Name _____________________________________ Class ____________________________ Exit Test
Track 8
A Listen to an interview with Jon Larsen, CEO of a Danish advertising agency, and complete the sentences below.
1 Jon Larsen’s company was founded in _______________
2 The company is changing its name from Verner-Martins to _______________ .
3 The proportion of spending on internet advertising is <at the time of the
interview>: _______________ .
4 In a few years, Jon expects this percentage to be _______________ .
5 In Jon’s example, a car manufacturer arranged a series of _______________
_______________ to promote its new model.
6 To attend these events, people had to register their _______________ or
_______________ .
7 Last year, the advertising industry grew by _______________ per cent.
8 The total value of the industry worldwide is _______________ .
B Now listen again and choose the best answer to each of the following questions.
9 Jon says that his company is changing its name because …
a> they want to market their services in the UK
b> they want to show that they are up-to-date with new ideas
c> the old name is hard to pronounce
10 The use of TV commercials in advertising campaigns is …
b> at a peak
c> no longer as important as it once was
11 What is Jon’s opinion of pop-up ads?
a> they are effective
b> people often feel annoyed with them
c> people don’t pay attention to them
12 Jon believes the advertising industry will …
a> decline in the long term
b> stay at the same size for the next few years
c> continue to expand
13 In what way is the industry changing, according to Jon?
a> advertising is becoming more expensive
b> it is becoming more global
c> agencies have to offer more things
14 Jon gives an example of a new promotional technique in which …
a> people sell the product to their friends
b> no direct advertising is used
c> consumers receive text messages about products
A In the text below, there is one mistake on each line. Identify the word that is wrong and write the correct word on the line.
A week ago Refco is one of the world’s big gest finance companies, _______________
15 with a market value of $3.6bn following its high successful flotation in August. _______________ 16 Now the company has collapsed and trading in its shares have been suspended. _______________ 17 Initially, internal investigators have been unable to find anything fundamentally _______________ 18 wrong. But on Monday the company found out that a $430m debt was owing by_______________ 19 the chief executive. On the same day, he paid it forward, with interest. _______________ 20 The problem was that the statement the company put out explaining what has
_______________ 21 happened left many unanswered questions. Refco is completely dependent of the _______________ 22 confidence of its customers. If they fear of the security of their assets they will _______________ 23 attempt to withdrawing them, which is exactly what happened this week. _______________ 24
B Rewrite the underlined part of each sentence below to create a noun phrase. Do not use relative clauses <clauses w ith ‘who’, ‘that’ or ‘which’>.
We have to review our strategy because the conditions in the market are
increasingly difficult.
We have to review our strategy because of the increasingly difficult market conditions.
25 We are looking for a person who is professional and has good qualifications.
We are looking for …
26 Our sales have declined rapidly in recent months.
In recent months, we have seen …
27 He has been consistent in producing reports which are accurate.
He has produced …
28 The company has demonstrated that they are extremely effective in planning for disasters.
The company has demonstrated …
29 Lastminute is a service company which operates online and has been highly successful.
Lastminute is a …
C Complete the sentences below with the appropriate multi-word verb. Where there is a pronoun in brackets, decide whether to put it between the two parts of the verb or at the end.
30 We have discontinued that line and we are going to _______________
_______________ a new line next month.
31 The company is strong in Europe and the US and now they want to
exit是什么意思英语_______________ _______________ the Asia Pacific market.
32 Hello? Are you still on the line? Oh dear – I thi nk we’ve been _______________
_______________ .
33 I’m afraid I won’t be able to come to the meeting on Friday. Can we
_______________ _______________ _______________ till next week? <it>
34 I’m sorry to hear you’ve got a problem. Don’t worry. Leave it with me and I’ll
_______________ _______________ _______________ . <it>
35 The negotiations were not going well, so we decided to _______________
_______________ _______________ . <them>
D Choose the best answer to complete each gap in the text.
Saying ‘no’ to invitations can be very difficult. A standard answer to ‘Can you come to lunch?’ is: ‘Thank you but I’m a bit busy at present.’ But what would you say if the next question _______________ 36: ‘When will you be free?’ _______________ 37 you tell a lie or be honest?
If you _______________ 38 want lunch with someone it may be because they are boring, or not important enough, or because you would prefer to have a sandwich at your desk. It is easier and less rude to tell a lie.
I would not advise anyone to say no to their boss. A manager I know asked his secretary if she would mind typing a letter for him. ‘I’d rather not, if you
_______________ 39 mind,’ she replied. A month later, she was selected for