My heart beat with that feeling,pumping it like blood to my body as my fingers flew across the piano keys。As the piece neared the end,I stood up to take my final bow. For a second,the room was quiet。Yet,even in that one second,I had enough time to doubt whether I had done everything perfectly。Then,suddenly,the applause came。
“Thank you… so much,” I said,turning to Olga, my piano teacher for six yea rs. “You've been an amazing student all these years," she said, “and I hope that whatever you do,you never stop practicing.”
I leaned forward, promising I would always keep playing because I loved piano, and hugged her.
It turned out to be that promises weren't as meaningful as I'd hoped for them to be。Right after quitting,I kept up my strict practicing schedule。Soon,it began slipping away from me。After all, the reason I had stopped taking lessons was that my schedule was busy with homework。Not long after, I
stopped practicing altogether。It was pleasing not to have to stress about piano anymore. But something was shifting inside of me。I was empty inside.
One day I met Michelle,who had also taken piano lessons from Olga for quite a while。
“So, are you still taking lessons from Olga?” She asked。
“Um, no,actually I just quit a while ago,” I replied quickly。“Oh,that’s a shame," she responded,“You used to be so good —I remember your performance a year ago;it was breathtaking。”
Two days after talking to Michelle,I subconsciously(潜意识地)sat down on the bench and started playing. I wasn't even trying to make the notes sound musically correct…I was simply doing what I should have been this entire time:playing,just to be playing.
As the music spread,a familiar feeling rose inside me。
1。According to the passage,the quiet room made the writer doubt 。
A。whether she ended the music a little earlier B。whether she expressed her feeling in music
C. whether she played the piano perfectly D。whether she was polite to make a bow
2。Why did the writer stop practicing the piano?
piano怎么读A。She lost interest in playing the piano。B。She was satisfied with her performance。
C。She thought Olga to be too strict with her。D。She was busy with her homework.
3。After stopping the piano,the writer felt 。
A。she seemed to have no purpose in life B。she got rid of the pressure of life
C. she had more time to do other activities D。she changed herself into another person
4。Michael seemed to think .
A。the writer could become a famous pianist B。it was a pity for the writer to stop practicing
C。the writer should be ashamed of her decision    D. the performance of the writer made her heart broken
US scientists have fixed experimental sensors (传感器)in some cities to map wind patterns and provide possible lifesaving information in a chemical or biological attack.
Two test models,in the form of nine—meter high aluminum (铝)towers,are now undergoing testing in New York City,one in Greenwich Village and the other near Times Square.
Half a dozen similar sensors have been fixed in and around Washington。
Simulations (模仿)of terrorist attacks carried out since the Sep.11,2001 attacks have stressed the importance of finding out as soon as possible those areas that would be most affected by giving out poisonous gas or radioactive material into the air.
Now,the only reliable sources of information on wind speeds and direction are major airports,which are generally located too far away from city centers to be of much use。
The experimental sensors measure wind strength and direction 10 times per second。The information is downloaded through the Internet to computers that can turn out a detailed wind map,updated every 15 minutes。
Addressing a recent House of Representatives committee meeting,the director of the National Oce
anic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA’s) “Air Resources" laboratory,Bruce Hicks,stressed the
importance of developing the wind mapping program。
“The wind sensors now being tested were produced by scientists rec ognizing there’s a real problem and we'd better start handling it fast or else we’ll get into trouble。”Hicks said.
Funds(资金) during the testing period had been provided by the new Department for Homeland Security which will decide whether to fix sensor networks in major US cities,if the experiment should have positive results。
1.The purpose of developing the wind mapping program is to 。A。get lifesaving information during terrorist attacks
< useful information about weather changes
C。map the speed and direction of the wind
D。prevent possible terrorist attacks
2.According to the text,the information from major airports is 。
A.slowly downloaded B。not quite reliable
C。quickly updated D。not very useful
3。From the text,we can learn that the wind mapping program . A。has been put into practical use
B。is being experimented
C。is just an idea under discussion
D.has finally failed for lack of money
4.What is the text mainly about?( )
A。Scientists' mapping wind to sense terrorist attacks。
