BQT Standards & Policies
Meeting Setup
I. Meeting Setup Styles
1. U-shape (V-shape)
2. Classroom
3. Theatre Fish bone
4. Round Table
5. Hollow Square
6. Board style
II. Meeting Desktop Setup
1. Read BEO carefully first.
2. Get necessary & adequate equipment.
3. Meeting felt first.
4. Always use the ink blotter if necessary and against the edge of table.
5. 5 pics of pads per person and pads’ foot line must be against ink blotter edge.
python入门教程资料6. Sharpened pencil/pen set in right foot corner on pads on diagonal line.
7. 1 coaster for water glass at right side & bottle water at left.
8. Inverted glass for next day use.
9. Give bowl full of individual pack of mints for 2-3seats to share (no empty packet inside).
10. Use the different mints for morning/afternoon section.
11. Logo on pencil/pen/ink ball pen, paper, coaster, ink blotter, mineral water, etc. must be clear
& face to guests.
position和location的区别12. Offer centerpiece if necessary or by guest request.
13. Extra meeting pads, pencil/pen, mineral water (50%<50pax, 30%>50pax), small bin on the
station. Chill the water in punchbowl in the summer time.
Internal Meeting
1. Meeting felt only.
2. Water, stationary set on side table.
3. Coffee break station on the side if necessary or by request.
BQT Standards & Policies
III. Meeting Venue Setup Check
1. Set the tables in the venue as central as possible.
2. Arrange IBM/oblong & chairs in rows & files. (Arm chairs are highest)
3. Arrange meeting settings in rows & files & check the opposite side.
4. Comfortable & equal space between each 2 seats.
5. Mind cleanness.
?Carpet, desktop, linen, crockery, stationary, equipments, chairs, glasses 6. Guarantee facilities/equipments/linen/stationary & furniture work in good condition.
, Chairs go with 4 shoes each & tidy/clean chair cover hadoop最新版本是多少
, A.V. equipments (LCD, TV, VCR, OHP, ADP, speakers, MIC, Poly com) set correctly
, Lightings, air-conditions & background music work
, Flip charts, portable screens, smooth white board with duster are stable
, 3 different color of WHITE BOARD PEN for each flipchart & white board
(Red/Blue/Black & full of ink & head face to left side) 7. Guarantee meeting felts set properly (heights, edges, and widths).
, Don’t let edges to be seen from entrance but open to same side for each section
, Don’t let edges drop too much
监管, Edges lengths are same on corners if using felt cloth & pin
untitled, Edges are in one file if possible
8. Don’t set chairs against legs of tables if possible.
9. Electric lines must be in plastic tapes & set straight.
10. A.V. devices must be adjusted before meeting.
11. 150%pax water & 50%pax inverted goblets with coaster on side station for theatre style. 12. 2*mints bowl for round table meeting, 1*mints bowl for small round table
13. Use molton for round table mtg set up.
14. All chairs for round table mtg set up should face to stage.
15. Printed telephone number must stick on telephone sets or Polycom.
16. Offer hanger trolley with hangers (face outside & on left side) in corner if necessary. 17. Ironed cloth, skirting offered on reception table & flower must be on it.
18. Offer standing ashtray outside the door (clear logo on sand).
19. Check signage or banner. (QTY, position, title, function, location, date)
20. Check guests’ special request (podium, flower, spot light, smoker).
1. Do not make noise in public area no matter in mid-night or no function nearby
2. Do not move equipments if guest ahead.
3. Do not drag or scratch on carpet or marble.
IV. Coffee station
1. Check E.O. to get items.
2. Mind cleanness & logo.
BQT Standards & Policies
统计学直方图例题及答案, Glassware, silverware, linen, coffee sets, drink bottle. 3. 150%<50, 130%>50pax coffee set, cutlery, plate to spare.
4. Inverted cup and top BB plate for next day use.
5. Teaspoons set as 45?in coffee cup saucers.
6. Coffee /Tea/Milk Sign must be clear & seen in front.
7. Tea leave selection of green/black/herb/fruit on station if guest number below 50. 8. Full tea box, each of assorted bags by 10 & all bags if guest number over 50. 9. Low fat milk must be available on the station.
10. Offer ice lemon tea during the summer time & de-café by request.
11. Set cocktail napkins as rotating staircases on BB plate & top logo faces guests. 12. Always use the coffee machine and coffee cabinet, check the water & bean container as well. 13. Offer 1 urn of hot water if <50pax; 1 urn of hot water & 1 urn of coffee>50pax 14. Bussing trays with 2 mats set on 1 tray jack with cover nearby not to see. 15. Avoid sunshine by the window in the summer.