Unit6  I’m going to study computer science.
1. want to be/become + (职业)名词 :“想要成为…..”
I want to be (be) a scientist when I grow up.
2. write stories 写故事   tell stories 讲故事
3. keep on doing sth. 继续做某事(表动作的反复)keeping doing sth. 保持做某事(表动作或状态的持续)
4. be sure about +名/代/V-ing“肯定”
Are you sure about that?
make sure (that)+从句“…...确保...…”
Make sure that both doors are closed when you go out.
5. learn sth.  We must learn English every day.
scratch编程教学制做游戏learn to do sth.   I am going to learn to play ( play) the piano.
6. discuss  v. 讨论;商量    名词是discussiondiscuss with sb. 与某人讨论  :Discuss this question with your partner.  Let’s discuss this problem. 让我们讨论一下这个问题。       
All we need now is action, not discussion. 我们现在需要的是行动,不是讨论。
7. be able to do sth. 能够做某事 (1)can : can+动词原形,无人称和数的变化。只能用于一般现在时和一般过去时,不能用于将来时。
be able to + 动词原形,有人称和数的变化,可用于多种时态。
(2)can 常指客观上能够;be able to 更侧重于经过努力、克服一定困难有能力做成某事。He will be able to(能够) speak English next year.(在此不能填can)
8. promise  n. 承诺;诺言  v. 许诺;承诺;答应       
 make a promise(to sb) (对某人)许下诺言
keep a promise 遵守诺言   
 break a promise 违背诺言
position of the day
promise (sb) to do sth.
promise (sb) +that 从句
He promised to help me. 他许诺过要帮助我。
I promised that I study hard from now on. 我承诺从现在起努力学习。
mariadb的安装目录9. have to do with  关于;与……有关系The book has to do with computers. 那本书与计算机有关。
10. take up sth./doing sth.(尤指为消遣)学着做;开始做I am going to take up cooking next year. 明年我将要学煮饭。
11. Sometimes the resolutions may be too difficult to&+形容词/副词 to+动词原形,表示“太…...而不能...…”如:The kid is too young to play this game. 这个小孩太小,不能玩这个游戏。
12. one’s own +名词 “某人自己的东西”, 强调某物为个人所有my own book 我自己的书本
一般将来时“am/is/are going to +动词原形”结构
1. 基本形式
否定式:am/is/are not going to +动词原形
一般疑问式:am/is/are +主语+ going to + 动词原形+其他?
He is going to spend his holidays in London. 他打算在伦敦度假。
Look at the dark clouds. There is going to be a storm. 看那乌云,快要下雨了。
Is he going to collect any data for us? 他会帮我们收集数据吗?
What are you going to do tomorrow? 明天你打算作什么?
2. 基本用法
Dad and I are going to watch an opera this afternoon. 今天下午我和爸爸打算去看歌剧。
Look! There come the dark clouds. It is going to rain. 瞧!乌云密集。天要下雨了
Unit 6 I am going to study computer science
I. 单项选择。
1. I was interested in acting when I was young so I want to be an ______ when I'm older.
    A. doctor         B. actor   
    C. engineer    D. violinist
2. After you finish ______ the dishes,you can take a walk with your father.
    A. do    B. does    C. to do    D. doing
3. I want to be a professional basketball player,______ I practice basketball every day.
    A. because    B.so    C. lor    D. but
4.When Bill grows up,he's going to be a(n) ______.
    A. computer    B. basketball   
    C .plane          D. engineer
5.—How about going hiking this weekend?
    —That sounds like ______.
A.interesting    B. boring   
C. exciting        D. fun
6.Helen's sister practices ______ guitar every day.
    A. plays the     B. playing the   
    C.to play         D. playing
7.The students are doing morning ______ on the playground.
    A. practice      B. exercises   
    C. training    D. sports
开源阅读书源合集8.I hated the person around me because he kept on ______.
    A. smoke        B .smoking   
    C.to smoke    D. smoked
9.My mom usually gets angry when I ______ to do my homework.
    A. forgets    B. forgotten   
C. forgot     D. forget
10.—Could you buy ______ snacks?
    —I'm sorry.but I don't have ______ money.
A.any;any        B. some;some    margin的四个参数
    C. any;some      D. some:any
11.Lana likes to ______.She wants to be a ______.
    A. cook;cooker    B. cooker;cooker   
    C. cook;cook       D. cooker;cook
12.If we really work ______,we'll be famous.
A. hardly    B. hard    C. easy    D. quite
13.Linda is a Chinese girl but she ______ in the USA.
    A. looked up    B. grew up   
    C. walked up    D. ate up
14.His aunt promised ______ him to see Beijing Opera just now.
    A.to take    B. taking    C. took    D. takes
15.—Are you going to visit Center Zoo tomorrow?
    —______.We're going to visit Green Zoo.
A.Yes,we are   
B.No,we aren't   
C.Yes,we do   
D.No,we don't
II. 完形填空。
      Why do I want to go to college? No one has ever asked me __1__ a question.But many times I have asked myself.I have __2__ a whole variety of reasons.__3__ important reason is that I want to be a better man.
