1.Vocabulary and structures
jdk17环境变量配置(5/5 分数)
a) The possibility of moving toward _____ patients and the responsibilities that it implies undoubtedly with change psychologist’s future role.
A. meditatingB. medicating B. medicating - 正确C. mediatingD. mediatizing
b) The main compositions of the respiratory ______ are the airways and lungs.
A. synthesisB. syngeneicC. system C. system - 正确D. systole
窗体底端position of the day
c) Heart failure occurs when the heart is unable to maintain ______ cardiac output for the body’s need.
A. sufficient A. sufficient - 正确B. subsequentC. suffocationD. successive
d) The physician must have the exact dosage and time _____ for administration written on the chart.
A. durationB. spanC. frequencyD. interval D. interval - 正确
e) Recent studies suggest angiotensin has a long-term pressor _____ .
A. efficacyB. effectorC. effect C. effect - 正确D. effusion
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2. Reading comprehension
(5/5 分数)
What is type 2 diabetes?
The cells in your body need insulin to change glucose, the sugar that comes from the food you eat, into energy you need to live. Without insulin, this sugar cannot get into your cells to do its work. It stays in your blood instead. Your blood sugar level then gets too high.
Type 2 diabetes usually begins with insulin resistance. This means that your pancreas is making enough insulin, but your cells are not able to use it. When your cells don’t get the sugar they need, your pancreas works harder at first to make more insulin. But after a while, your pancreas stops being able to make enough insulin.
High blood sugar can harm many parts of the body. It can damage blood vessels and nerves throughout your body. You will have a bigger chance of getting eye, heart, blood vessel, nerve, and kidney disease.
Your weight, level of physical activity, and family history affect how your body responds to insulin. People who are overweight, get little or no exercise, or have diabetes in the family are more likely to get type 2 diabetes.
Type 2 diabetes is usually found in adults, which is why it used to be called adult-onset diabetes. But now more and more children and teens are getting it too. Type 2 diabetes is a disease that you will always have, but you can live a long and healthy life by learning how to manage it.
How is type 2 diabetes diagnosed?linux系统界面设计怎么弄
Most likely you found out that you have diabetes when you saw your doctor for a regular checkup or for some other problem. Your doctor probably diagnosed type 2 diabetes by examining you, asking about your health history, and looking at the results of blood sugar tests.
How is it treated?
A healthy diet helps keep your blood sugar under control and helps prevent heart disease. Eating the right amount of carbohydrate at each meal is very important. Carbohydrate is found in sugar and sweets, grains, fruit, starchy vegetables and milk and yogurt. A dietitian or a certified diabetes educator can help you plan your meals.
Eating right and getting more exercise are enough for some people to control their blood sugar levels. Others also need to take one or more medicines, including insulin.
You may need to take other steps to prevent other problems from diabetes. These problems are called complications. People with diabetes are more likely to die from heart and blood vessel problems like heart attack and stroke. If you are 30 or older, talk to your doctor about taking a low-dose aspirin each day to help prevent these or other large blood vessel diseases. You may also need medicine for high blood pressure or high cholesterol. If you smoke, quitting may help you avoid problems with your heart and large blood vessels. (478)
Adopted from NorthShore University HealthSystem (NorthShore) at: www. northsh
f) From the first paragraph we may get to know that the sugar we take-in via food should be digested to the cells otherwise it will_________.
A. hurt our insulinB. accumulated at the blood stream B. accumulated at the blood stream - 正确C. erode our pancreasD. poison our blood vessels
g) Insulin resistance as the author mentioned in the passage is that your body can not make full use of______, and then the pancreas stops to produce it in a normal way.
A. insulin that pancreas produced A. insulin that pancreas produced - 正确B. insulin that the cells producedC. insulin that produced for bloodD. insulin that produced for pancreas