wifi管理系统登录入口The importance of mament.
When a company needs to recruit an employee for a mament position,it usually chooses beeen pmoting an employee who has already worked in the company or intducing a qualified external person fm outside.Employing a qualified external person is usually beneficial to the company for the following reasons:hing mament personnel pmoting qualified external personnel employing employee position positioning standing in qualified position There is usually a choice beeen a and B.A is good for itself.
One of the important reasons why ABA employs outside people as mars is that they bng in a new perspective,which s to diversify ideas and allows for a new perspective on the company.The question"why do you do this"may lead to inefficient practices in practice Reassesent,but these practices have become part of the day-to-day work that makes it difficult for insiders to question it."Diversity of views reassesent of inefficiency contbutes to an important and essential mandatory perspective viewpoint viewpoint diversity viewpoint di
versity viewpoint diversity diversity of views diversity of perspectives inefficiency insufficient lessness question fm a new perspective One important reason for something is+another major factor to consider is the cost of on-the-job training hing external personnel allows the company to find people who already have the specific skills and expeence required for the job,and the company will not have to spend time and money training internal employees for new jobs what they have to do,for example,when an employee is pmoted fm a technical position to a technical position In this case,employees are usually sent to learn the required mament skills,especially in-house on-the-job training.
parentnode翻译当一家公司需要招聘一名职位员工时,通常会在晋升一名已经在公司内部工作员工或从外部引进一名合格外部人员之间进行选择雇佣一名合格外部人员通常对公司有利,原因有以下几点:雇佣人员提升合格外部人员雇佣员工职位定位站在合格立场上通常在a和B之间有选择a是对自己有利ABA聘请外部人员作为经理一个重要原因是他们带来了一个新视角这有position of the day
