Exit Interview
Name                              Employee No.             
Position                            Headquarter/Branch__  ________
Join in Date                          Dept.             
Last Dorking Date                  Reason for Resignation             
Interview Dept. /Position                    Interviewer           
Interview Date                              Interview Place           
1.Handover List
Handover Person             
    Handover List                                                         
2.Resign Type:(  Voluntary Resignation    Involuntary Resignation
3.Reason for Resignation:( 
aCompany Reason 
ALow salary            BLess benefits
CWorking environment  DNot satisfied with the policies and measures of company
ENo development      FLack of training and chance
Gboring and too less work        HToo much work
IPoor relationship with colleagues  JPoor relationship with line manager
bPersonal Reason 
KGet a better new job      LRun personal business
MFamily reason          NPersonal improvement
OPoor health              PCareer change
QGo abroad and others           
4.Main questions recorded in interview:(Interviewer can choose question to ask depend on resign employee’s current situation
b. Which factor change may make you change your mind that willing to continue stay in company?
c. Which measure do you think could prevent the current situation or solve the problem now?
d. Do you have some suggestion to solve this current problem for company?
e. Did you have something happy or satisfied experience in company?
f. Did you have something frustrated or difficult experience?
g. If company provides chance to you, which felid would you have done better?
h. What you feel is still lack of in training area? Did it have impact on you?
i. Which extra responsibility you would like to bear?
k. Whether will consider return to company in the future?
  ()Yes    No
5.Suggestions or comments to company
Contact address                                Zip Code         
Resign employee                              Interview by
Date                                  Date
