Unit 1 The First Day
一. 教学内容:
I enjoy learning English!
I enjoy speaking English!
I enjoy making mistakes!
I enjoylosing face!
I’am crazy about speaking English.
I practice speaking English everyday.
I can speak good English!
I’am a international Chinese!
Lesson 1
1第一的最初首先 first
2 数学 math
3 排球 volleyball
4 篮球 basketball
5 中国人;中文 Chinese
6 足球 soccer
7 数字;号码 number
8 中间的;居中的 middle
9 中学 middle school
10 最喜欢的 favorite
11 科目;学科 subject
12 喜欢;习爱 like
13 玩;游戏;演奏 play
14 研读学习研究 study
15 到…… 去 go to
16 确实地;真实地 really
17 电脑;计算机 computer
18 一年级的 first-year
19 学生 student
二. 重点及难点:
数学 math
中国人;中文 Chinese
科目;学科 subject
电脑;计算机 computer
排球 volleyball
篮球 basketball
玩;游戏;演奏 play
足球 soccer
go to 到......去
middle school 中学
first-year 一年级(的)
art. 冠词
adj. 形容词
adv. 副词
n. 名词
vt. 动词
1. I really like computers.
要点:基本句型:sb. like sth. 某人喜欢某事物
I like English. 我喜欢英语。I like soccer. 我喜欢足球。
He likes English. 他喜欢英语。He likes soccer. 他喜欢足球。拓展知识:really说明喜欢的程度
I really like English.
(口语) I do like English.
2. My favorite subject is math.
要点:基本句型:sb. favorite subject is ~
My favorite subject is music. 我最喜欢的学科是音乐。
His favorite subject is PE. 他最喜欢的学科是体育。
拓展句型:What's your favorite subject? 你最喜欢的学科是什么?
3. I go to No.1 Middle School.
要点:基本句型:go to + 地点
I go to Beijing. 我去北京。
特例:I go home at five o'clock. 我五点钟回家。
No. 1 Middle School 第一中学
No. 69 Middle School 第六十九中学
4. Mike is a first-year student.
要点:拓展知识:Mike is a second-year student. 麦克是一个二年级的学生。
拓展句型:Is Mike a first- year student? 麦克是一个一年级的学生吗?
Are you a first- year student? 你是一个一年级的学生吗?
5. My name is Liu Chang.
要点:拓展知识:I'm Liu Chang. 我是刘畅。
Lesson 2
一. 大声读单词:
20 语言 language
21 队;在一起工作的人 team
22 成员 member
23 俱乐部 club
24 实践;学习 practice
25 (询问)…… 怎么样? how about
26 骑;搭乘 ride raid
27 背包 backpack
28 钢琴 piano
29 每人;人人 everyone
30 高兴的 glad
31 相见;相遇 meet
32 机器人 robot
33 科学 science
二. 重点及难点:
语言 language
成员 member
1. ride bus 坐公共车
ride a bike 骑自行车
2. practice English 练习英语
practice the piano 练习弹钢琴
3. talk about 谈论
1. Hi, I'm Liu Chang. 你好,我叫刘畅。
Hello, my name is Wang Dandan. 你好,我叫王丹丹。
2. I'm glad to meet everyone. 很高兴认识大家。
I'm glad to meet everyone, too. 我也很高兴认识各位。
3. My favorite subject is science. 科学是我喜欢的科目。
My favorite subject is English. 英语是我喜欢的学科。
4. I really like robots and computers. 我很喜欢机器人和计算机。
I really like new languages. 我很喜欢新的语言。
5. I am in No. 8 Middle School. 我在第八中学。
I'm a first-year student here at No. 8 Middle School. 我是第八中学的一年级学生。难点句型:
1. I practice English in the English club. 我在英语俱乐部练习英语。
2. I practice the piano every day. 我每天练习弹钢琴。
3. I am a member of the school science club. 我是学校科学俱乐部的成员。
I am a member of the school English club. 我是学校英语俱乐部的成员。
4. 第三人称单数,在动词后面加上"s"
Liu Chang likes robots and computers.
Wang Dandan likes languages.
She practices English in the English club.
Lesson 3
一. 大声读单词:
34 体育运动;运动 sport
35 牙齿 teeth
36 疲劳的 tired
37 美味的 delicious
38 巧克力 chocolate
39 乐趣 fun
40 饥饿的 hungry
二. 重点及难点:
be 动词
定义:be 动词,又称为"系动词"。表"是"的意思。
形式:am , is , are
I am a student.
Y ou are a student.
She/ He is a student.
It is a student.We are students.
Y ou are students.
They are students.
我用am ,你用are I am you are 顺口说
― Is‖用于他她它he is she is it is 讲熟练
复数人称都用are we are you are 和they are
Lesson 4
一. 重点及难点:
1. How about you, Dandan? 你呢,丹丹?
A: I like dogs. How about you, Cherry? B: I like dogs, too.
A: I am in No. 5 Middle School. How about you, David? B: I am in No. 5 Middle School, too.
2. t is your favorite ~? 你喜欢的~ 是什么?
What's your favorite music?
What's your favorite food?
What's your favorite color?
What's your favorite teacher?
What's your favorite sport?
1. -Hi, my name is Li Jun.
A. Hello.
B. Hi, I'm Amy.
C. Hi, do you like baseball?
2. -Do you like basketball ?
A. Yes, I am.
B. Y es, I do.
C. No, I can.
3. She ____ a teacher.
A. is
B. are
piano怎么读C. be
4. What's your _____book?
A. like
B. love
C. favorite
5. ______you like baseball?
A. Do
B. Are
C. Does
参考答案:1~5 B B A C A
Unit 2 After School
一. 教学内容:
Unit Two After School
二. 重点、难点:
1. Words, Phrases and Sentences
2. "be"动词的用法
三. 具体内容:
Lesson One
1. don't = do not
2. lesson n. 课,功课
3. take ~ lessons 上~ 课
4. love v. 热爱,爱
5. music n. 音乐
6. baseball n. 棒球(运动)
7. violin n. 小提琴
