1. steal的基本意思和用法
例句: - He stole my wallet while I wasn’t looking. - The company accused the competitor of stealing their trade secrets.
例句: - I stole this shirt at the clearance sale. It was 70% off! - The car dealership is offering a great deal. You can steal a brand new car for only $10,000.
2. steal的常见搭配
2.1 steal from
steal from表示“从某人或某地偷窃”。常用于描述人从特定的人或地方盗取财物的行为。
例句: - The thief stole from several houses in the neighborhood. - She caught her son stealing money from her purse.
2.2 steal someone’s heart
steal someone’s heart表示“赢得某人的心”。这个短语常用于形容某人迷人或吸引人的魅力。
例句: - His charming smile stole her heart. - The singer’s beautiful voice stole the audience’s hearts.
2.3 steal the show
steal the show表示“抢镜头”,指在某个表演或活动中表现出,吸引人们的注意力。
例句: - The young actor stole the show with his brilliant performance. - The magician’s tricks stole the show at the party.
2.4 steal a glance/look
steal a glance/look表示“偷偷看一眼”,形容秘密地或偷偷地看某人或某物。
例句: - She stole a glance at her crush from across the room. - He stole a look at the answers during the exam.
2.5 steal the spotlight
steal the spotlight表示“抢风头”,指在某个场合或团体中突出自己,成为焦点。
例句: - The fashion designer’s unique designs stole the spotlight at the fashion show. - The talented young singer stole the spotlight from the established artists.
2.6 steal thundertalented的用法和短语
steal thunder表示“抢风头”,指在某人或某事物的成功或重要时刻表现出,使他人的成就相形见绌。
例句: - The announcement of the new product stole the thunder from the competitor’s launch. - The unexpected goal by the underdog team stole the thunder from the favorites.
3. steal的其他常见表达
3.1 steal a kiss
steal a kiss表示“偷吻”,形容秘密地或突然地吻某人。
例句: - He stole a kiss from his girlfriend when nobody was looking. - The romantic movie scene made them want to steal a kiss.
3.2 steal someone’s thunder
steal someone’s thunder表示“抢某人的风头”,指在某人的成功或重要时刻表现出,使其相形见绌。
例句: - The younger sibling’s achievements sometimes steal the older sibling’s thunder. - The new employee’s innovative ideas stole the manager’s thunder.
3.3 steal someone’s thunder
steal someone’s thunder表示“剽窃某人的创意或主意”。
例句: - The author accused the other writer of stealing his thunder. - The company sued their former employee for stealing their thunder.
4. 总结
本文介绍了steal这个词的基本意思和用法。除了表示“偷窃”之外,steal还可以用来表示“以低廉的价格购得某物”或“以优惠的价格购买”。常见的搭配包括steal from、steal someone’s heart、steal the show等。此外,steal还有一些其他常见表达,比如steal a kiss、steal so
meone’s thunder等。通过学习和掌握这些搭配和表达,我们可以更准确地运用steal这个词,丰富我们的英语表达。
