Performance Appraisal Procedure
为了调动员工积极性;不断提升工作技能;增强工作责任心;同时实现人员优胜劣汰;特制定绩效考核办法..In order to mobilize the enthusiasm of employees; constantly improve their work skills; enhance their sense of responsibility; and achieve the survival of the fittest. The Company constituted this procedure.
二、考核方式Assessment method
以部门为单位组织考核;每月/季度考核一次;年度内所有月度/季度考核得分的平均分作为年度考核得分..We have annual assessment and monthly assessment.And departments organizes the assessments each month. The average score of all months assessment scores in the year is taken as the annual assessment score.
本办法适用公司所有白领员工以及生产领班..This procedure covers all HT Solar white div文字水平垂直居中collar employees and shift leaders..
四、绩效考核管理委员会Performance Appraisal management Committee
领导:总经理Committee leader: General Manager
成员:行政副总、运营总监、人力资源经理Committee Member: Admin Vice General Manager Operation DirectorHR Manager.
position salary ratio
Performance salary ratio
Vice General ManagerDirector
Department manager/Vice manager
Supervisor and below
Monthly performance salary = standard salary * performance salary ratio * monthly performance scores /100
六、考核周期:Assessment cycle
月度考核:自每月1日到月末最后一天..Monthly assessment: from 1st day to the last day of each month.
季度考核:每季度第一天至最后一天..Quarterly assessment: from the first day to the last day of each quarter.
年度考核:每年1月至12月..Annual assessment: from January to December.
七、考核人、被考核人及考核方式The appraiser and the appraised person
1.总经理考核副总经理及总监;实行半年度、年度工作述职的方式进行考核..The General Manager assesses and evaluate the Vice general manager and Director by semi annual a
nd annual work reporting methods.;
2.副总经理/总监考核各部门经理;实行月度考核;采用KPI考核表评分的方式进行考核..The Vice General Manager/Director assesses and evaluate the managers of departments monthly by KPI evaluation form..
The department manager assesses the supervisor and staff of the department monthly by KPI evaluation form.
4.销售人员实行季度销售业绩考核;由商务部及人力资源部共同考核..Sales person were evaluated according sales quarterly by Business department and HR department.
八、考核指标Assessment Indicators
1.KPI指标的确定Determination of KPI indicators
1公司年度战略目标及KPI指标的确定Determination of the company's annual strategic goal
s and KPI indicators
In November each year; the company's senior management operation meeting to determine the company's strategic development goals and the annual KPI indicators for the next year; decomposing the annual overall target into 12 months. The company’s annual KPI indicators are decomposed into each departments according to their responsbility;. Then determine the annual KPI indicators for each department. After the approval of the general manager; it will be send to all departments.
2部门KPI可视化图表前端框架指标的确定Determination of departmental KPI indicators
施..According to the department's annual KPI index; each department uses the fishbone diagram method to decompose the indicators to make detailed and executable secondary indicators of the department;and distributes the indicators to 12 months. Make the monthly KPI assessment form of the department.It was implemented after review by the performance appraisal committee.
部门经理对部门KPI指标的达成负全部责任..The department manager is fully responsible for the achievement of the departmental KPI indicators.
3员工考核指标的确定position of the dayDetermination of employee assessment indicators
员工考核指标包括:部门指标经分解后的KPI指标、阶段性重点工作任务、工作态度、奖惩指标等;具体指标确定和考核由部门确定;但需提交人力资源部审核..The employee assessment indicators include: KPI indicators after the decomposition of departmental indicators; important tasks; work attitudes; rewards and punishments; etc. The specific indicators are determined and assessed by the department manager; but must be submitted to the Human Resources Department for review.
2.考核指标的调整Adjustment of assessment indicator
1公司KPI指标的调整Adjustment of company KPI indicators
当市场发生变化时;公司根据实际运营情况;对年度KPI指标进行适当调整;各部门根据调整后的公司Kjava下载安装教程手机PI指标修改部门KPI指标;并制定新的部门KPI考核表..When the market changes; the company will adjusts the annual KPI indicators according to the actual operation situation. Each department modifies the department KPI indicators according to the adjusted company KPI indicators; and make new KPI assessment form element plusof department.
cluster22员工考核指标调整Staff assessment indicator adjustment
当部门KPI、岗位工作重点发生变动;或者上级分配阶段性重点工作时;必须对员工考核指标进行调整;并形成新的考核表..When the department's KPI; post work focus changes; or the superior assigns phased key work; the employee assessment indicators must be adjusted and make new assessment form.
3.员工奖惩指标Employee reward and punishment indicator
1惩罚Punishment:对于当月迟到、早退扣2分/次;旷工每次扣5分;被公司或其他部门警告的员工;当月考核扣5分/次..For those who are late or early leave will be deducted 2 points/time; absenteeism will be deducted by 5 points/time. The employees who are warned by the company and other departments will be deducted 5 points/time.
