Unit3 I’m more outgoing than my sister.
Section A
1. I’m more outgoing than my sister. 我比我妹妹更外向。
【解析】outgoing [a?tg]adj.对人友好的,开朗的;
(比较级:more outgoing, 最高级most outgoing)
( ) Jason is _____ than most of kids in my class. He is very active.
A. outgoing
B. more outgoing
C. much outgoing
D. the most outgoing
2. But you can tell that Lisa Practiced a lot more and really wanted to win.
【解析】win vi.. 获胜,成功
【拓展】beat 和win
(1)beat 是及物动词后接比赛、战斗、辩论等的对手,可以是人或集体。
I can beat you at swimming.在游泳方面我能击败你
Which team do you think will win the basketball match this time?
【记】We won the match and we beat them by the score of 5 to 3.
①The girls ________the boys in yesterday’s match.
②He decided to ________the match.
( ) ③They didn’t _____ the basketball match. We ___ them 24-20.
A. win; beat
B. beat; win
C. win; win
D. beat; beat
【2014浙江宁波】Jenny , you should practice as often as you can ___ the piano competition.
B.to fail
D.to win
【2014四川绵阳】19. —Which singer do you think ____ the V oice of China?
—I'm not sure. There are still 3 rounds to come.
A. won
B. has won
C. will win
D. Wins
3.【解析】quiet adj安静的→quietly [kwa??tl?] adv轻声地
【记】She said to me quietly that I should be quiet.
( ) ①We approached (靠近) the birds ___________(quiet) and watched them.
( ) ②【2012阜康中考】The mother walked into the room ___ in order not to wake up her baby.
A. quickly
B. quietly
C. heavily
D. fast
4. I think she sang more clearly than Nelly. 我认为她唱得比内莉更清晰。
【解析】clearly [kl??l?] adv 清楚地,明白地
【2014江苏盐城】57. As times goes, my grandmother can’t see as _____(清楚) as she used to. 【2014天津中考】25. We don’t want to speak badly or ______ in fro nt of the class.
A. clearly
B. carefully
D. properly
【拓展】adj + ly =adv
quiet→quietly usual →usually different →differently real →really
( ) ①I can’t hear you ____. Can you speak _______?
A. clear; loudly
B. clearly; loud
C. clearly; loudly
D. clear; loud
【2012钦州中考】The teacher speaks loudly so that the students can hear her ____.
A. slowly
B. clearly
C. quietly
D. carefully
5. I’m getting better,though.尽管如此,我们打得比以前更好了。
【解析】better [bet?] adj.更好的(good和well的比较级);更熟练的;好的;健康的【2014山东泰安】35.—Is your headache getting_______?
—No, It’s worse.
【2014鄂州中考】23. — He was chosen to be a volunteer of the Olympic Games.
— Great! No one speaks English _______ him.
A. as beautiful as
B. as badly as
C. worse than
D. better than
【解析】though [e?u] conj.虽然,尽管;即使;纵然
引导让步状语从句,= although .不能跟but 连用。
()Tony still went to school ____ he had caught a bad cold.
A. and
talented的用法和短语B. because
C. though
D. So
【2014杭州中考】In summer milk will quickly go bad_____ it is put into a fridge.
【2014南京中考】7. ______ Lin Feng has to work late, she always wears a smile on her face.
A. Because
B. If
C. Until
D. Though
6.Who’s more hard-working at school? 在学校谁更努力?
【解析】hard-working [hɑd'w?k??]努力地,勤奋地
【记】He work hard at English and he is a hard- working student.
( ) He is clever , but not very ____.
A. work hard
B. hard work
C. hard- working
D. work
【拓展】work hard努力工作/学习,hard work艰苦的工作
He work hard at English and he is a hard-working student.
7. which one is Lias? 哪位是丽莎?
【解析】which [wit?] pron.哪一个;哪一些;哪个
Which book do you like?
Which is your book?
8.But I think friends are like books —you don’t need a lot of them as long as they’re good. 但是我认为朋友就像书籍—只要是好的,你不需要许多。
