⾼级编程语⾔ (High-level programming languages)
high-level programming languages can be categorized into different types on the basis of the application area
basis of the application area The high-level programming languages
different design paradigms supported by them. The high-level programming in which they are employed as well as the different design paradigms
in which they are employed
languages are designed for use in a number of areas. Each high-level language is designed by keeping its target application area in mind. Some of the high-level languages are best suited for business domains, while others are apt in the scientific domain only. The high-level language can be categorized on the basis of the various programming paradigms approved by them. The programming
paradigms refer to the approach employed by the programming language for solving the different types of problem.
不同设计范例 ,将⾼级编程语⾔
⾼级编程语⾔分为不同的类型。 ⾼级编程语⾔被设计⽤于许多领根据使⽤它们的应⽤领域以及它们所⽀持的不同设计范例
域。 在设计每种⾼级语⾔时,都要牢记其⽬标应⽤程序领域。 ⼀些⾼级语⾔最适合业务领域,⽽其他⼀些仅适⽤于科学领域。 可以根据他们认可的各种编程范例对⾼级语⾔进⾏分类。 编程范例是指编程语⾔⽤于解决不同类型问题的⽅法。
1.基于应⽤程序的分类 (1. Categorisation based on Application)
On the basis of application area the high level language can be divided into the following types:
i)商业语⾔ (i) Commercial languages)
These programming languages are dedicated to the commercial domain and are specially designed for solving business-related problems. These languages can be used in organization for processing handling the data related to payroll, accounts payable and tax building applications. COBOL is the best example of the commercial based high-level programming language employed in the business domain.
这些编程语⾔专⽤于商业领域,是专门为解决与业务相关的问题⽽设计的。 这些语⾔可以在组织中⽤于处理与薪资,应付账款和税务建⽴应⽤程序相关的数据。 COBOL是在商业领域中使⽤的基于商业的⾼级编程语⾔的最佳⽰例。
ii)科学语⾔ (ii) Scientific languages)
These programming languages are dedicated to the scientific domain and are specially designed for solving different scientific and mathematical problems. These languages can be used to develop programs for performing complex calculation during scientific research. FORTRAN is the best example of scientific based language.
这些编程语⾔专⽤于科学领域,是专门为解决不同的科学和数学问题⽽设计的。 这些语⾔可⽤于开发在科学研究过程中执⾏复杂计算的程序。 FORTRAN是科学语⾔的最佳范例。
iii)特殊⽬的语⾔ (iii) Special purpose languages)
These programming languages are specially designed for performing some dedicated functions. For example, SQL is a high-level language specially designed to interact with the database programs only. Therefore we can say that the special
purpose high-level language is designed to support a particular domain area only.
这些编程语⾔是为执⾏某些专⽤功能⽽专门设计的。 例如,SQL是⼀种专门设计⽤于仅与数据库程序进⾏交互的⾼级语⾔。 因此,可以说,专⽤⾼级语⾔仅设计⽤于⽀持特定领域。
iv)通⽤语⾔ (iv) General purpose languages)
These programming languages are used for developing different types of software application regardless of their application area. The various examples of general purpose high-level programming languages are BASIC, C, C++, and java.这些编程语⾔⽤于开发不同类型的软件应⽤程序,⽽不管其应⽤程序领域如何。 通⽤⾼级编程语⾔的各种⽰例是BASIC,C,C ++和Java。
2.基于设计范式的分类 (2. Categorisation based on Design paradigm)
On the basis of design paradigms the high level programming languages can be categorised into the following types:
i)⾯向过程的语⾔ (i) Procedure-oriented languages)
These programming languages are also called an imperative programming language. In this language, a program is written as a sequence of procedures. Each procedure contains a series of instruction for performing a specific task. Each procedure can be called by the other procedures during the program execution. In this type of programming paradigms, a code once written in the form of a procedure can be used any number of times in the program by only specifying the corresponding procedure name. Therefore the procedure-oriented language allows the data to move freely around the system. The various examples of procedure-oriented language are FORTRAN, ALGOL, C, BASIC, and ADA.
这些编程语⾔也称为命令式编程语⾔。 ⽤这种语⾔,将程序编写为⼀系列过程。 每个过程都包含⼀系列⽤于执⾏特定任务的指令。 在程序执⾏过程中,其他过程可以调⽤每个过程。 在这种类型的编程范例中,⼀次以过程形式编写的代码可以通过仅指定相应的过程名称在程序中多次使⽤。 因此,⾯向过
程的语⾔允许数据在系统中⾃由移动。 ⾯向过程的语⾔的各种⽰例是FORTRAN,ALGOL,C,BASIC和ADA。
ii)⾯向逻辑的语⾔ (ii) Logic-oriented languages)
These languages use logic programming paradigms as the design approach for solving various computational problems. In this programming paradigms predicate logic is used to describe the nature of a problem by defining the relationship between rules and facts. Prolog is the best example of the logic-oriented programming language.
这些语⾔使⽤逻辑编程范例作为解决各种计算问题的设计⽅法。 在此编程范例中,谓词逻辑⽤于通过定义规则与事实之间的关系来描述问题的性质。 Prolog是⾯向逻辑的编程语⾔的最佳⽰例。
iii)⾯向对象的语⾔ (iii) Object-oriented languages)
These languages use object-oriented programming paradigms as the design approach for solving a given problem. In this programming language, a problem is divided into a number of objects which can interact by passing messages to each other. C++ and C# are the examples of object-oriented programming language.
这些语⾔使⽤⾯向对象的编程范例作为解决给定问题的设计⽅法。 在这种编程语⾔中,问题被划分为多个对象,这些对象可以通过相互传递消息来进⾏交互。 C ++和C#是⾯向对象编程语⾔的⽰例。