why does the woman say this [You are not buying it in advance for next year or anything.]
A. To determine how urgent the student s need is
B. To figure out why the book is not listed on the computer
C. To find out what level computer science course the man is taking
D. To explain why the book might be sold out
Lecture 1
6. What does the professor mainly discuss?
A. Factors that affect successful crocodile communication
B. Some reasons for crocodile vocalizations
C. Ways that newborn crocodiles learn to communicate
D. Reasons why crocodile vocalization is difficult to study
解析:(33”)定位句:In fact, crocodiles interact with each other in a variety of ways. One way is with vocalizations, you know, sounds generated by the animal.
7. According to the professor, what are two functions of the sounds made by male alligators? Click 2 answers
A. To frighten predators
B. To attract mates
C. To locate hatchlings
D. To threaten other males
解析:(1’06”)定位句:This sends a strong, go-away message to the other males (1’19”)定位句:But they do reach the female alligator, who then goes to find and mate with the male.
这道题,首先要注意题干!!!雄性短吻鳄的声音的功能!是雄性的!后面还会有一大段baby 短吻鳄和它们妈妈的故事,不要被迷惑了!
8. Based on the discussion, what is one reason hatchlings make vocalizations to their mother while they are in the nest?
A. To reassure her that they are safe
B. To signal that they are ready to follow her
C. To make sure she does not forget them
D. To indicate that they need to be relocated to a larger nest
解析:(1”26”)定位句:V ocalization well, it is used for other reasons, like getting attention or just, um... letting others know you are distressed. Let's see, new-born crocodiles, or hatchlings and their interactions with their mothers.
说完了雄性鳄鱼,教授说vocalization还有其他用!中间各种停顿是重大提示!vocalization 的用处就是刚出生刚孵化的鳄鱼宝宝们怕妈妈忘了它们,叫唤两声,所以选择C
9. What is the professor's opinion about the television program that she mentions?
A. She is concerned about the accuracy of some of the information the experts provided.
B. She is hopeful that the class will be able to discuss it.
C. She thinks it was overly critical of some recent theories about crocodiles.
D. She is surprised that it did not include more examples of crocodile communication.
解析:(2’30”)定位句:I heard some great examples of this on the television program on crocodiles last week. Anyone catches it? It had a few interesting bits. But you know, uh, you have to be careful, think critically. Sometimes I don't know where these shows find their experts.
10. Why does the professor mention dogs?
A. To explain that mammals are more complex than reptiles
B. To point out that crocodiles can communicate with dogs
C. To give an example of mammals that care for their young
D. To emphasize that crocodiles have highly developed brains
解析:(3’52”)定位句:In that sense, they are closer to mammals' brains than other reptiles' brains. And we know that mammals, dogs for example,
11. What happens when a hatchling makes a distress call?
A. Its siblings answer back.
B. The mother repeats the call.
C. The rest of its family waits near water.
D. The mother calls to other adult crocodiles for assistance
解析:(4’22”)定位句:It will make a loud distress call, which its siblings answer. It calls again. And they continue calling back and forth until they all find each other again.
其实,说的很明白吧,听清楚就好了,前面一点也有Another thing would be, um这种提示。选A就没有问题了
Lecture 2
12. What is the lecture mainly about? Click on 2 answers
A. Differences between apical ballet and modem dance
B. Ways in which modern dance changed during the twentieth century
C. Factors that limited Isadora Duncan's opportunities to perform
D. A pioneer of a new type of performing art
解析:(18”)定位句:So, now let's move on to modern dance, also known as theatrical dance. Modern dance evolved in the late nineteenth, early twentieth century, and in most cases, audiences were very receptive to this radical new type of performing art.
这个主旨题还是挺有难度的,4选2,而且主旨句说的并不是很清楚,根据定位句只能选出来D选项,因为提到了new type。两者的difference虽然有提示,但是还要把握全文
13. Why does the professor mention modern art and modern music?
A. To illustrate how different art forms can interact with one another
B. To identity some characteristics shared by all forms of artistic expression
C. To explain that modem dance also broke with traditions
D. To compare the attitudes of European and American critics to modern dance
解析:(38”)定位句:what made modern dance so radical?
前面一个大停顿,是个提示,学生问为嘛这modern dance这么突破传统呢?教授说了modern art和modern music的事儿,就是为了解释学生的这个问题。问答是考点,需要注意!选择C
14. What were two characteristics of Isadora Duncan's dance performances? Click on 2 answers
A. She danced to contemporary musical compositions
B. She wore free-flowing costumes
C. She used set designs inspired by nature.
D. She danced without shoes.
解析:(2’16”)定位句:And instead of the short steep skirts and rigid toeshoes worn by ballerinas, Duncan wore loose, flowing tunics, and she dance bare foot.
Instead of其实跟but差不多,所以后半句是重点啊!举例有的时候会是考点的,需要大家注意,BD就全能选出来了!
15. Why does the professor mention that Duncan watched Anna Pavlova practice?
A. To help explain how Duncan’s opinion of ballet was formed
B. To show how modern dance began to spread throughout the works
C. To reinforce the importance of dancers working together
D. To help explain why Duncan decided to become a professional dancer
解析:(4”10”)定位句:After seeing this, Duncan publically denounced ballet as a form of acrobatics, uh, complicated and excruciating mechanism she called it.
又有大停顿!!!需要大家注意了!教授说的是这个D看了那个AP的表演之后,形成了一个机制。After seeing this是提示词,从这之后D的芭蕾就形成了她的机制,所以选A
16. What does the professor imply about the rivalry between classical ballet and modern dance?
A. Audiences have generally been unaware of it.
B. Critics tend to exaggerate Duncan's role in it
C. It is not as strong now as it was in Duncan's lime.
D. It increased as modern dance became more popular than classical ballet
解析:(4’23”)定位句:This critic generated I think some undue rivalry between ballet and modern