高三英语 Unit 16 Finding jobs
I. 鼠标点击时的超链接样式Useful phrases and expressions:         
find a job  谋职             
choose a job  择业             
end up 最后,终于 
be suited to 适合,适应于     
human nature 人性   
play an important part 起重要作用     
after school (university) 毕业 
rely on  依靠       
be used to doing  习惯     
open up  开辟,开创         
position of the day
shiro框架反序列further education 深造   
congratulations on  祝贺
do well in  做得好             
a bright future 光明的前途     
point out    指出
II. Patterns
1. First, it is important to recognize what kind of person you are and which special qualities make you different from everyone else.
首先,重要的是你得认识自己是个什么样的人,你具有什么样的特殊品质, 使你不同于其他任何人。
  What kind of person are you?    I’m a clever one.
    What are you like?            I’m clever.
    make sb. / sth. different from 作“使某人/某物不同于…”
    Her rich experience makes her different from others in finding a job.
    He was brought up in fashionable district. But that didn’t make him different from others.
2.…and it sounds as though you have plenty of both of these already.  …从信看来,这两个方
  It seemed as if they knew much about it.
    It appears as though it is going to rain.
3. So celebrate your success, and invite your parents to celebrate with you, however hard it may
    be for them. 因此,你得庆祝你的成功,并且邀请你的父母跟你一道庆祝,不管这样做对他们来说是多么难。
    However +副词/形容词+主语+谓语+主句
    However cold it is, they always go swimming in winter.
    However hard he tried, he never seems to do the work satisfactorily.
III. Language points:
Lesson  93
1. Many young people end up in a job to which they are not suited.
be suited to(for) 适合、适合于
Do you think you are suited to this kind of work?
This car is not well suited for (to) rough road.
be suited to be…
dateadd怎么用I am suited to be a teacher.
2. The best job is one which uses your skill in doing something together with your interest in the subject. 最好的职业是既能用得上你会做某件事的技能,而又是你感兴趣的事。
(1)The teacher is one who teaches the students.
(2)Walking is one which helps make you healthy.
Lesson 94
1. Personally, I think it is important to follow your interests and your abilities…依我看,我想重
  (1)Personally, I don’t believe that report.
  (2)Luckily, he was in when I called.
  (3)Strangely, I’ve never seen that popular television show.
2. Then, as with young birds, the time comes for the young to leave.
3. As we say, the day must come when the young are grown and flown.
  (1)As all his friends agree, he was unusually warn-hearted, loving and generous.
  (2)As everybody knows, they will graduate from middle school in half a year.
    (3)The days will never be forgotten when people suffered under the rule of the Japanese. 
  (4)A new teacher will come tomorrow who will teach you geography.
1. 时间状语从句
when, whenever(=every time ), as, while, after, before, till, until, since, ever since, once, every time
常用的结构有:as soon as; no sooner… than; hardly (scarcely) …when…,by the time, the moment.
As spring comes, all flowers begin to bloom.
While I was walking along the street, I saw a man knocked down by a truck.
because, since, as, now that(=since)
Since you don’t understand, I’ll explain it again.
Now that we are alone, we can speak freely.
  where, wherever
  Make marks where you have any questions.
4strcpy是将前面复制给后面吗. 目的状语从句
  so that; in order that; in case(以防,以免)
    I got up early this morning so that I could catch the first bus.
    I have to stay at home all day in case there is news of my son.
5. 结果状语从句
    so… that; such…that
    My mother lives so far away that I hardly ever see her. 
6. 条件状语从句
    if, unless, so(as) long as, on condition that, if only(=if); once
    常用结构:the +比较级…,the+比较级…
    Unless you work hard, you’ll fail.
    The harder you work, the greater progress you will make.
    You can go out on condition that you promise to be back before 10.
7. 让步状语从句
    although, though, as ,even if ,even though, however, whatever, whoever, whichever, 
