作者: yanwei123456 发布日期: 2007-12-05
控制类的SCI的都很难发,除非内容很好!如果不错就试试SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization.
作者: mqlong 发布日期: 2007-12-05
作者: Hongtan 发布日期: 2007-12-05
International Journal of systems science, Internatioanl Journal of control, 应该要好中一点,atuomatica,IEEE AC, systems and control letters一般比较难中
作者: ertuo104 发布日期: 2007-12-05
作者: qpl001 发布日期: 2007-12-05
作者: yanwei123456 发布日期: 2007-12-05
建议计算数学类的,applied numerical mathematics, Journal of computational and applied mathematics, applied mathematics and computation等等!不过现在数学类(包括控制类的)没有很快的,一般都得小半年才有审稿意见!
AI Magazine
American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) Publications
Applied Mathematical Modelling
Applied Mathematics and Computation
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence in Engineering
Automatic control and computer sciences. 0146-4116
Automatica. 0005-1098
Automation and control. 0110-6295
Automation and remote control. 0005-1179
Chemical Design Automation News
Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis
Computer Aided Geometric Design
Computer-Aided Design
Computers & Electrical Engineering
remote controlComputers & Graphics
Computers & Mathematics with Applications
Computers in Engineering
Computers in Industry
Control Applications
Control Engineering Practice
Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations.
Computing & control engineering journal.
Control and instrumentation. 0010-8022
Control engineering. 0010-8049
Data & Knowledge Engineering
Computer-Aided Design
Computers & Electrical Engineering
remote controlComputers & Graphics
Computers & Mathematics with Applications
Computers in Engineering
Computers in Industry
Control Applications
Control Engineering Practice
Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations.
Computing & control engineering journal.
Control and instrumentation. 0010-8022
Control engineering. 0010-8049
Data & Knowledge Engineering
Decision Support Systems
Discrete Applied Mathematics
Discrete Mathematics
Ecological Modelling
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Expert Systems with Applications
Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra: Germany
Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra: Israel
Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra: Portugal
Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra: USA
Electronic Transactions On Numerical Analysis
Future Generation Computer Systems
Fuzzy Sets and Systems
Discrete Applied Mathematics
Discrete Mathematics
Ecological Modelling
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Expert Systems with Applications
Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra: Germany
Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra: Israel
Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra: Portugal
Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra: USA
Electronic Transactions On Numerical Analysis
Future Generation Computer Systems
Fuzzy Sets and Systems
IEE Computing & Control Engineering Journal
IEE Proc. Control theory and applications 0143-7054
IEEE Control Systems Magazine
IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine
IEEE Trans. Control Systems Technology. 1063-6536
IEEE Spectrum
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation
IFAC Publications
Image and Vision Computing
Industrial and Systems Control Engineering
Information Systems
Instrumentation & control systems
International journal of adaptive control and signal processing.
IEE Proc. Control theory and applications 0143-7054
IEEE Control Systems Magazine
IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine
IEEE Trans. Control Systems Technology. 1063-6536
IEEE Spectrum
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation
IFAC Publications
Image and Vision Computing
Industrial and Systems Control Engineering
Information Systems
Instrumentation & control systems
International journal of adaptive control and signal processing.
International journal of control.
Information and Software Technology
Integration, the VLSI Journal
Interacting with Computers
International journal of robotics & automation.
International journal of systems automation, research & applications.
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
Journal of Systems Architecture
Journal of Systems and Software
Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control
Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems:Israel
Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems:USA
Journal of Mathematical Systems, Estimation, and Control
Journal of Process Control
Information and Software Technology
Integration, the VLSI Journal
Interacting with Computers
International journal of robotics & automation.
International journal of systems automation, research & applications.
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
Journal of Systems Architecture
Journal of Systems and Software
Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control
Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems:Israel
Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems:USA
Journal of Mathematical Systems, Estimation, and Control
Journal of Process Control
Journal of Robotics and Autonomous systems
Journal of automation and information sciences.
Knowledge-Based Systems
Linear Algebra and Its Applications
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation with Applied Numerical Math.
Microprocessors and Microsystems
Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems:Netherlands
Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems:USA
Modeling, Identification, and Control
Neural Networks
Parallel Computing
Journal of automation and information sciences.
Knowledge-Based Systems
Linear Algebra and Its Applications
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation with Applied Numerical Math.
Microprocessors and Microsystems
Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems:Netherlands
Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems:USA
Modeling, Identification, and Control
Neural Networks
Parallel Computing
Pattern Recognition
Pattern Recognition Letters
Performance Evaluation
Robotics and Autonomous Systems
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization
Simulation Practice and Theory
Systems and Control Letters
Transactions of ASME. J. dynamic systems, measurement & control.
Pattern Recognition Letters
Performance Evaluation
Robotics and Autonomous Systems
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization
Simulation Practice and Theory
Systems and Control Letters
Transactions of ASME. J. dynamic systems, measurement & control.
刊 名 | ISSN号 | EI收录篇 数98年 | SCI收录 影响因子 |
Automatica v 35 (自动学)英国 | 0005-1098 | 181 | |
Automation in Construction v 8 | 0926-5805 | 57 | |
Assembly Automation v 18 (装配自动化) | 0144-5154 | 30 | |
Control Engineering (控制工程) | 0010-8049 | 72 | 0.021 |
Control Engineering Practice | 0967-0661 | 121 | 0.204 |
Control and Instrumentation | 0010-8022 | 0.027 | |
Control (Chicago, Ill) v 11 | 1049-5541 | 54 | |
Control and Intelligent Systems v 26 | 1480-1752 | 5 | |
Expert Systems v 15 (专家系统) | 0266-4720 | 15 | 0.030 |
Expert Systems with Applications v 13 | 0957-4174 | 30 | |
Information Sciences(信息科学) | 0020-0255 | 112 | 0.174 |
Cybernetics and Systems (控制论与系统) | 0196-9722 | 40 | 0.319 |
International Journal of Control (国际控制杂志)英国 | 0020-7179 | 183 | 0.459 |
International Journal of Systems Science(国际系统科学杂志)英国 | 0020-7721 | 122 | 0.171 |
Acta Informatica (信息学报)德国 | 0001-5903 | 22 | 0.275 |
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control v 43 (IEEE自动控制汇刊) | 0018-9286 | 262 | |
IEEE Control Systems Magazine v 18 (IEEE控制系统杂志) | 0272-1708 | 48 | 0.795 |
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics v 21 (制导、控制与动力学杂志) | 0731-5090 | 153 | 0.400 |
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man & Cybernetics Part C: Applications and Reviews v 28 (IEEE系统、人与控制论汇刊) | 1094-6977 | 48 | 0.224 |
Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems v 11 (控制、信号和系统)德国 | 0932-4194 | 15 | 0.294 |
Systems & Control Letters v 34 (系统与控制快报)荷兰 | 0167-6911 | 9 | 0.517ss |
Optimal Control Applications & Methods v 19 (最佳控制应用与方法)英国 | 0143-2087 | 18 | 0.170 |
International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing v 12 (国际自适应控制与信号处理杂志)英国 | 0890-6327 | 44 | 0.307 |
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence v 20 (IEEE模式分析与机器信息汇刊) | 0162-8828 | 123 | 1.668 |