1. 作为名词时:
  - Along the coast: 沿着海岸线
  - Beautiful coastline: 美丽的海岸线
  - Coastal erosion: 海岸侵蚀
  - Coastal wetlands: 滨海湿地
2. 作为动词时:
  a. 指滑行或滑下来:
      - The car coasted down the hill. (汽车顺着山坡滑下来。)
      - The bicycle can easily coast downhill. (自行车可以轻松地下坡滑行。)
  b. 指无需费力前进:
      - We turned off the motor and let the boat coast into the dock. (我们关闭了发动机,让船顺势驶入码头。)
      - After pedaling hard, he could briefly coast on his bike before having to pedal again. (他使劲蹬了一会儿脚踏板后,在不需要再蹬车之前,他可以稍微惯性移动一段时间。)
1. Coast along: 轻松前行/从容度日
  - We coasted along the river, enjoying the beautiful scenery. (我们从容地沿着河流前行,欣赏美丽的风景。)
  - She retired early and now she just coasts along in her garden. (她早早退休了,现在她只是在花园里从容度日。)
2. Coast is clear: 无危险/没有障碍物
  - I waited until the coast was clear before sneaking out of my room. (我等到确保没有危险后才偷偷离开房间。)
  - Wait until the coast is clear before you open the door. (在打开门之前等到确保安全。)
3. Coast to coast: 全国范围/贯穿整个海岸线
  - The company has stores from coast to coast. (该公司在全国各地都有分店。)
talented的用法和短语  - The charity walk raised money from coast to coast. (这次慈善步行活动筹集到了遍布全国的捐款。)
4. East Coast/West Coast: 东海岸/西海岸(指美国)
  - He moved from the East Coast to the West Coast for a new job opportunity.(他为了新的工作机会从东海岸搬到了西海岸。)
5. Ivory Coast: 象牙海岸(非洲国家名称)
  - My friend is planning a trip to Ivory Coast next year.(我的朋友计划明年去象牙海岸旅行。)
6. Coast guard: 海岸警卫队
  - The coast guard rescued the stranded fishermen. (海岸警卫队营救了被困的渔民。)
  - The coast guard patrols the coast regularly to ensure maritime safety. (海岸警卫队定期巡逻以确保海上安全。)
7. Gulf Coast: 海湾沿岸地区(例如,墨西哥湾)
  - Many tourists visit the Gulf Coast for its stunning beaches and warm weather. (很多游客来到海湾沿岸地区欣赏其令人惊叹的海滩和温暖的气候。)
8. Ivory Coast football team: 象牙海岸足球队
  - The Ivory Coast football team has a strong squad, with many talented players.(象牙海岸足球队拥有强大的阵容,有许多才华横溢的球员。)
