1. 并列连词
并列连词用于连接同等重要的两个或多个句子、短语或单词。常见的并列连词有:and, but, or, so, yet, for。下面是一些使用并列连词的技巧:
- 使用 "and" 来表示并列关系,表示两个事物或想法的相似性或添加附加信息。
例子:He is tall and handsome.
例子:She likes to read books and play video games.
使用 "but" 来表示转折关系,表示两个事物或想法的对比或相互排斥。
例子:I am tired, but I still need to finish my homework.
例子:He is smart, but sometimes lazy.
- 使用 "or" 来表示选择关系,表示两个事物或想法的二选一。
例子:Do you want coffee or tea?
例子:We can go to the park or the beach.
- 使用 "so" 来表示因果关系,表示一个事物或想法是另一个事物或想法的结果。
例子:It is raining, so I will take my umbrella.
例子:He studied hard, so he passed the exam.
talented的用法和短语- 使用 "yet" 来表示转折关系,表示一个事物或想法和另一个事物或想法之间的矛盾或意外。
例子:She is rich, yet unhappy.
例子:He is talented, yet underappreciated.
- 使用 "for" 来表示原因关系,表示一个事物或想法是另一个事物或想法的原因。
例子:He was late for the meeting because of traffic.
例子:She bought new shoes for the party.
2. 从属连词
从属连词用于连接主句和从句,从属连词可以将两个句子合并成一个复合句。常见的从属连词有:because, if, when, although, while, since。下面是一些使用从属连词的技巧:
- 使用 "because" 来表示原因关系,引导一个表达原因的从句。
例子:I stayed at home because it was raining.
例子:She couldn't sleep because of the noise.
- 使用 "if" 来表示条件关系,引导一个条件从句。
例子:If it rains, we will stay indoors.
例子:If you study hard, you will pass the exam.
- 使用 "when" 来表示时间关系,引导一个时间从句。
例子:I will call you when I arrive.
例子:She was reading a book when the phone rang.
- 使用 "although" 来表示转折关系,引导一个表达转折的从句。
例子:Although it was cold, he didn't wear a coat.
例子:She still loves him although he betrayed her.
- 使用 "while" 来表示对比关系,引导一个表达对比的从句。
例子:He sings while he works.
例子:She listens to music while she exercises.
- 使用 "since" 来表示时间关系,引导一个表达原因的从句。
例子:I haven't seen her since last year.
例子:He has been in the hospital since Monday.
1. I like tea ___ coffee.
- A. or    B. and    C. but    D. so
2. He is tired ___ he needs to finish his work.
- A. so    B. because    C. yet    D. while
3. ___ it was raining, she went for a walk.
- A. If    B. When    C. Although    D. Since
4. She is rich, ___ unhappy.
- A. for    B. so    C. yet    D. while
5. I will call you ___ I arrive.
- A. although    B. because    C. when    D. while
答案:1. A    2. B    3. C    4. C    5. C
