Hello, I'm Su Yang. I'm twelve. I have a good friend. Her name is Alice. She speaks(说)English and she can't speak Chinese. From Monday to Friday, we have Chinese, Maths and English. Alice likes Chinese and I like English. On Monday, Tuesday and Friday, we have PE and Art. On Wednesday and Thursday, we have Science and Music. Alice likes PE very much. She can play basketball very well. But I don't. I like Music. I can play the piano(钢琴). On Saturday, we often go to the library together. On Sunday, Alice has a Chinese lesson. And I have a Piano lesson, too.
1、Perhaps(也许)Alice is ______. (   
A.five    B.thirty    C.twelve
2、They have Science lessons on ______.(   
A.Wed. and Thur.    B.Wed. and Fri.      C.Mon. and Fri.
3、______ can play basketball very well. (   
A.Su Yang    B.Alice    C.Su Hai
4、On Saturday, Alice ______. (   
A.goes to the library    B.plays basketball    C.has a lesson
5、Su Yang has a ______ lesson on Sunday. (   
A.Chinese    B.Piano    C.Swimming
I'm John. This is my new bedroom. There is a big bed in my room. Two chairs are near the bed. The photo of my family is near the bed. There is a beautiful picture on the wall. There are many mountains and white clouds in the picture. The two chairs are in front of the desk. The computer is on the desk. Look at my shoes. They are under the bed. I clean my bedroom every day. I like my bedroom very much.
6、What's on the desk? (    )
A.A computer.    B.Many books.    C.A ball.
7、The photo is ________. (    )
A.near the bed    B.on the bed    C.over the bed
8、What does John do every day? (    )
A.He listens to music.    B.He plays football.    C.He cleans his bedroom.
9、Is there a picture in the room? (    )
A.Yes, he can.    B.Yes, there is.    C.No. there isn't.
10、Where is the desk? (    )
A.It's in front of the bed.    B.It's in front of the chair.    C.It's behind the chairs.
Mum: Hurry up, Helen! It’s eight o'clock. It’s time for school.
Helen: I can’t go to school today, Mum.
Mum: What’s the matter, dear?
Helen: I feel cold.
Mum: Oh. You have a fever. Drink some warm water, dear.
Helen: No. I don’t want to drink any water, Mum.
Mum: Let’s go to see the doctor.
Helen: OK. I want to drink some orange juice, Mum.
11、Where is Helen now? (     )
A.In the park.    B.At home.    C.In class.
12、What time is it? (     )
A.Seven forty.    B.Seven.    C.Eight o'clock.
13、Is it Monday today? (     )
A.Yes, it is.    B.No, it isn’t.    C.Sorry, I don’t know. (我不知道)
14、Helen wants to ________. (     )
A.go to school    B.drink some water    C.drink some orange juice
15、What's the matter with Helen? (     )
A.She is happy.    B.She is ill.    C.She is hungry.
Now, let’s look at this picture. This is Mr. Jones’ home. There is a river behind his home. Some ducks are swimming in the river. There are many trees and flowers around his home. Mr. Jones’ home is not big, but it’s clean. There is a kitchen, a bathroom and a bed
room in it. In his bedroom, there is a black clock on the wall. A small desk is near the window. On the desk there are many books and pens. Do you like Mr. Jones’ home?
16、The title (标题) of this passage is ______. (    )
A.Mr. Jones    B.Mr. Jones’ picture    C.Mr. Jones’ home
17、Some ducks are swimming in the river ______ his home. (    )
A.before    B.behind    C.between
18、Mr. Jones can see many ______.  (    )
A.ducks    B.rivers    C.trees and flowers
19、Mr. Jones’ home has not ______.  (    )
A.a living room    B.a bathroom    C.a bedroom
20、A clock is on the wall of the ______.  (    )
A.kitchen    B.bedroom    C.living room
Kate: What day is it today?
Helen: It’s Wednesday. What lessons do we have this afternoon?
Kate: We have Social Science, English and Computer Studies.
Helen: Oh, I like Art very much. But we don’t have Art today.
Kate: We will have an Art lesson tomorrow.
Helen: Great! Do you like Art?
Kate: No, I don’t. I like English very much.
Helen: It’s time for class. Let’s go.
21、This afternoon, Kate has ______ lesson. (      )
A.an English    B.a Maths    C.an Art
22、Today is ______. (      )
A.Tuesday    B.Wednesday    C.Thursday
23、______ like(s) Art very much. (      )
A.Kate    B.Helen    C.Kate and Helen
24、It’s time for ______. (      )
A.supper    B.rest    C.class
25、Kate likes ______ very much. (      )
