Welcome to the first post in this of blogs on extracting features from images using OpenCV and Python.
Feature extraction from images and videos is a common problem in the field of Computer Vision. In this post, we will consider the task of identifying balls and table edges on a pool table.
从图像和视频中提取特征是计算机视觉领域的普遍问题。 在这篇⽂章中,我们将考虑识别台球桌上的球和桌⼦边缘的任务。
Consider the example image below from an online pool game.
Let's say we want to mark the positions of every ball in this image and also the four inner edges of the table. There are multiple ways in which this can be done and some methods work better than others for a given image. However, a useful approach is to try and separate out the contents of an image based on their color composition.
假设我们要标记此图像中每个球的位置以及桌⼦的四个内边缘。 有多种⽅法可以完成此操作,对于给定的图像,某些⽅法⽐其他⽅法效果更好。 但是,⼀种有⽤的⽅法是尝试根据图像的颜⾊成分来分离图像的内容。
For example, in the above image, we can see that the tabletop, the balls and the image background all have different colors.
Hence if we can separate out the colors in the image, we would be closer to solving our problem.
An easy way to do this is to convert the RBG image into HSV format and then find out the range of H, S and V values corresponding to the object of interest.
For details on this step refer to my blog (coming soon) on HSV based extraction.
Once we have the HSV color map for the table top, we can use the OpenCV “inRange()” function to obtain a visualization of the extracted mask as below.
⼀旦获得了桌⾯的HSV颜⾊图,就可以使⽤OpenCV“ inRange()”函数来获取提取的蒙版的可视化效果,如下所⽰。
Image mask generated using OpenCV (image source author)
As we can see, this step has helped achieve the following objectives:
1. the table object (white) is clearly distinguishable from the image background (black)
2. the balls (black) are clearly distinguishable from the table surface (white)
As a first step, we need to extract the table object from the image in order to focus on the table and its contents and ignore other objects in the background, external objects etc.
Now is the correct time to apply Edge Detection techniques to identify and extract desired components from the image. There are multiple options available such as Canny and Sobel functions and each has its merits and demerits.
现在是应⽤边缘检测技术从图像中识别和提取所需成分的正确时机。 有多个选项,例如Canny和Sobel函数,每个都有其优点和缺点。
We will use the OpenCV “findContours()” function for edge detection to extract all contours in the mask image. The contour with the largest area is the one corresponding to the table itself.
我们将使⽤OpenCV“ findContours()”函数进⾏边缘检测,以提取蒙版图像中的所有轮廓。 ⾯积最⼤的轮廓就是与表格本⾝相对应的轮廓。
In order to implement a smooth extraction of the table, we will find the bounding rectangle (OpenCV “boundingRect()”function) of the table contour and use its coordinates to extract the sub-image from the original image containing only the object of interest, in this case, the table surface and balls as shown in the image below.
为了实现表格的平滑提取,我们将到表格轮廓的边界矩形(OpenCV “ boundingRect()”函数),并使⽤
其坐标从仅包含感兴趣对象的原始图像中提取⼦图像。 ,在这种情况下,⼯作台表⾯和球如下图所⽰。
Extracted only the region of interest using OpenCV (image source author)
Now the remaining task is to extract the individual balls and identify the inner edges of the table.
To achieve this, we will again obtain the mask using HSV based extraction method used earlier, first focusing on the balls and then on the table edges.
检测球 (Detecting balls)
The mask image for the balls will look the same as the one we used earlier for the table. From the obtained mask image, we will extract the ball contours using the OpenCV “findContours()” function once again. This time we are interested in only those contours which resemble a circle and are of a given size.
球的蒙版图像将与我们之前在表格中使⽤的蒙版图像相同。 从获得的蒙版图像中,我们将再次使⽤OpenCV “ findContours()”函数提取球的轮廓。 这次,我们仅对那些类似于圆形且具有给定尺⼨的轮廓感兴趣。
Again there are many ways to detect the ball contours, but one method which works best is to find th
e minimum bounding rectangle for each detected contour and chose the ones which best resemble a square and also lie within the desired range of area. We will use the OpenCV function “minAreaRect()” in this case.
同样,有很多⽅法可以检测到球的轮廓,但是最有效的⼀种⽅法是为每个检测到的轮廓到最⼩的边界矩形,然后选择最类似于正⽅形并且也位于所需区域范围内的矩形。 在这种情况下,我们将使⽤OpenCV函数“ minAreaRect()” 。
On the selected set of contours, we will further apply the OpenCV “minEnclosingCircle()” function to obtain uniform sized circles over each of the balls.
在所选的轮廓集上,我们将进⼀步应⽤OpenCV “ minEnclosingCircle() ”函数,以在每个球上获得⼤⼩⼀致的圆。
Now we just need to use OpenCV “circle()” function to draw over each of the detected balls with any color of our choice.
现在,我们只需要使⽤OpenCV “ circle()”函数以我们选择的任何颜⾊绘制每个检测到的球。
检测桌⼦边缘 (Detecting table edges)
This is a two-step approach since the table has both an outer and inner edge and we are interested in only the latter.
The first step is to get a mask for the table edges using the HSV based approach. The obtained mask looks like below in which all four sides can be easily distinguished.
第⼀步是使⽤基于HSV的⽅法为表格边缘获取遮罩。 所获得的掩模如下所⽰,在其中可以容易地区分所有四个侧⾯。
Mask for table edges detection obtained using OpenCV (image source author)
With this mask we can now extract the inner edges by locating the two horizontal and two vertical lines which are closest from the center of the image.
rectangle函数opencvWe will use the OpenCV “HoughLines()” function to find all lines in the image and select only the 4 of our interest.
我们将使⽤OpenCV“ HoughLines()”函数查图像中的所有⾏,并仅选择我们感兴趣的4条。
Once the 4 lines are detected we just need to use the OpenCV “line()” function to draw the corresponding table edges.
⼀旦检测到4条线,我们只需要使⽤OpenCV “ line()”函数绘制相应的表格边缘。
The obtained image can then be overlaid on top of the original image to complete the task as shown below.
Identified all the balls and four table edges with high accuracy (image source author)
Hope you have enjoyed reading this post.
In my next post, I will cover another interesting example of feature extraction so stay tuned.
Important Disclaimer:
The method used in this blog post especially the HSV values used for detecting balls and table edges will not necessarily work for every image. Every image is unique in its characteristics and needs the right set of parameters in order for feature extraction to work as desired. This is precisely what makes Computer Vision such an interesting and challenging field.
本博客⽂章中使⽤的⽅法,尤其是⽤于检测球和桌⼦边缘的HSV值,不⼀定适⽤于所有图像。 每张图像的特征都是独特的,并且需要正确的参数集,以便按需进⾏特征提取。 这正是使Computer Vision成为⼀个有趣⽽充满挑战的领域的原因。