B.1FLAC3D-Specific Errors
***A zone has undefined material model
One or more zones in the model has not had a material model defined.This must be
done before cycling.
***All zones have NULL fluid model
No zones with activefluid material models are present.Either activate some zones
forfluid calculations or disablefluid calculations.
***Attempted to create a degenerate triangle
The generation a surface item caused the creation of a degenerate
with co-linear points).
***Bad command
FLAC3D failed to recognize the command entered.
***Bad format parameter i(string)
The i th parameter on the command line was not in the format required by the com-
mand syntax.
***Bad I/O on filefile
FLAC3D was unable to either read or write tofilefile.If writing,there may be no
available disk space.If reading,thefile may be corrupt.
***Bad keyword parameter i(string)
Parameter i on the command line was not processed by FLAC3D.Check the command
***Bad overlay code
An illegal overlay code was specified in the MODEL command.Legal values are
integers between-1and2.
***Bad RANGE keyword
A range was specified with an illegal or unrecognized keyword.Check for spelling
errors and see the manual for the correct syntax.
***Biot modulus fluid mode is off
May not access Biot modulus when Biot modulus mode is off.
***Biot modulus fluid mode is on
May not accessfluid modulus fmodulus when Biot modulus mode is on.
***Cable element not found
A reference was made to a cable element that does not match any element currently
in memory.
***Cable has zero length
A cable was specified/found with a zero element length.
***Cable stiffness parameters have not been set
Some cable material properties were not specified prior to cycling.
***Cannot allocate memory
FLAC3D could not allocate its reserved memory.Specify less reserved memory at
the command line
***Cannot apply stress in global and local axes on same face
Apply stresses using one axis system.
***Cannot combine NULL and PLANE keywords on a contour plot item
It is impossible to contour the interior regions of null zones.This combination of
keywords is not allowed.
***Cannot deactivate an external volume
An external volume is always active and may not be deactivated.
***Cannot destroy base view
The view“Base/0”cannot be destroyed.
***Cannot destroy current view
The current view can not be destroyed.Make another view current and try again.
***Cannot find ID number
An ID number was specified that does not match any existing object of that type.
***Cannot FIX and APPLY velocity in the same direction
A FIX condition is implied on gridpoints under an APPLY velocity condition.
***Cannot fix or apply velocities to a node that is slaved to an active zone
A cable node that is internal to an active zone may not have its motion restricted in
any way.Only a“free”cable node can have its velocity constrained.
***Cannot have applied velocities in global and local axes at same gridpoint Apply velocities using one axis system.
***Cannot open filefile
FLAC3D was unable to open thefile.If reading,thefile probably does not exist.If
writing,thefile may already exist in a protected state.
***Cannot rename base view
The view‘Base/0’cannot be renamed.
***Cannot set group of an active volume
An active volume has already chosen its internal zones.This choice can only be
modified if the volume is made inactive.
***Command line overflow
A fully-expanded command line has exceeded the maximum length of1024char-
***Configuration file error
The configurationfile is a mirror image of the information stored in the hardware
key.Thisfile is created thefirst time FLAC3D is executed.Thereafter,thisfile allows
the user to create models and generate plots without the hardware key attached.The
hardware key will still be required to be attached to cycle.The configurationfile
detected has invalid information,attach your hardware key to regenerate it or replace
the configurationfile specified.
***Creep mode not available
Creep extentions are not available in this version of the code.
***Density needed for thermal run
The thermal option requires that density be specified in all active zones.
***Density not defined
The dynamic option requires that density be specified in all active zones.
***Device mode mode not compatible with current hardware
The specified device mode was not detected as being available on the hardware of
the current system.
***Device mode mode not foundunable
The specified device mode is not one currently recognized by the screen device.
***Display information not available
The screen display information was not available.This error should never happen;
if it does,contact Itasca.
***DOS critical error:string
A critical error(disk access,etc)has occurred on the system.You will be prompted
for possible corrective actions.
***Dynamic extension absent from gp
Dynamic extention information was not present in a gridpoint.There is probably
insufficient memory available.
***Dynamic mode not available
Dynamic extentions are not available in this version of the code.
***Error creating PCX file
An error occurred while attempting to output a PCX-file image of the screen device.
***Error initializing device
An error occurred while initializing a screen device.Check the mode setting.
***Error initializing graphics system
An error occurred while trying to initialize an output device.Check that the proper
device has been selected.
***Error in syntax while specifying output histories
FLAC3D encountered an incorrect syntax while specifying histories to output.Check
the correct syntax.
