1、- How long has your daughter been missing?
正确选项1.About half an hour. I’ve been looking for her everywhere.
2、- Our trademark has been infringed by our competitor. What can we do?
- ______________________
正确选项1.You can file an action in the district court.
3、- Why do you want to leave your previous job?
正确选项1.I’m hoping to have a better position.
I need to look for some papers to add to my research report.
正确选项1.How is your report?
5、-Are you thinking of a domestic trip or going abroad?
正确选项1.Maybe somewhere in Beijing.
6、-Do you mind if I ask you why you’ve taken a part-time job here?
- _____________You know, there are many foreign customers like you here.
正确选项1.Of course not.
7、-Do you often surf on the Internet?
正确选项1.Yes. Almost everyday.
8、-Do you think you are the suitable person for this position?java有哪些设计模式
正确选项1.Yes. I’m hard working and I think I am suitable for this position.
9、-Excuse me, What is the size of the dress over there?
正确选项1.The size of XL.
10、-Here’s your order, sir.
正确选项1.Thank you, but it is not mine.
11、-Hey Peter. _________________
-Sure, it is my pleasure. What is it?
正确选项1.Can you do me a favor?
12、-How are you feeling today?
正确选项1.Wow, pretty good.
13、-How are you?
正确选项1.Fine. Thank you!
14、-How can I get legal advice for free?
正确选项1.You can go to a law firm and ask about that.
15、-I will study abroad next month.
正确选项1.Have a good trip!
16、-I’d like to invite you to my birthday party on Saturday evening.
正确选项1.Thank you for your invitation.
17、-Mom, I have got the first prize!
正确选项1.Great! I am so proud of you!
18、-Next Monday is Teachers’ Day!
正确选项1.Happy Teachers’ Day.
19、-Thank you for your answer.
正确选项1.You’re welcome.
20、-Thank you very much for your help.
正确选项1.You’re welcome.
21、-Today is my birthday!
正确选项1.Happy birthday!
22、-Well, help yourself, please.
正确选项1.Thank you. It is a nice dinner.
23、-What shall we do tonight?
正确选项1.It’s up to you.
24、-What’s your plan for the summer vacation?
正确选项1.Maybe to learn a foreign language by myself.
25、-Who is the girl with long hair?
正确选项1.She is my sister.
26、-Would you be interested in coming to the cinema with me tonight?
正确选项1.Yes, that’s very kind of you. Thanks.
27、-Would you like me to help you make a plan for the summer vacation?- ___________________
正确选项1.I’d love to, but I’m busy today.
28、-Would you like to come with me?
正确选项1.Yes, that’s very kind of you. Thanks.
29、-Wow! This is a marvelous room!
正确选项1.Thank you. It really costs me a lot.
30、-Wow! This is great!
正确选项1.I agree with you. You are right.
31、-I am Paul. Can I have your name?
正确选项1.My name is Linda.
1、____ Lily nor I am going to Beijing next year .
2、Do you know that the senior members of our company were _______ about a short trip?
3、I __________ when travelling in Beijing.
正确选项1.enjoyed myself
4、I have got_______, and I’ll confirm it twice.
正确选项1.the shopping list
5、If you want more coffee, please ________ at the counter.
正确选项1.help yourself
6、Relationships and friendships can _________ gangs.
正确选项1.result in
7、__ you have any questions, please contact me.
8、_____ is the elder brother in the family.
9、_____ is the weekend.
10、_____ is the younger sister in the family.
万维网服务包括11、______ our team have got the top prize.
正确选项1.To the end
12、_____dangerous it is to ride fast on a busy road!
13、_____pity you missed the lecture again!
正确选项1.What a
14、___the old man can speak English well makes the teacher happy.
15、A car accident can happen ____ you least expect it.
16、A place with a _______ climate would be OK.
17、After swimming, I went on ________.
正确选项1.to jog
18、And they can either walk around the lake or take a boat _______.
正确选项1.for relaxation
19、At the presentation, there will be several students ________ recognition awards from the headmaster.
