(1)aircraft 飞机 飞行器       
(2) belly机腹     
(3)nose gear鼻轮     
(4) retractable landing gear 伸缩起落架      (5)rudder 尾舵 
(6)propeller 推进器     
(7)wing 机翼     
(8)fuel 油料     
(9)tank 油箱 
(10) radar 雷达     
(11) fuselage 机身     
(12)break-in area 逃生窗 
(13)undercarriage bay 货舱     
(14)air brake 煞车     
(15)panel 仪表板 
(16)flight deck(cockpit) 前舱    (17)galley 厨房     
(18)seat belt安全带 
(19)slide 充气滑梯(逃生用)      (20)survival kit(first aid kit) 救生品 
(21)water extinguisher 灭火器 
(22)dry chemical extinguisher 乾粉灭火器
(23)latch 门闩       
(24)tray table 餐桌       
(25)smoke hood 防烟面罩 
(26)waste bin 垃圾桶     
(27)grab handle 扶手   
(28) sink 水槽 
(29)observers seat 观察位(前舱)      (30)telescopic viewer 门孔 
(31)soap dispenser 给皂器  (32)bassinet婴幼儿睡床   
(34)water evacuation 水上逃生    (35)land evacuation 陆上逃生 
(36)axe 斧头(在驾驶舱)     
(37)trolley/trolly 餐车                (38)torch 手电筒 
(39)armrest 扶手     
(40)reading light阅读灯       
exit是什么意思英语(41)call button呼叫钮 
(42)air traffic control 航路管制           
(43)control tower 塔台 
(44)operation & dispatcher 签派员        (45)cruise 平航     
(46) runway 跑道 
(47)taxiway 滑行道            (48)I.D.L 国际日线           
(49)time zone 时区 
(50)estimated time of arrival (ETA)预计到达时间 
(51) estimated time of departure (ETD)预计起飞时间 
(53)jet lag 飞机时差症         
(54)tail wind 顺风 (55)head wind 逆风       
(56)passenger bridge 空桥
(57)crew 机组员
(58)infant 婴儿     
(59)unaccompanied minor(UM)没有家长同行的小孩
(60)briefing 任务提示 
(61)home base 基地
(62)pilot(captain) 机长 (63)co-pilot(first officer)副机长     
(64)clear air turbulence 晴空乱流        (65)air current气流    (66)non-endorsable 禁止转让()   
(67)stand-by 地面待命
(68)stop-over 中站停留 
(69)layover 外站过夜 
(70)refueling stop 加油停留
(71)transit passenger 转机旅客   
(72)waiting lounge 候机室            (73)baggage inspection 行李检验 
(74)hand baggage 手提行李 (75)unaccompanied baggage 托运行李 
(76)custom 海关 
(77)quarantine 检疫
(78)immigration 移民局   
(79)baggage tag 行李签 
(80)connection 班机接驳
(81)destination 目的地     
(82)free baggage allowance 行李重量限制 
(83)general declaration 舱单     
(84)load factor 载客率                      (85)on time performance   (86)LOST-N-FOUND (lost and found)失物招领     
(87)confirmation 确定      (88)reissued ticket 重开的票   
(89)passenger manifest 旅客名单                    (90)wheelchair 轮椅 
(91)ground staff 地勤            (92)take off 起飞         
(93)live vest救生衣 
(94)non-stop flight 直飞班机          (95) immigration card 入境表格 
(97)hijack 劫机            (98)demonstration 示范 
(99)evacuate 疏散                (100)traffic congestion 航路拥挤

before take-off
1. morning, madamsir. Welcome board!
2. May I introduce myself, I'm ___, the chief purser of
this flight.
3. Morning, sir. Welcome aboard. Business class or economy?
4. Follow me, please. Your seat is in the middle of the cabin.
5. An aisle seat on the left side ------ here you are, sir.
6. I’m afraid you are in the wrong seat. 20c is just two rows behind on the other aisle.
7. excuse me for a second, I’ll check.
8. The plane is about to take off. Please don’t walk about in the cabin.
9. You know the weather in Hong Kong is not so good. it has been delayed.
10. Air china flight ca937 leaves at 0730 in the morning.
11. Flight no. 926, leaving Tokyo at 1740, flies nonstop back to Beijing.
12. You’re flying economy class. Is that right?
