Unit 1 I’ve got many new friends
  I’ve got many new friends.
  I like to do sth.
  My Chinese name is…
  My English name is…
Can I help you…?
What do you like doing? I like swimming.
What do you like to do? I like to swim.
What have you got? I have got a new pen.
Chinese, English, friend, American, maybe, tomorrow, sure, robot, piano, crayon, puppy, strong,
Weak, fat, thin, garden
  Unit 2 Is this book yours? (人称,形容词性物主代词,名词性物主代词)
  Is this book yours? Yes, it’s mine. No, it’s not mine.
  This book is not yours.
  Which one is different?
This is my bike. The bike is mine.
His bread is short, but his is long.
  Mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs, its, scarf, sweater, pet, socks, circle, bat, fan, tank, bank, hand
  Unit 3 Our school is beautiful.
  This is our school. It’s very beautiful.
  We’ve got…
  Where do you often play sports?  Where is…
Where do you often learn English? I often learn English in my classroom.
This is the place where children can play soccer.
This orange is round.
  beautiful, library, bank, shop, cafe, garden, dining room, classroom, swimming pool, sports centre, playground, round, square, quiet, hungry, thirsty, tired
  Unit 4 Miss, can I ask you a question?
  Can I ask a question?
  What does this word mean? What does it mean? It means happy.
  What’s the English for…?
  What’s the Chinese for…?
  Excuse me! Can I use the bathroom for a minute?
Who wants have a try?
Can I open the window? Yes, you can. No, you can`t.
May I sit there?
I can draw a horse.
What’s English for “Chengshi”? It’s` town`.
question, sure, riddle, picture, straight, plus, minus, curly, try, address, video, comic, film, jungle, balcony,
town, laugh, enjoy
  Unit 5 How about coming with us?
  How about coming with us? I’d love to.  I’d love to, but…
  Where are you going? I am going to Xidan.
  Which place would you like to go to? I’d like to go to the island.
    Where is the cinema? Opposite the market.
market, farm, hospital, school, bus station, cinema, zoo, supermarket, bank, beach, forest,
waterfall, lake, island, village, mountain
  on, under, in front of, behind, next to, by, beside, near, opposite
  Unit 6 He likes reading picture books.
  He likes reading picture books.
  It’s time to get up.
  Come and play with us.
  What does Bob like doing best?
What kind of books do you like to read?
What do you do every day? I do homework everyday. I don’t do homework everyday.
What does he do everyday? He plays the piano everyday. He doesn’t play the piano everyday.
What do you like doing? I like swimming.
What dose he like doing? He likes taking pictures.
What kinds of books do you like reading? I like reading comic books.
  get up, picture book
story book故事书, games book游戏书comic book笑话书, toy book玩具书picture book图画书,
music book音乐书sports book体育运动类书, cookery book烹饪书animal book动物类书
  read a newspaper看报纸read a book读书 ride a horse骑马eat fruit吃水果eat an ice cre
  take pictures拍照draw a picture画画drink tea喝茶do math做数学题watch TV看电视
  wash up洗刷go shopping去购物cook food做饭clean the floor擦地板 skate滑冰
  sing and dance唱歌跳舞play the piano弹钢琴play games做游戏
  Unit 7 You mustn't drop litter in the park!
  in the water在水里in the boat在船上in the park在公园里 on the grass在草地上
  throw food at animals扔给动物食物stand and shout站着大喊drop litter扔垃圾pick flowers摘花
  sit on the grass坐在草地上
  You mustn't throw food at animals in the water.你不可以往水里给动物扔吃的。
  You mustn't stand and shout in the boat.你不可以站在穿上大叫。
  You mustn't drop litter in the park.你不可以在公园里扔垃圾。
  You mustn't pick flowers in the park.你不可以在公园里摘花。
You mustn't sit on the grass.你不可以坐在草地上。
You must drive here. You mustn’t drive here.
  There be句型:There is a hen standing on the football.有一只母鸡站在足球上。
  There is a bird standing on the book.有一只鸟站在书上。
  piano怎么读There is a cat sleeping on the bed.有一只猫躺在床上睡觉。
  There are two frogs swimming in the river.有两只青蛙在河里游泳。
  There are two mice eating fruit.有两只老鼠在吃水果。
There are two sheep eating grass.有两只绵羊在吃草。
There is a hippo in the river.
There are some people in the boat.
There is a parrot standing on a book.
There are two cats sleep in a big shoe.
drive开车, draw画画, swim游泳, sleep睡觉 fish钓鱼, wash, kick, talk谈话 jump, climb,
