Mbacteriumean idea:
It’s really common to read or hear about the complaints of doctor’s be impatient and careless.
Although there are probably a few doctors who truly are tone-deaf, most are reasonably empathic human beings, and I wonder why even these doctors seem prey to this criticism
1.Neuron overload on the doctor side that leads to the problem. Sometime, one stray request〔一个冷不丁的问题〕 from a patient- even one that is quite relevant- might interrup
t doctors’ thinking〔might catch one of the doctors’ neurons in mid-fire)
2.Patients’ high expectation
3.Mistrust and misunderstanding between the patients and physician
Respect for the patient, especially the patient’s autonomy(自主权)
Mean idea:
In an era of fast advancing medical technology, rapidly changing medical ethics, and in increasingly litigious society, good physician-patient relationship is critically important for effective health care delivery.
1.Decide whether life-support system should be continued or withdrawn
2.Decide whether a new therapy should be tried
3.Decide whether surgery should be the first choice or the last resort
4.Decide whether transfer or referral〔转介〕 is needed
5.Decide whether euthanasia〔安乐死〕 should be considered
什么是paternalistic decision-making〔家长式决策〕
A doctor play the role of an exclusive decision maker while his patient is considered as the participant without little say in the final choice.
什么是patient-center care(病人中心式照顾)
The Patients are the decision maker based on the information provided by the doctor.
Doctors are very much cautious about committing some kind of ethical transgression
When it came to medical decisions, almost all the respondents wanted their doctors to offer choices and consider their opinions.
Shouldering responsibility together with the patient may be better than having the patient make decision on their own alone.
Balancing between paternalism and respect for patient’s autonomy constitutes a large part of medical practice.
Mean idea:
Although great progress has been made in the treatment and prevention of diseases in the last century, there is no reason for complacency. Human health is constantly threatened not only by emerging diseases but also by re-emerging ones once thought to have been controlled or eradicated.
1.“The book on infectious disease” has been written
2.A string of impressive victories incurred by antibiotics(抗生素) and vaccines〔疫苗〕
1.A change in virulence
2.Mutation(突变) in the exterior of the bacterium
3.Emerging diseases such as AIDS and Ebola are intractable for us to solve.
4.The effectiveness of the antibiotics has, however, led to their misuse. And the old enemies get drug resistance
1.Need for surveillance
2.Updated science capable of dealing with discoveries in the field
3.Appropriate prevention and control
4.Strong public health infrastructure
Literally means preventive treatment of disease.
Mean idea:
Despite the progress in medicine, many diseases are still untreatable and incurable. It has been generally agreed that prevention is more cost-effective than the treatment of diseases.
Before someone was diagnosed with, prevention can be taken to avoid getting sick.
In contrast, if you fall ill unfortunately, a treatment should be taken to make health again.
