简单接待 & 服务英语
  Cheek in
1  Greeting
Good morning/ Afternoon /Evening ,sir /madam.Welcome to our hotel.
2Do you have a reservation? /Have you booked the room?  您预订过吗?
Please show me your passport , and fill in these forms. 请出示一下您的护照,并将这些单子填写一下。
  How many days do you want to stay? 您想住几天?
How do you wish to settle your account, in cash or by credit card?您想用什么方式结帐,现金还是信用卡?
  (1.please give me XXX yuan as deposit,you room charge is XXX,the other we will refund y
ou when you check out.  请付XXX的预付金,您的房费是XXX,剩下的钱将在您结帐时退还给您。  2.could you show me your credit card? I will make a deposit of XXX yuan which will be frozen through bank, when you check out, you should show me your credit card again, we will deduct charge for room by your real consumption and off-line出示一下您你信用卡好吗?我刷您XXX的预授权,结帐时您需要再出示一下您的信用卡,我们将根据您的实际消费扣除您的费用,然后做离线交易。)
Please sign your name ,take care your receipt and your room card, your room is XXX,it’s on the Xth floor. This way please .请在这里签名,请拿好您的预付金单和房卡,你是XXX房间,在XXX楼,请这边走。
Check out
Please show me your room card and your receipt.请出示您的房卡和预付金单
This is your bill,please check(verify)your signing.这是您的帐单,请核对并签名
Do you need invoice?您需要发票吗?
exit是什么意思英语See you next time, welcome back again ,have a nice trip.再见,欢迎下次光临,旅途愉快。
Key words: passport护照  reservation预订  deposit预付金  receipt凭证单  refund退还  deduct扣除  invoice发票  socket 插座  lift(elevator)电梯 
electricity card电卡  hair dryers(blowers)电吹风  sewing kit缝纫针线包 
shower cap淋浴时用的塑胶浴帽  iron 电熨斗
Key words: laundry要洗的衣服,洗衣 AC(air-conditioner)空调机 shlipper拖鞋  bed sheet
  towel(face-cloth)面巾  bath-towel浴巾 toothbrush牙刷  pillow枕头  cover(blanket)毛毯,毯子 ashtray烟灰缸  switch开关  Internet互联网  access通道,入口  TV-set电视机  sewage污水;污秽物  parking lot停车场  emergency exit紧急出口
Special time
1.Your deposit is not enough. If you have free time, please come to the reception(front office),and pay more for overstay.您的预付金不足了,方便的话,请到总台补交一下预付金好吗?
2.Do you want to save your bags (suitcase  package  baggage  luggage)?您需要寄存行李吗?
3.Do you have member card? If you want to be a member of our hotel, you could buy it for 158 RMB.你有会员卡吗?如果您想成为我们的会员,您可以花158元办一张会员卡。
And you could enjoy 10% off room charge in any chained of jj-inn hotel. Eating is 12% off. At last you can delay 2 hours to check out.您可以在全国锦江之星享受房费9折优惠,餐饮
4.This is your morning call. It’s XXX now.叫醒服务,现在X点了。
5.There is an outline for you ,do you want to talk with him(her )? Hold on ,please.这里有您的一个外线电话,您想和他(她)通话吗?请稍等。
6.refund for any overpayment or a supplemental payment for any deficiency 多退少补
1. Good morning/evening. Reservation. May I help you?
