1. 对不起, 您是来自…的…吗?我叫…, 是…(单位)的…(职务)
Excuse me . Are you…from… Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is …, the …of …company.
2. Introduce the host to guest first! 常用句型:This is…, the …(position) of the …(company)。
3. 欢迎来到…, 一路辛苦了。Welcome to… Did you have a good/ pleasant journey/ flight?
4. 我的行李不多(很多)./我往往轻装出行。 I am a light (heavy) traveler./ I like travel light.
5. 让我帮您拿行李吧。/ 让我来推行李车吧。
May I  help you with the luggage (BrE)/ baggage (AmE)? 或 May I help you push the luggage trolley?
6. 我给您介绍一下行程吧。Let me introduce the schedule for you.
7. 旅途非常愉快。在飞机上欣赏了一会风景,又睡了片刻,而且服务非常好。我想可以马上动身。
It was a good flight. I have enjoyed the sightseeing along and manage to sleep a little bit. Also, the in-flight service was very good. Should we leave right now?
8. 热干面是武汉的一大特。明早我早点来接您去尝一尝怎么样?
c语言教程培训Hot-dry noodle is one of the specialties in Wuhan. Would you like to have a try tomorrow morning? I will pick you up early.
9. 您坐在车子的前座吧,从机场到您下榻的酒店还有1个多小时的路程,坐在前面可以看到外面的景。
Why don’t you sit in the front seat? It is a more than an hour drive to your hotel. If you sit in the front seat, you’ll be able to enjoy the view.
10. 有人曾提议将武汉升为直辖市呢。
Wuhan was once proposed to be a municipality directly under the Central Government.
11. 你们要抽烟区还是非抽烟区,或是有空位就行?
Would you prefer smoking seating, non-smoking seating or whatever comes open first?
12. 上海菜油水重,四川菜味浓而且辛辣,粤菜味道清淡。
Shanghai food is oily, Sichuan food is strong and hot, and Cantonese food is rather light.
13. 菜看上去真丰盛啊!It looks gorgeous!
14. 这是按照中国年夜饭的讲究烹制的。因为您上次说过对中国传统的年夜饭一直很期待。虽然现在不是过年,但是我们还是想让您感受一下。而且您是素食主义者,所以特别准备了新年斋菜
They are the dishes served on the Chinese New Year. I’ve heard you are interested in the
dishes served on the eve of Spring Festival so I prepare this for you. And you are a vegetarian, so we have prepared Zhai or vegetarian dishes.
15. 早就听说中国菜享誉全世界,看着就觉得好好吃呢!简直就是艺术啊!您能稍微给我介绍一下吗?
I’ve heard for a long time that Chinese food is famous all over the world. All the dishes look delicious, which is a real art. Could you please introduce briefly to me?
16. 我们还是边吃边说吧。哦,这可是中国的饭桌习惯,与西餐礼仪不同,罗宾先生不介意入乡随俗吧?
I wish we could do it when we enjoy them. It is Chinese habit, different from Western diet habit. Would you mind doing as Chinese do?
17. 我乐意得很呢,我还怕你们一直把我当老外看待。这样就好啊,我也会觉得无拘无束。
I was afraid of being foreign here, and now that is fine and I will feel at home.
18. 因为那时人们生活没有现在这么富足,所有好吃的都会留在过新年的时候吃,也有好的兆头。
That’s because in ancient China, goods and materials were not sufficient, the delicacies would be served on the New Year to show good wishes and luck.
19. 还有什么讲究吗?Is there anything particular?
20. 这是莲子羹。在新年,中国家庭会吃一餐斋饭,所以都是蔬菜。有些特定的食物是专门在跨年庆祝的时候吃的,因为这些食物在中国老百姓的观念里都是能带来好运的。
This is lotus seed soup. On New Year's Day, Chinese families will eat vegetarian food called jai. Even though a lot of the ingredients in jai are vegetables, certain foods are eaten during the New Year celebrations because these foods will bring good luck.
21. 太神奇了!吃起来是外酥里嫩。中国美食名不虚传啊!
Great! It tastes crisp and tender. Chinese food lives up to the reputation.二进制转换十进制公式1001101
22. 这个就是中西差异吧。中国人吃饭有讲究,最常见的也是四菜一汤。花样多,就花时间,切成小块可以减少烹饪时间。
That’s the difference between China and Western countries. Chinese people always eat in a certain way, in which the commonest is four dishes and one soup. The diversity needs time, so bite size pieces can reduce cooking time.
23. 真是好眼光呀。这是极品龙井。它是由手工焙制成的,绿、香郁、味醇(略带甜味),形美(指扁平整齐)。
You have made a good choice, madam. This is the first-class Longjing. It is done by hand. It is fresh green, aromatic, mellow (sweetish) and smooth in appearance.sqlserver2000企业管理器
24. 我给您推荐茉莉花茶吧。它是将晒干的茉莉花混入绿茶之中制成,芳香四溢,畅销海内外。
I’d like to recommend Jasmine Tea to you. It is a high quality green tea mixed with dried jasmine flowers, so it has a wonderful fragrance. It sells well on both domestic and overseas markets.
25. 我们有上好的祁们红茶。它味香,质量上乘。是世界上的优质红茶之一。
We have Qimen Black Tea. It smells good and has high quality. It has been honored as one of the most famous black teas in the world.
26. 您说的是乌龙茶。它具有提神醒脑的作用,能帮您消除疲劳,还有助于减轻体重。越来越多的外国游客,特别是女士都要购买乌龙茶帮助她们保持体形。
That is Wulong Tea. It’s very refreshing and helps you get rid of tiredness. In order to keep a good figure, more and more foreign tourists, especially ladies come to buy Wulong Tea.
27. 中国宴席桌上的酒通常为啤酒、黄酒和白酒三种。人们往往以“干杯”的方式互相敬酒。“干杯”的意思是一口喝干杯中的酒。“干”了“杯”中的酒,就可以表示心诚和欢乐。
Beer, yellow rice wine and white liquor are served at a Chinese banquet. People at a table usually say “Cheers” or “Ganbei” in Chinese when proposing a toast to each other. “Ganbei” means to raise one’s wine glass or liquor cup and drink it all the way down so that the glass or the cup is “dried to the last drop”. People use this way to show they are sincere and happy.
