1. Amazing Train Rides
Taking a train in the winter is fun. The mountains turn from green to white. and you can enjoy them on the journey. Now many holiday-themed trains add fun. All aboard!
Aurora Winter Train: Alaska
This seasonal scenic train that heads north from Anchorage is popular. From the Winter Train you'll see a snow-white Denali, America's tallest peak(山峰)-and with any luck, a trackside moose(驼鹿).You can get off the train after three hours at Talkeetna to ski in Denali or continue on for another nine hours to Fairbanks for some northern lights viewing. There're few better places, as Fairbanks is America's northernmost city.
●The Ski Train, Colorado
The Ski Train is a joyful ride even for non-skiers. The ride connects Denver's 1914 Beaux-Arts station with the Winter Park ski area. One minute you're in downtown Denver's Beaux-Arts Union Station and two hours later you're stepping off the train. 100 feet from a Winter Park ski lift. What a wonderful ride it is!
●Amtrak California Zephyr: Chicago to San Francisco
Long-distance train travelers adore west wind in any season, but winter adds the appeal of sugary snow outside the window as you travel over the Rockies and Sierras. Departing daily all winter from both Chicago and San Francisco, the 51-hour journey offers hotel-level service in a bedroom. Or you can break up the trip with stops to sleep(and ski)in Denver or Salt Lake City.
●Canyon & Christmas trains: Arizona
Snowbirds" who escape the Midwest cold in December by flying to Arizona wish for memories of a Christmas away from the desert. With a short drive from Phoenix to Clarkd
ale (near Sedona).they'll see small pines and red rock hills while hugging the Verde River on the four-hour Verde Canyon train in indoor and open-air cars.
1. What should you do if you go to Fairbanks from Anchorage to see northern lights?
AChange trains in Denali.
BTake a 12-hour train ride.
CClimb over the tallest peak.
DTravel through a moose farm.
2. On which ride can you enjoy comfortable accommodation?
AAurora Winter Train.
BThe Ski Train.
CAmtrak California Zephyr.
DCanyon ﹠Christmas trains.
3. What is the similarity of the four winter train rides?
AThey are all available during the whole year.
BThey are intended for young travel enthusiasts.
CThey offer the passengers good chances of skiing.
DThey provide access to winter scenery on the way.
2. We never knew why my father took over storytelling for his three little girls, but we always suspected that it was to save us from Sleeping Beauty. Walt Disney’s masterwork hit the big suburban screens in 1959 with a message for girls as vivid as its widescreen Technirama: If you’re pretty enough, a prince will rescue you.
My father invented a series of bedtime stories featuring three princesses who happened to be just our ages and even looked like us. For some reason, the grownups were never around when danger struck. So, night after night, it was up to the three sisters to save the village, which they always managed to do just about the time that one of us fell asleep.
It did occur to us that this village was either highly unfortunate or its adults were incredibly clumsy (笨拙的) that so much fell to these little girls. We saw that our parents wanted us to be strong. These girls didn’t need to be rescued. They were watchful, wise, and bold. That was enough.
But how to carry this storyline into life was not obvious. In my early experience, women were just beginning to be admitted to what had been men-only colleges, and teaching job
s followed. I loved to tell my network about the welcome dinner for new graduate students in the vast, candlelit hall. I sat next to the dean (教务长) of the graduate school, whose first words to me were: “I don’t know why the graduate school is now admitting women. You’ll all just get married, have babies, and your education will be wasted.” After a few days to recover, I began to tell friends this story and found their laughter and support encouraging. Soon, I collected many such stories.
Then, one of them hit hard. A colleague I trusted tried to persuade me to quit teaching, because “If you don’t leave political science, you’ll lose everything typical of women about you”. I laughed. While losing someone else’s idea of femininity (女性气质) might have seemed a great loss, losing weakness surely was not! The power of that promise supported me. I taught political science for seven more years with a great sense of appreciation for the opportunity, until taking up a job as a journalist, which I loved more.
        Still waiting for a prince? Be one!
1. Why did the father create bedtime stories for his three little girls?
ATo help them fall asleep.
BTo make their life colorful.
Cpines.To encourage them to be strong.
DTo get them interested in stories.
2. What was the dean’s attitude towards women’s higher education?
