1. 流畅 (liú chàng) – smooth, fluent
2. 流光 (liú guāng) – the beauty of the light, flowing light
flowing的意思3. 流淌 (liú tǎng) – flow, trickle
4. 流行 (liú xíng) – popular, in vogue
5. 流畅不阻 (liú chàng bù zǔ) – unimpeded, smooth and without hindrance
6. 流云 (liú yún) – flowing clouds, gathering clouds
7. 流芳百世 (liú fāng bǎi shì) – enjoy everlasting fame, leave a lasting reputation
8. 流连忘返 (liú lián wàng fǎn) – so engrossed in something that one forgets to leave
9. 流水不腐 (liú shuǐ bù fǔ) – running water does not grow stagnant, always keeping fresh
10. 流露 (liú lù) – reveal, disclose, show.
