八声甘州 Ba Sheng Gan Zhou <Eight Beats of Ganzhou Song>
半死桐 Ban Si Tong <The Half-dead Parasol>
宝鼎现 Bao Ding Xian <The Precious Tripod>
卜算子 Bu Suan Zi <Song of Divination/The Diviner>
卜算子慢 Bu Suan Zi Man <Slow Song of Divination>
采桑子 Cai Sang Zi <Song of Picking Mulberries/Gathering Mulberries>
钗头凤 Chai Tou Feng <Phoenix Hairpin>
长相思 Chang Xiang Si <Everlasting Longing>
长亭怨慢 Chang Ting Yuan Man <Complaint of the Pavilion of Adieu>
朝中措 Chao Zhong Cuo <Measures at Court>
丑奴儿 Chou Nu Er <Song of Ugly Slave>
传言玉女 Chuan Yan Yu Nü <Message to Jade Maiden>
淡黄柳 Dan Huang Liu <Pale Golden Willow>
捣练子 Dao Lian Zi <Song of Pounding Clothes>
滴滴金 Di Di Jin <Dripping Gold>
点绛唇 Dian Jiang Chun <Rouged Lips>
洞仙歌 Dong Xian Ge <Song of a Fairy in the Cave>
蝶恋花 Die Lian Hua <Butterflies in Love with Flowers/The Butterfly Fluttering around the Flowers>
定风波 Ding Feng Bo <Calming Wind and Waves/Taming the Waves and Winds>
豆叶黄 Dou Ye Huang <Bean Leaves Yellow>
二郎神 Er Lang Shen <The Junior God>
芳心苦 Fang Xin Ku <Bitter at Heart>
风流子 Feng Liu Zi <Song of Gallantry>
风入松 Feng Ru Song <Wind through Pines>
凤凰台上忆吹箫 Feng Huang Tai Shang Yi Chui Xiao <Playing Flute Recalled on Phoenix Terrace>
凤栖梧 Feng Qi Wu <Phoenix Perching on Plane Tree>
甘州 Gan Zhou <Song of Ganzhou>
更漏子 Geng Lou Zi <Song of Water Clock>
关河令 Guan He Ling <Song of Mountain Pass and River>
归朝欢 Gui Chao Huan <Happy Return to the Court>
桂枝香 Gui Zhi Xiang <Fragrance of Laurel Branch/Fragrant Is the Cassia Twig>
好事近 Hao Shi Jin <Song of Good Event/A Blessing at Hand>
贺新郎 He Xin Lang <Congratulations to the Bridegroom>
贺圣朝 He Sheng Chao <Homage to the Imperial Court>
鹤冲天 He Chong Tian <Crane Soaring into the Sky>
壶中天 Hu Zhong Tian <Sky in a Vase>
花犯 Hua Fan <Invaded by Flowers>
画堂春 Hua Tang Chun <Spring in Painted Hall>
女冠子 Nü Guan Zi <Song of a Lady’s Crown>
唤春愁 Huan Chun Chou <Spring Grief Awakened>
浣溪沙 Huan Xi Sha <Silk-Washing Stream/Bleaching Silk in the Stream>
减字木兰花 Jian Zi Mu Lan Hua <Shortened Form of Magnolia Flower/The Lily Magnolia <A Simplified Version>>
减字浣溪沙 Jian Zi Huan Xi Sha <Shorten Form of Silk-Washing Stream>
剪牡丹 Jian Mu Dan <Peonies Cut Down>
江城子 Jiang Cheng Zi <The Riverside Town>
江梅引 Jiang Mei Yin <Song of Riverside Mume>
江南春 Jiang Nan Chun <The Southernland in Spring>
江南柳 Jiang Nan Liu <Willows on Southern Shore>
解连环 Jie Lian Huan <Double Rings Unchained>
解佩令 Jie Pei Ling <Doffing the Pendants>
解语花 Jie Yu Hua <Intelligent Flower>
锦缠头 Jin Chan Tou <Headdress in Brocade>
酒泉子 Jiu Quan Zi <Fountain of Wine>
九张机 Jiu Zhang Ji <Nine Looms>
##王 Lan Ling Wang <Sovereign of Wine>
浪淘沙 Lang Tao Sha <Ripples Sifting Sand/Waves Washing the Sand>
酹江月 Lei Jiang Yue <Charming of a Maiden Singer/Libation to the Moon over the Rill>
离亭燕 Li Ting Yan <Swallows Leaving Pavilion>
临江仙 Lin Jiang Xian <Riverside Daffodils/Immortal at the River/Immortals over the River>
凌歊 Ling Xiao <Scraping the Sky>
留春令 Liu Chun Ling <Delaying Spring’s Departure/Urging Spring to Stay>
六丑 Liu Chou <Six Toughies>
六幺令 Liu Yao Ling <Song of the Green Waist/Liuyao Melody>
六州歌头 Liu Zhou Ge Tou <Prelude to the Song of Six States>
柳梢青 Liu Shao Qing <Green Willow Tips/Green Are the Willow Twigs>
柳枝词 Liu Zhi Ci <Willow Branch Song>
满江红 Man Jiang Hong <The River All Red>
满庭芳 Man Ting Fang <Courtyard Full of Fragrance>
眉妩 Mei Wu <Lovely Eyebrows>
迷神引 Mi Shen Yin <Song of Enchantment>
梦江南 Meng Jiang Nan <Dreaming of the South>
蓦山溪 Mo Shan Xi <Hillside Creek at Dusk>
摸鱼儿 Mo Yu Er <Groping for Fish/Fumbling for Fish>
木兰花 Mu Lan Hua <Magnolia Flower/The Lily Magnolia>
南歌子 Nan Ge Zi <A Southern Song>
南柯子 Nan Ke Zi <Song of a Southern Dream/Song of Golden Dream/Song of a Dream>
南浦 Nan Pu <The Southern Riverside>
南乡子 Nan Xiang Zi <Song of a Southern Country>
念奴娇 Nian Nu Jiao <Charm of a Maiden Singer/Charming is Niannu>
品令 Pin Ling <Song of Enjoyment>
菩萨蛮 Pu Sa Man <Buddhist Dancers>
破阵子 Po Zhen Zi <Dance of the Calvary/Undermining the Battle Arrary>
乌夜啼 Wu Ye Ti <Crows Crying at Night>
齐天乐 Qi Tian Le <A Skyful of Joy/Universal Joy>
绮罗香 Qi Luo Xiang <Perfume of Silk Dress/Fragrance of Silk Brocade>
千年调 Qian Nian Diao <Song of a Thousand Years>
千秋岁 Qian Qiu Sui <A Thousand Years Old>
千秋岁引 Qian Qiu Sui Yin <Prelude to a Thousand Autumns>
