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学员姓名:                            辅导科目:英语          学科教师:
批注:Have you ever seen a guide dog or heard something about guide dog? (教师可以根据下面列出的文章与学生做简单的口语互动,多鼓励学生说,可以借助下面附加的内容帮助学生扩展课外知识) (教师在使用时可以对下面的内容做适量的删减)
      Today we will learn a story about a guide dog and its owner.
1. blind  adj. 瞎的;看不见的;盲目的
  e.g. He is blind in one eye. 他的一只眼睛瞎了。
    He is blind to his own faults. 他看不到自己的过失。
【知识拓展】  blindness  n. 失明
批注: 可以讲解the blind 表示盲人  the+adj.表示一类人的用法。
2. drama  n. 戏剧性事件,戏剧性场面
e. g. Why is there so little drama in my life? 为什么我的生活如此平淡?
批注:【知识拓展】dramatic  adj. 戏剧性的
e.g. The play is a dramatic representation of a real event. 这出话剧改编自真人真事。
dramatically  adv. 显著地;突然地
e.g. Her attitude to me changed dramatically. 她对我的态度突然大大改变。
3. reception  n. 接待,接待处
  e.g. We will give a warm reception to the guests. 我们将使客人受到热情的接待。
    Leave your key at reception. 你把钥匙留在接待处。
    If you have any question, you may ask for information from the reception desk. 如果你有任何疑问,可到前台咨询。
批注:【知识拓展】  receive  v. 接受
e.g. Please receive my best wishes for the New Year. 请接受我最诚挚的新年祝福。
可有复习一下receive“收到”的用法 例如 receive a letter from sb.=hear from sb.=get a letter from sb.
4. initials  n. 人名每一部分的第一个字母
e.g. Steven Lane's initials are S.L. . Steven Lane这名字的缩写是S. L.。
5. book v. 预定 
e.g. The secretary has booked the manager in at the Hilton Hotel. 秘书已经在希尔顿大酒店为经理预定了房间。   
    The hotel is fully booked up. 旅馆房间已经全部给人预定了。
批注: 讲解同义词order v. 预订
【常用搭配】  book in预定旅馆房间,办理登记手续  =check in
e. g. The latest representatives booked in at 3 oclock. 最后一批代表已经在三点钟报到了。
6. welcome  adj. 受到欢迎的
e.g. You are always welcome in my home. 你在我家总是受欢迎的。   
【知识拓展】  welcome  v. 欢迎
e.g. Welcome to China. 欢迎来中国!
welcome  n. 欢迎
e.g. They gave us a warm welcome. 他们给我们以热烈的欢迎。
批注: 强调过去式welcomed 过去分词welcomed
7. allow v. 允许,承认
e.g. Allow me to introduce Miss Mary. 请允许我介绍一下玛丽小。
    The government servants aren't allowed to accept rewards. 公务员不得接受酬金。
指点迷津:allow, permit与let
(1) allow语气较弱,有“听任,不加阻止,默许”之意。
  e.g. The teacher allows too much noise in the classroom. 那个老师听任学生大声吵闹。
(2) permit语气较重,强调“认可,批准”。
  e.g. Schools don't permit smoking. 学校内严禁吸烟。
(3) let的语气最轻,意指“让”,口语较常用,且无被动语态。
  e.g. Let me carry your luggage. 让我来帮你搬行李。
批注: 讲解指点迷津部分可以让提问学生,让他们先思考,让后再进行讲解。
8. exclaim  v. 吁喊,惊叫 
  e.g. The children exclaimed with excitement. 孩子们激动地喊了起来。 
批注:【知识拓展】  exclamation  n. 惊呼,感叹,惊叹,惊叹词
e.g.“Look out!"and“OW!"are exclamations.  “小心!”和“哎哟!”都是感叹词。
9. bark  v. 吠,咆哮
e.g. Dogs always bark at strangers. 狗总是对着陌生人吠。
10. sound  v. 听上去
e.g. His explanation sounds all right. 他的解释似乎有理。
Your idea sounds a good one. 你的想法听起来很好。
批注:引导学生试着总结感官动词的用法及分别是哪几个。(sound, feel, taste, look, smell)
      及get, grow,go, be, become,turn 表示“变化”之意时后面加adj.
11. repeat  v. 重做;复述
e.g. Could you repeat the question?你能把这个问题重复一下吗?
