合作原则(cooperative principle)是美国语言哲学家格赖斯(H.P.Grice)于1967年在哈佛大学演讲《逻辑与会话》(Logic and Conversation)时率先提出的理论,它是“会话含义”的推导依据,是语用学的核心内容。
格赖斯认为,为了保证交际的顺利进行,人们总是有意或无意地遵守着一条基本原则,即“在参与交谈时,根据你参与交谈的目的或方向的改变而提供适切的话语”[1](P101),这便是合作原则(cooperative principle)。在这条原则的统领下,格赖斯又建立了四条准则,准则又下分几条次原则:
第一,量原则(Maxim of quantity)
第二,质原则(Maxim of Quality)
第三,关系原则(Maxim of Relation):要有关联,要切合题旨。
第四,方式原则(Maxim of Manner):要明白清楚。
In social science generally and linguistics specifically, the cooperative principle describes how people interact with one another. As phrased by Paul Grice, who introduced it, it states, "Make your contribution such as it is required, at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged." Though phrased as a prescriptive command, the principle is intended as a description of how people normally behave in conversation.
Put more simply, people who obey the cooperative principle in their language use will make sure that what they say in a conversation furthers the purpose of that conversation. Obviously, the requirements of different types of conversations will be different.
The cooperative principle can be divided into four maxims, called the Gricean maxims, describing specific rational principles observed by people who obey the cooperative principle; these principles enable effective communication.
The cooperative principle goes both ways: speakers (generally) observe the cooperative principle, and listeners (generally) assume that speakers are observing it. This allows for the possibility of implicatures, which are meanings that are not explicitly conveyed in what is said, but that can nonetheless be inferred. For example, if Alice points out that Bill is not present, and Carol replies that Bill has a cold, then there is an implicature that the cold is the reason, or at least a possible reason, for Bill's absence; this is because Carol's comment is not cooperative — does not contribute to the conversation — unless her point is that Bill's cold is or might be the reason for his absence. (This is covered specifically by the Maxim of Relation; see Gricean maxims).
