Translation: Theory and Practice
Translation Theory:翻译理论
1.What is your opinion on the importance of translation? 2.What is translation?
3.How is translation generally categorized? Which categories are you familiar with?
4.How do you understand Mr. Yan’s three-word guide “xin, da, ya”? What’s your opinion on the principles or criteria of translation?
5.What are literal translation and free translation? And what principles should a translator abide by/obey in applying them?
6. What do you know about translation techniques in general and scientific literature translation in particular?
1.1 General Description of Translation翻译概论
1.2 Limitation of Translatability翻译的可译性限度
1.3 Literal Translation and Free Translation直译与意译
1.3.1 Mechanical and servile Translation死译与硬译
1.3.2 Unrestricted &uncontrolled Translation胡译与乱译
1.4 Under-translation & Over-translation“欠额”与“超额”
1.5 Misinterpretation &Mistranslation误释与误译
1.6 Communicative Translation交际翻译
1.7 Semantic Translation语义翻译
2.Practical Translation skills
2.2 Correspondence at Word Level词语层对应
2.3 Discriminate the Meaning of an English Word词义选择
2.3.1 Judging from the Word Formation构词法判断词义
2.3.2 Judging from the References根据相关词汇判断词义
2.3.3 Judging from the Context and Collocation语境搭配
2.3.4 Different Branches of Learning and Specialties专业词
2.3.5.Techniques in a Given English Word特殊词语翻译 Deduction演绎法 Transplant移植法 Extension引申/词义扩大 Substitution替代/假借法 Explanation解释/阐述法 Combination合译/缀合法 Pictographic Translationconversion翻译方法的定义形象翻译 Transliteration音译法
3. Amplification增益
3.1 Amplification in E-C translation英译汉补词/增益
3.1.2 Supplying Omitted Words to Convey the Original Meaning增补省略词
3.1.3 Amplification by Supplying Necessary Connectives增补关联词
3.1.4 Words to Convey the Concept to Plural Nouns复数名词增量词
3.1.5 Supplying Words to make an Abstract Concept Clear增补抽象概念范畴词
3.1.6 Amplification Dictated by Logic逻辑增词
3.1.7 Amplification by Supplying Words of Generalization常识/归纳性增词
3.1.8 Amplification for Purposes of Rhetoric or Coherence修辞增词法
3.1.9 Amplification by Repetition重复增词
3.2 Amplification in C-E translation汉译英补词/增益
3.2.1 Amplifying by Adding Necessary Connectives增关联词
3.2.2 Amplifying by Adding Necessary Pronouns增补代词
3.2.3 Adding Background Information to Make the Version Clear背景性增补
4. Omission省略
4.1Omission of the Pronoun省略代词
4.2 Omission of the Article省略冠词
4.3 Omission of the Preposition省略介词
4.4 Omission of the Conjunction省略连词
4.5 Omission of the Verb省略动词
4.6 Omission of the Impersonal Pronoun省略非人称代词It
4.7 Omission to avoid unnecessary repetition省略重复词
4.8 Omission for abstract nouns省略表抽象概念的名词
5. Conversion词类转换
5.1 Conversion into Verbs转换为动词
5.1.2 Conversion of Prepositions into Verbs介词转换为动词
5.1.3 Conversion of Adjectives into Verbs形容词转换为动词
5.1.4 Conversion of Adverbs into Verbs副词转换为动词
5.2 Conversion into Nouns转换为名词
5.2.1 Conversion of Verbs into Nouns动词转换为名词
5.2.2 Conversion of Adjectives into Nouns形容词转名词
5.2.3 Conversion of Pronouns into Nouns代词转换为名词
5.3 Conversion into Adjectives转换为形容词
5.3.1 Conversion of Nouns into Adjectives名词转为形容词
5.3.2 Conversion of Adverbs into Adjectives副词转形容词
5.4 Conversion into Adverbs转换为副词
5.4.1 Conversion of Adjectives into Adverbs形容词转副词
5.4.2 Conversion of Nouns and Verbs into Adverbs名词、动词转换为副词
6.1 Different Sequences in Word-formation
6.2 Different Sequences in Sentence Arrangement
6.3 Adverbial Phrases
6.4 Cases Involving an Adverbial
6.5 That-clause as Judgment of Conclusion
7. Passive Voice被动态的翻译
7.1 Passive Voice Converted into Active Voice
7.2 Passive Voice Converted into Subject-omitted Sentences
7.3 Passive Voice Remaining Passive in Chinese
7.4 Passive Voice Replaced by other Structures
8. Affirmative vs Negative肯定与否定的翻译
8.1 Affirmative in English, Negative in Chinese
8.2 Negative in English, Affirmative in Chinese
8.3 Same English Words, Either Affirmative or Negative in Chinese
8.4 Double Negative for Emphasis in English
8.5 Roundabout Way of Expressing the Affirmative in English(Mutual Translation of Affirmative and Negative)
8.6 Some Traps in English Negative Structures
9. Technical Terms技术名词
9.1 Affixation缀合词
9.2 Compounding合成词
9.3 Blending合义词
9.4 Acronyms缩略词
9.5 Proper Nouns专有名词