Good morning, my dear classmates, dear Miss Xu
First, I would like to ask everyone a question:”if you can change your own or your child genes in the future, do you want to?”
imread函数的用法Fews days ago, I had a discussion with my father about a project called HGP, Human Genome Project. According to the plan of this project, by 2005, the codes of around 25 thousand genes of human body should be unlocked, and draw the human genome map. Now, it’s sure to hav e been completed.position of the day
At that time, suddenly a strange idea came up in my mind that if people can control and change the next generation’s genes before their born to make them perfect, what will the world be like?”My father thought it would promote the world’s development because the new human, we called “coordinator”, will have stronger body and can learn more things in a very short time and remember them for a very long time. They will be stars all over the world.
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But I held the opposite view that the world may be destroyed with Genetic Engineering continuing. Because I considered that if “coordinators” appear, how original human beings will treat them? Can we accept them which might be seen as a new species instead of a man? Can we tolerate being surpassed in all areas? Besides, changing one’s genes must cost a large amount of money that you ca
n’t imagine so that only can the rich or the important afford it at first. Then, the posterities of the rich and the important will stand on the top of the world. They will be kings, they can rule the world, they must limit others to change genes because this will threaten their position. The world will be their world, not ours.
Today I say these words not to frighten you or disagree to develop genetic engineering . On the opposite, I couldn’t agree more that we should explore the secrets of genes, since genetic engineering brings us a number of benefits. For example, many countries rely on genetic engineering to solve the problems of food shortage and realize the high yield of crops. Secondly, genetic engineering is conducive to human health in predicting the sickness recurrence or treatment reaction of patients and instructing people's decision on treatment choice. Also, genetic engineering is exploited to improve food for human to take in more nutrition. Of course there are many other uses, I don't have enough time to illustrate the rest one by one.
To sum up, we should develop genetic engineering, but it must be under control, it must be with rules and ethics.
•Did you ever imagine of having a child that is the exact replica of you?
•Did you ever imagine of having the cure for heart disease or cancer?idea中html文件放哪个目录里
Cloning is the replication of an exact genetic copy of an organism by use of a somatic tissue (or cell) from the donor organism. Cloning can be used in animals, human organs, or even humans
Heart disease is the number one killer in the United States. Scientists predict that in the near future they will be able to clone healthy heart cells and inject them into damaged areas. It will be so great that we can save more people’s life
Another discovery that scientists and doctors are anticipating(预测) is the cloning of cells and tissues. If doctors can take healthy cells and tissues from a patient’s body and use them to make organs, the chance that the body would reject the organ is drastically reduced. This would undoubtedly increase the survival rate of patients undergoing organ transplants Some people say: “ Another benefit of cloning is that infertile couples could have children.” However, I don’t agree with this opinion. This baby’s gene must be completely obtained from one of the parents, which would make the baby unlike “ Love crystallization (爱的结晶)”. In addition, we don’t know what are the consequences of human clo ning
Clone, to a certain degree, is beneficial to mankind. However, the abuse of this science technology w
ill bring human being unthinkable destruction. Therefore, we should be cautious to use clone technique
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Human cloning would certainly lead to social harm. If an individual led a distraught or irresponsible life, would the clone be inclined to follow in his footsteps? Because of negative publicity, this clone's life may already be in the road to destruction prior to even becoming a clone. Would you want to be the clone of Hannibal, who devoured his victims after he murdered them?
Cloning would also lessen the worth of an individual and diminish the respect for life. If humans feel they can be replaced, like that of an object, then disposing of a human life would come at no great cost to their conscious. Resulting in perhaps a killing spree that would have no type of harsh punshment. As it stands, it is difficult to lose one loved one, but the thought of losi ng several would be a disaster.
Match has launched a second opposition party called CATCH (Coalition Against The Cloning of Humans). Together both MATCH and CATCH joined forces with MCD (Movement for Christian Democracy). All three opposition parties have a concern about the mutation of genes. This is becaus
e the technique's are extremely risky. The main worry is the possibility that the genetic material used from the adult will continue to age so that the genes in a newborn clone could be more on the day of birth, this is what the cloning of Dolly concluded. It took 277 attempts to clone Dolly, the clones before her were disfigured and contained severe abnormalities.
The Catholic Church, Pope John Paul II made a recent statement against cloning of all life forms. The Vatican issued statement specifically condemning the cloning of humans but has not come out officially against cloning of other animals. If God would have wanted us to clone ourselves, he would of given us a way for a-sexual reproduction. But because we were made to reproduce bi-sexually, this is the only way we should continue to do so. However, in contrast to the opinions of their peers, some Jewish and Muslim religious leaders testified before the National Bioethics Advisory Commission that they feel that embryo and cloning research might provide discoveries that would lead to an appropriate way to counter infertility.
Others feel that the emotional pressures on a teenager trying to establish his or her identity is also a concern. How will a child be able to distinguish between her mother, and her sister, will they be one in the same? Then there is the possibility of incest. For example, if a father sees his wife's clone grow up into the exact replica (by appearance) of the individual he fell in love with, would a sexual rel
ationship with his wife's twin be wrong? Technically there would be no incest, however, if he raised this child as his own, it would be hard to determine. Cloning denies an individual to their own unique identity.
Croning believes that there would be no line drawn, cloning would go too far. For example, if there is anticipation of a war, would it be ethical to clone "soldiers"? Creating an army to win a war, using these "soldiers" as a type of disposable robot to fight and help win.
And finally the majority of the anti-cloning population believes that although cloning may produce and individual with the same genetic inheritance, it is not possible to replicate the environment in which the individual was raised. The individuals environment is where the talents become enough to become "great." As said many times before, "We are a product of our environment."
