Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?

1. go on vacation        去度假
2. stay at home        呆在家
3. go to the mountains  去爬山
4. visit museums        参观博物馆
5. quite a few          相当多,不少
6. study for……     为…而学习
7. most of the time      大多数时间
8. taste good          尝起来不错
9. have a good time   过得愉快
10. of course           当然             
11. feel like          感受到
12. go shopping      去买东西
13. in the past        在过去
14. walk around…..  四处走走
15. too many        太多
16. one bowl of        一碗。。。
17. find out          查明,弄清
18. take photos        照相
19. something important 重要的事情
20. up and down      上上下下 


1. buy sth for sb./ buy sb. sth 为某人买某物
2. taste + adj.  尝起来……
3. seem + (to be) + adj   看起来
4. arrive in + 大地方arrive at + 小地方 到达某地
5. decide to do sth.  决定做某事
6. try one`s best to do sth尽力做某事
7. enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事
8. want to do sth. 想去做某事
9. stop doing sth. 停止做某事
10. dislike doing sth. 不喜欢做某事
talented的用法和短语11. Why not do sth. 为什么不做…….呢?
12. tell sb. (not) to do sth. 告诉某人(不要)做某事
13. keep doing sth.  继续做某事
14. forget to do sth.  忘记去做某事
15. forget doing sth  忘记做过某事

1. Did you buy anything special?  你买了什么特别的东西吗?
2. It was my first time there.  这是我第一次去那儿。
3. I bought something for my parents, but nothing for myself. 我买了一些东西给我父母,但是没有给自己买。
4. The only problem was that there was nothing much to do in the evening but read. Still no one seemed to be bored.  唯一的问题是,晚上除了阅读,无事可做。但似乎还是没人感到烦闷。
5. What a difference a day makes!  一天的差异是多么大呀!
6. Because of the bad weather, we couldn’t see anything below.  因为糟糕的天气,底下的东西我们什么都看不到。
Unit 2  How often do you exercise?