20、At the wedding ShaShi delivers a beautiful speech in English, _______ is not her native tongue. 正确选项1.which
21、Baidu is good for Chinese searches, ________ Yahoo is better for searching data in English. 正确选项1.while
22、Besides, there are many ____________ there, both historic and modern.
正确选项1.places of interest
23、But I have no idea _________ they would like to put up on their walls.
24、Criminals are given the _____ of going to jail or facing public humiliation.
25、Dalian is located _______ Liaoning Province.
26、Do you hear ________ strange? It is scaring.
27、Entertainment is one of the ________ reasons people like the Web.
28、For a start, we need to _______ that many of them are about sixty years old.
正确选项1.bear in mind
29、Have you seen ___ recently?
30、He _______ the first prize.
正确选项1.was awarded
31、He looked _______ after knowing the news.
32、He refused ______ my advice.
position of the day正确选项1.to accept
33、He speaks German, but his native _________ is French.
34、He was held in the police station because he was___________ to an offence.
35、How to _____ the problem is the key factor in the project.
36、I ______ from Peking University, majoring in Information Technology.
37、I ________ in the company for more than ten years.
正确选项1.have worked
38、I __________ his efforts and I wish him well.
39、I filled my water bottle and ______.
正确选项1.drank it up
40、I have ______ time nor money for pop music party.
41、I should __________ Alex this morning, but I forgot.
正确选项1.have phoned
42、I think I am ________ for this position.
43、I’m going to be a volunteer in the international conference where I want to be _______ in the language.
44、If you ______ a scientist, in what way would you deal with the problem?
45、If you are traveling in the summer, I would _______ Paris or London.
46、If you want anything more, please let me _______ .
47、In our country every boy and every girl ______ the right to go to school.
48、It is common practice now ________ the web for resources and information for homework. 正确选项1.to search
49、It was yesterday ____ I finished the job.
50、John began to get _____ about the machine since it didn’t work well.
51、Knowing about oneself is the first step to _____ success.
52、My volunteer work helps me _______.
正确选项1.grow up什么是面向对象的程序设计中程序运行的最基本实体
53、My volunteering at an animal shelter is neither _______ to my studies nor to my career interests. 正确选项1.connected
54、Never give up _________ your better life.
正确选项1.to strive for
55、One of your responsibilities is to work ________ ideas for the team.
56、Someone _______me to a party.
57、The Chinese Red Cross contributed a _____ sum to the relief of the physically disabled. 正确选项1.generous
58、The doctor heard a recorded message and then went to the ________ room.
59、The evidence showed that the people have ______ a lot of damages.
60、The global network ________ by a single leak.
正确选项1.can be destroyed
61、The idea _________ we will have a picnic next week is good.
62、There ________ two hundred dollars to pay.
63、There are __ days a week.
64、There are a lot of _______for presents for birthday party.
grep使用65、There are more and more crimes ______ a lack of rules and regulations.
正确选项1.because of
66、There’s ________ serious. Take it easy.
67、There’s ________ strange about you. That’s all right.
68、These MOOCs make it possible for people to_______ their learning any place around the world. 正确选项1.carry out
69、Thirty members are _________ when you organize a team .
70、This time tomorrow you _________ in the court for the trademark case.
正确选项1.will be standing
71、We have to collect enough evidence to show ____ we have suffered a lot of damages.
72、We hope the driver in this case is arrested and _______ justice.
正确选项1.brought to
73、We hope the driver in this case is arrested and brought to ________ .
74、What do you think ______solve the problem ?
正确选项1.you can do to
75、When ___ comes around, the north of China is very cold.
76、When we heard of it, we were deeply _________.
77、Why not ______ yourself with other friends together?
78、Will the AIDS patients benefit ________ the new drug?
79、You can meet the teacher _______ has helped you.
80、You make the mistake, _______?
正确选项1.don’t you
81、You make the reservation, and I’ll _______it in writing.
82、You mean, volunteering could be one of the most _______ experiences of your life.