      History will not repeat itself. 历史不会重演。   
批注:【知识拓展】  repetition  n.重复,循环,复制品,副本
12. guest  n. 客人,来宾,旅客
  e.g. We are expecting guests this weekend. 我们本周末要来客人。
13. lead v. 引导,指引,导致
  e.g. He led us to his home. 他把我们带到他家。
      Her mistakes led to her failure. 她的失误导致了她的失败。
【知识拓展】  leader  n. 领导者
  e.g. He is the leader of this movement. 他是这次运动的领导者。
指点迷津: guide与lead
(1) guide是通用词,可以用于为别人带路,指导别人的学习、品行修养,它的内涵是避免走弯路或遇到危险。
  e.g. The pilot guided the plane to a safe landing. 飞行员引导飞机安全着陆。
(2) lead可以表示“领导,带路”,但它总含有领导者走在前面,而把被领导者控制在自己的权威之下,或使被领导者处于秩序井然的状态中的意思。
  e.g. Our guide led us through a series of caves. 我们的向导带领着我们穿过一个接一个的洞穴。
14. personally adv.亲自;就本人而言
  e.g. I thanked them personally. 我亲自感谢他们。
      Personally, I think he is dishonest, but many people trust him.
批注:【知识拓展】  personal  adj. 私人的,个人的,亲自的
  e.g. This is a personal affair. 这是私人事情。
    近义词:private 私人的,私自的
15. location  n. 位置,场所
e.g. Have they decided on the location of the new building yet? 这座新建筑的位置他们已经定下来了吗?
批注:知识拓展】  locate  v. 使……坐落于; 位于+at/ in/on +地点
e.g. The new building will be located in the centre of the town. 这座大楼将建在市中心。
16. exit  n. 出口
e.g. There are six emergency exits in a theatre.剧院里有六个紧急出口。
批注:【知识拓展】  反义词:entrance  n. 入口
e.g. There is a front and a back entrance to the house. 这个房子有一个前门和一个后门。
17. sensible   adj.有感觉的,明智的,有判断力的
e.g. If you are sensible you will study for another year. 如果你明智的话,你就再学习一年。
      He is sensible of the danger of his position. 他发觉他处境危险。
批注:可以引导学生在写作用运用该词,提高灵活运用词汇的能力,例如可以用sensible/wise idea 替换good idea
18. describe  v. 描写,记述,形容
e.g. She described her childhood as a time of wonder and discovery.
      Words cannot describe the beauty of the scene. 语言难以描述出这景的优美。
【常用搭配】  describe sb. as把某人说成是(称作)
e.g. He described himself as a doctor. 他自称是医生。
批注:【知识拓展】  description  n. 描写,记述,形容,描述  (要强调拼写,ption这是学生容易犯错的地方)
e.g. The scenery was beautiful beyond description. 那风景美得难以形容。
19. surface n. 表面,外表
e.g. The table had a shiny surface, but underneath it was dull and rough.
批注:  【常用搭配】  come to the surface 显露出来  look at the surface only 只看外表
look below the surface of things看到事物的本质  on the surface表面上,外表上
20. wet  v. 弄湿
e.g. Wet the clay a bit more before you start to mould it. 把泥再弄湿点再动手塑造。
      Although Eddie is eight years old, yet he still wets the bed sometimes.
批注:【常用搭配】  wet out打湿;浸湿  wet up润湿,弄湿  wet the bed尿床  wet the whistle润喉
要强调adj.湿的;下雨的 (wet是兼类词,在做题时认真审题)
21. dead  adj.死的,无知觉的,熄灭的
e.g. My dead fingers could not untie the knot. 我的手麻木了,解不开结。
    If your fingers get very cold, they feel dead. 你的手指如果冻得过分,它们会失去知觉。
批注:【知识拓展】  die  v. 死,去世  death  n. 死亡 dying adj. 奄奄一息的,垂死的
强调: 短暂性动词die        持续性 be dead  (提问学生回答后再强调,也可以提问下其他短暂性动词的变化方式)
22. cough  v. 咳嗽
e.g. The child was coughing all night. 这孩子咳嗽了一整夜。
【知识拓展】  cough  n. 咳嗽      批注:提问学生“咳得厉害”的表达方式 have a bad cough
  e.g. The child had a bad cough, so his mother took him to the doctor.
23. wave  v. 挥手示意
【常用搭配】  wave to……挥手示意
  e.g. He waved desperately to his companion. 他绝望地向他的伙伴挥了挥手。
24. against   prep. 相反,反对
  e.g. No one is against this proposal.没有人反对这个提议。
    That's against the law,那是违法的。
指点迷津:against 与for
    for                            against
●→  ←○                    ←●  ○→
      向着                          逆着
e.g. The Prince is making for the open sea while the princess is against.
批注: 学生容易记错against 的词性,要强调一下
25. explain  v. 解释,说明
e.g. Can you explain why you were late? 你能解释一下你为什么迟到吗?
