1. H umblebrag 谦虚自夸
Do you like fast fashion and hate humblebragging? Those terms didn't exist just a year ago—until Merriam-Webster Dictionary made them official, along with these other funny phrases.
Often found on social media, the humblebrag is a boast disguised as self deprecation. Most legitimately used in job interviews to answer the dreaded trick question, 'What is your worst quality?' There is no other answer but a humblebrag.
谦虚自夸就是用自贬作为掩饰来自夸,而且经常会从社交媒体上看到这样的帖子。最合理的用法是在工作面试中回答那个刁钻的问题,'你最不擅长什么?'除了谦虚自夸没有别的答案了。 2. S nollygoster 不讲原则又夸夸其谈的精明人(尤指政客)
A snollygoster often refers to a shrewd, unprincipled politician who is only out for himself.
Snollygoster通常是指一个只为自己考虑,且精明又没有原则的政客。 3. F ast fashion 快时尚
Fast fashion refers to an elaborate system of producing cheap, trendy garments in sweatshops that are designed to fall apart quickly: the perfect excuse to buy next season's fad. These style tricks will make you look instantly expensive, even if you're wearing fast fashion.
一季爆款的完美理由。这些时尚品的特点就是即使你穿着快时尚的服饰,也会让你看上去很奢华。 4. C ollapsar 坍缩星
Have you been wondering what to call an old star that's imploded under the pressure of its own gravity to form a white dwarf, neutron star, or black hole? Try collapsar, which may sound like a Marvel super villain, but really just means 'collapsed star.'
你想知道在自身重力的压力下内爆,形成一颗白矮星、中子星或黑洞的古老恒星该怎么称呼吗?用“collapsar”这个词试试,它可能听上去像漫威漫画中的超级恶棍,但它真的只是“坍缩星”的意思。 5. M umblecore 呢喃核
Everyone knows about hardcore and software, but what about mumblecore? Lena Dunham's TV show Girls is a prime example of this genre, which focuses on the private li
ves of earnest young slackers who talk a lot but don't understand themselves and, frankly, sometimes don't speak clearly enough for the audience to understand them either.
每个人都知道硬核和软件,但你知道呢喃核吗?莉娜?杜汉姆执导的电视剧《衰们》就是这类体裁的一个典型的例子。这部电视剧主要讲述了那些认真但又懒惰的年轻人们的日常生活的故事,她们很健谈但并不明白自己在说啥,坦白说,有时候她们口齿不清,观众也不明白她们的意思。 6. A bandonware 停用的软件
If you're one of the many fans who pines for discontinued software, you probably know all about abandonware. For the rest of us, it's a revelation to discover that third party suppliers are keeping thousands of orphaned programs alive online—enough to justify a new word in the dictionary!
如果你是众多渴望得到已停产软件的粉丝之一,你可能会知道关于“abandonware”这个词的一切。对于我们其他人来说,发现第三方供应商还在网上运营上千种停产软件是一件很出乎意料的事,这足以在词典中为这个新词做出解释。 7. Y owza 天哪
Yowza, an exclamation of surprise or amazement, was first introduced in 1933. It never died out, probably because it's just so much fun to say, and this year it finally made the cut.
“Yowza”指的是诧异地惊呼,这个词最先于1933年被提出。可能正因为说这个词十分有趣,所以它从未消失,今年这个词终于被收录进词典中。 8. W oo woo 空洞
