a- | no; not; without | |
an- | no; not; without | |
ab- | away from | |
abdomin/o | abdomen | |
-ac | pertaining to | |
acanth/o | spiny; thorny | |
acar/o | mites | |
acetabul/o | acetabulum (hip socket) | |
acous/o | hearing | |
acoust/o | hearing, sound | |
acr/ocari | extremities; top; extreme point | |
acromi/o | acromion (extension of shoulder bone) | |
actin/o | light | |
acu/o | sharp; severe; sudden | |
-acusis | hearing | |
ad- | toward | |
-ad | toward | |
aden/o | gland | |
adenoid/o | adenoids | |
adip/o | fat | |
adren/o | adrenal gland | |
adrenal/o | adrenal gland | |
aer/o | air | |
af- | toward | |
agglutin/o | clumping; sticking together | |
-agogue | producer, leader | |
-agon | to assemble; gather | |
agora- | marketplace | |
-agra | excessive pain | |
-al | pertaining to | |
alb/o | white | |
albin/o | white | |
albumin/o | albumin (protein) | |
alges/o | sensitivity to pain | |
-algesia | sensitivity to pain | |
-algia | pain | |
all/o | other | |
alveol/o | alveolus; air sac; small sac | |
ambi- | around, on both sides, about | |
ambly/o | dim; dull | |
amphi- | around, on both sides | |
-amine | nitrogen compound | |
ammon/o | ammonium | |
amni/o | amnion (sac surrounding the embryo) | |
amyl/o | starch | |
an/o | anus | |
-an | pertaining to | |
ana- | up; apart; backward; again; anew | |
andr/o | male | |
aneurysm/o | aneurysm (widening of blood vessel) | |
angi/o | vessel (blood) | |
anis/o | unequal | |
ankyl/o | stiff | |
ante- | before; forward | |
anter/o | front | |
anthrac/o | coal | |
anthr/o | antrum of the stomach | |
anti- | against | |
anxi/o | uneasy; anxious | |
aort/o | aorta (largest artery) | |
-apheresis | removal | |
aphth/o | ulcer | |
apo- | off; away | |
aponeur/o | aponeurosis (type of tendon) | |
append/o | appendix | |
appendic/o | appendix | |
aque/o | water | |
-ar | pertaining to | |
arachn/o | spider | |
-arche | beginning | |
arsenic/o | arsenic | |
arter/o | artery | |
arteri/o | artery | |
arteriol/o | arteriole (small artery) | |
arthr/o | joint | |
-arthria | articulate (speak distinctly) | |
articul/o | joint | |
-artresia | closure, occlusion | |
atreto- | closed, lacking an opening | |
-ary | pertaining to | |
asbest/o | asbestos | |
-ase | enzyme | |
aspir/o | removal | |
-assay | to examine, analyze | |
-asthenia | lack of strength | |
astr/o | star, star-shaped | |
aque/o | water | |
atel/o | incomplete | |
ather/o | plaque (fatty substance) | |
-ation | process; condition | |
atri/o | atrium (upper heart chamber) | |
atmo- | steam, vapor | |
audi/o | hearing | |
audit/o | hearing | |
aur/o | ear | |
auricul/o | ear | |
auscult/o | to listen | |
aut/o | self; own | |
aut- | self; own | |
auto- | self; own | |