【知识拓展】  explanation  n. 解释,解说,说明
e.g. She left the room without explanation. 她什么也没说就离开了房间。
批注先让学生试着拼写名词的用法,explanation. 这一部分是学生经常犯错的地方,要强调。
Ⅱ. Daily expressions. 日常表达
1. sound like听起来像
  e.g. Don't always tell me how to do my work. You sound like my mother.
  sound  v. 听起来(这是个连系动词,后接形容词)
  e.g. sound good    sound beautiful
【知识拓展】  类似的连系动词还有:
feel 摸起来,感觉起来    taste听起来
look看起来              smell闻起来
批注: 归纳总结感官动词的用法, 老师先提问学生,待学生回答不出来时再讲解,学生若能回答出要给予肯定。
2. go off突然作响
e.g. When the fire alarm went off, everyone moved to the playground.
【知识拓展】  go off变质
e.g. I didn't put the milk in the fridge so it went off. 我没有把牛奶放进冰箱,以致它变质了。
go off爆炸
e.g. The bomb went off when he started the car. 当他发动汽车的时候,就爆炸了。
批注: go off变质=go bad 
3. in ones own words  用某人自己的话说
e.g. Don't recite the story. Please tell the story in your own words. 不要背诵故事,请用自己的话讲故事。
批注:【知识拓展】  in other words  换句话说;也就是说
e.g. Joe doesn't like hard work-in other words, he's lazy!乔不喜欢干重活儿——换句话说,他很懒!
keep one's word守信
e.g. Claire said she would come, and she kept her word. 克莱尔说她会来,她果然很守信用。
word for word  逐字逐句地
e.g. Ian repeated word for word what you told him. 伊恩把你告诉他的话一字不差地重复了一遍。
4. leadto带领到
  e.g. The man led all the horses to the stable. 那人将所有的马都领进了马厩。
Eg: Books lead me into a new world.
二、重要句型Important Sentences structures
1.  1. John Dancer's troubles began as soon as he walked into the Dragon's Head Hotel with his friend, Charlie.
  as soon as, when等词引导的时间状语从句和if引导的条件状语从句,如果主句是一般将来时,从句用一般现在时代替一般将来时
  e.g. I will tell him the news as soon as he gets home. 他一回到家我就告诉他这消息。
    He left as soon as he heard the news. 他一听到这事儿就走了。
批注:要强调as soon as “一…………”的意思。很多学生容易忽略,不仅是if 引导的条件状语从句可以用“主将从现”, as soon as, when 引导的时间状语从句也可以。
2. Before entering, John said, 'Can you tell me the location of the fire exit?'
  before entering简化了从句结构。原来的连接词保留而成“连接词+分词”的结构。
  e.g. After talking to you, I always feel better.  =After I talk to you, I always feel better.   
    While sitting in class, Jack fell asleep.  =While Jack was sitting in class, he fell asleep.
  I. Fill in the blanks with the given words in their proper forms.
1.Have they decided on the    (locate) of the new building yet?
2.The    (manage) lives on the ninth floor. Let's go up in the lift.
3.Do you believe that some people have the sixth    (sensible)?
4.I don't need any help. I want to deal with it    (personal).
5.Their parents were very thankful to the brave man who saved their two sons'    (life).
II.    Choose the right word to complete the sentence.
1.The blind man told us what happened    (with /in) his own words.exit是什么意思英语
2.The kind nurse led me    (to / for) the operation room.
3. I described the robber    (to / for) the policeman at once.
4. Please give me the book    (in / on) the left of your schoolbag.
III. Read and choose the best answer.
1. Tom likes playing basketball. I like playing basketball, ________.
A. too          B. either      C. as well      D. also
2. The little boy always makes her mother ________ him ______________.
A. talk, something interesting        B. tell; something interesting
C. say; interesting something          D. speak; interesting something
3. We were in the bookshop ______ postcards.
A. to buy      B. buy      C. buying      D. bought
4. ________ it is to jump into the rivers on very hot summer days!
A. What funny    B. What a fun    C. How fun      D. How funny
5. The teacher _______ the boy's school work.
A. was kind to    B. was friendly    C. was pleased with    D. was covered with
6. What we have heard is different from _______.
A. we seen      B. what we seen    C. what we have seen  D. we  have seen
7. After ten minutes' thinking, he finally made a ______ decision.
A. sense        B. sensible        C. sensitive          D. sensation
8. Nancy ____ be at home. She called me from her home five minutes ago.
A. must        B. may      C. can        D. can't
9. Can you ______ the meaning of that word to us again?
A. exclaim      B. explain    C. speak      D. answer
10. He was having a shower when the fire alarm went ________.
A. out        B. on      C. off      D. in
11. The boy felt very    so he went to    without doing his homework.
A. asleep; sleep        B. sleep; sleepy
C. sleepy; sleep        D. sleepy; asleep
Keys: I . 1. location    2. manager    3. sense    4. personally    5. lives
Ⅱ.1. in    2. to    3. to  4. on
III.  1-5  CBCCC  6-10  CCABB  11 C
score:____________ (20  小题,共20  分)
