I. 原文(Source Text)
黄 山
黄山占地约154平方公里,有72个重要山峰。2自古以来,无数游客被她的美丽和奇观所吸引,人称“天下名景集黄山”3, “黄山归来不看岳”。
II. 理解难点提示(Suggestions for Comprehension)
1. 这里两个分句谁主谁次?考虑景点介绍的目的是什么。
2. 此句两个分句谁主谁次?考虑景点什么方面最吸引人。
4. “颇多险中之趣”与前面几个分句的关系如何?
5. 此处“登峰造极”用于本义还是喻义?
6. 此处“顶天立地”用于本义还是喻义?
7. “山顶平旷”同后面所说的事之间的关系是什么?
8. “狮子峰好象是上苍的杰作”同后面的分句的关系是什么?
9. 此句各分句之间的逻辑关系是什么?从空间关系、动静关系、虚实关系来考虑。
III. 译文(Target Text)
Mt. Huang Shan1
Mount Huang Shan, located in southern Anhui Province, is a key state-listed scenic spot.2
Huang Shan has 72 peaks in an area of 154 square kilometers.3 Since ancient times, numerous visitors have been attracted by its beauty and wonders. There are such sayings as “Huang Shan boasts whatever sights there are under heaven,” 4 and “A trip to Huang Shan ends your interest in other mountains.” 5
The front part of the mountain has three major6 peaks: those of Lianhua, Guangming and Tiandu. Tiandu Peak is most perilous. Its most dangerous point, called “Jiyu Bei (Carp’s Back)”, is a narrow stone ridge7, 20 meters long and one meter wide. It doesn’t have a single speck of earth on it, and rises in the middle like a carp’s back. It offers a perilous interest, with strong mountain breezes whipping it, abysses on both sides and fog now and then sweeping past8. On the top, visitors can see big characters inscribed in the stone: “Here we are on the extreme summit.” 9
Lianhua Peak(Lotus Flower Peak), 1,873 meters above sea level, is the highest peak of Mt. Huang Shan. It is shaped like a lotus flower. On the summit, one may feel as if standing right between heaven and earth. 10
Guangming Peak (Brightness Peak), 1,841 meters above sea level, is the second highest. From its flat and wide top, one can have a broad view, 11 and sometimes may be lucky enough to see the wonder of a corona light—a beautiful ring of purple on the inner side and red on the outer around the sun above the sea of clouds, which earned the peak
its name.
Shizi Peak, Shixin Peak and the Xihai Peaks are the best sights on the back side of the mountain. Shizi Peak looks like a masterpiece created by Heaven himself12, in praise of which13 are stone inscriptions like “nature’s painting” and “wonders on every side”, couplets like “Hearing is doubting and seeing is believing,” 14 and comments like “To omit coming to Shizi Peak is to see nothing of Huang Shan at all.” 15 Shixin Peak is small but16 of exquisite beauty, with fantastic pines hanging down from precipices, and clouds floating about the peak and on the bottom of the valley.17 The Xihai Peaks are of various shapes with deep ravines in between, all shrouded in clouds that are always moving and changing, as if carrying immortals on their wanderings. 18
Mt. Huang Shan is also famous for its “four marvels”—fantastic pines, grotesque rocks, the sea of clouds and hot springs.
IV. 表达解说(Explanation of Expression)
1. 译“某山”时要注意下列几点:1)北京的景山是小山,译为Jing Shan,或Jing Hill,或Jing Shan Hill。2)黄山是以一个最高峰为主的大山,译为Huang Shan或Mount Huang,或Mount Huang Shan,简化为Mt. Huang(Shan)。3) 天山是山脉,译为Tian Shan或the Tian Shan Mountains(没有译为the Tian Mountains的), 简化为the Tian Shan Mts.。4)山脉名中除了“山”字之外,还有两个及两个以上字的,可以不要Shan,如“昆仑山”可译为the Kunlun (Shan) Mountains。5)山脉名本来不是汉语的,不能译出Shan,如“喜马拉雅山”译为the Himalaya Mountains。6)凡译名中没有Shan的山脉,可加s表示山脉。如:或the Kunluns, the Himalayas。(译名来源:Funk & Wagnalls Encyclopedia)
2. 重要的是让游客知道黄山的知名程度。“位于安徽省南部”只是提供次要信息,故译为一分词短语作定语。
3. 大山吸引游客者为其山峰,而不是面积。故面积问题为次。值得注意的是二者之间有现实的空间关系,故这种主次关系以表示空间关系的介词in表达。
4. “人称”是引用别人的话来进行评论,译文忠实地将两句归于 sayings之内。“天下名景集黄山”是说天下有的各种景,黄山都有。其中以boasts译“拥有”,使得译文跟原文一样简
5. “黄山归来不看岳”暗含着因果关系。译文将两个动词短语译为两个名词词组,以动词ends表示关系。跟原文一样简洁明快。
6. “为首”原是谓语,译为充当定语的major。这种译法非常常见:他头很大——He has a big head.
7. “鲫鱼背”有特殊的意义,而且下文要加以解说,故译出其意义。下面的“莲花”、“光明”也是如此。“狭长”中主要是言其“狭”,因为就自然景物来说20米不能算很长。这里的“石岗”其实不是“岗”(hillock)。而是“脊”(ridge或crest)。
8. 此句最后一个分句是对前面的事实的主观评论。这种评论,在英语中通常置于句首,作为主句,事实则作为从属成分。译文中以介词 with表示这种从属关系。“山风强劲”的译文增加动词whipping,将暗含义点明,“万丈深渊”中的“万丈”言其深而已,不可信以为真,以abyss表达足矣。迷雾“扑来”,是因为有劲风在吹,译为sweeping past,恰如其分。
9. “登峰造极”用于本义。增加Here we are是想象题辞者当时的心情的结果。
pines10. “顶天立地”用于本义,表达游客与大自然的关系,而不是与社会的关系,故直译之。
11. 将“山顶平旷”译为介词短语,同时表达出因果关系与空间关系。
12. “上苍”译为Heaven himself,以强调其的确美。
13. 原文不是说石刻是杰作,而是说人们以这些石刻来赞扬狮子锋。译文加上in praise of which来表达这种关系,以免造成错觉,喧宾夺主。
14. “说也不信,到者方知”本来借用英语中的同义习语seeing is believing就可以了。但译文既说是couplet,就最好加上仿造的hearing is doubting。
15. 这个评论跟原文一样简洁,比译成两个条件复句好。
16. 原文“小巧”与“秀丽”都是褒义词,并行不悖。但译文small没有明显的褒义,beauty则有。二者之间加个but表示转折为好。