In this article, we will discuss the SQL Server Reporting Service Report Builder and look at how to handle common client,
end user requests using Report Builder. Report Builder is a very powerful tool to create a report for the SQL Server Reporting Service.
在本⽂中,我们将讨论SQL Server Reporting Service报表⽣成器,并研究如何使⽤报表⽣成器处理常见的客户端,最终⽤户请求。 报表⽣成器是⼀个⾮常强⼤的⼯具,可以为SQL Server报表服务创建报表。
Advantages of the Report Builder is that it:
exists as a Stand-alone installation
can use different data from a lot of data sources
can easily deploy reports to SQL Server Reporting Service
可以轻松地将报表部署到SQL Server报表服务
supports full capabilities of SQL Server Reporting Service
⽀持SQL Server Reporting Service的全部功能
provides a productive report-authoring environment
After that, we will demonstrate how to handle problems that may arise from the client or business.
Because when we create a report for clients, they can request very different features. Our scenario is that we have a client who sells the product to different countries, so we are developing a report for this client. We will find a solution for different needs of this client.
因为当我们为客户创建报告时,他们会要求⾮常不同的功能。 我们的情况是,我们有⼀个客户将产品销售到不同的国家,因此我们正在为此客户开发⼀份报告。 我们将为该客户的不同需求到解决⽅案。
You can download Report Builder 2017 in this and you can install it. At the startup, a screen comes up like below. In this screen, we will click blank report and create a new report.
您可以在此下载Report Builder 2017并进⾏安装。 在启动时,出现如下屏幕。 在此屏幕中,我们将单击空⽩报告并创建⼀个新报告。
We will create sample sales data and retrieve data to report.
CREATE TABLE SalesCurrency
SalesAmount FLOAT ,
Cur VARCHAR(10),mail VARCHAR(50))
INSERT INTO SalesCurrency
VALUES (20,'USD' ,'testQQtest') ,(10,'GBP',''),
Client Request: Could you show my different currency sales in USD and exchange the real-time currency rates?客户要求:您能否以美元显⽰我的其他货币销售额并交换实时货币汇率?
Response: Yes, we can handle this problem in three steps on Reporting Builder!
响应 :是的,我们可以通过Reporting Builder的三个步骤来解决此问题!
What to do?
We will create an XML datasource that retrieves the daily exchange rates
We will create a dataset and connect this dataset to XML data source
We will use lookup function and exchange all different currency sales to USD
First of all, we will add a datasource to our report.
Then we will select XML connection type and setup a connection string which returns exchange rates. This will return USD exchange rates. You can find a lot of links which returns exchange rates in different currencies.
然后,我们将选择XML连接类型并设置⼀个返回汇率的连接字符串。 该将返回美元汇率。 您可以到很多以不同货币返回汇率的链接。
We will add a dataset, connect this dataset to XML datasource and click refresh fields.
Now our XML dataset is ready. We will add new datasource and dataset which retrieves sales data from SQL Server database.
现在我们的XML数据集已准备就绪。 我们将添加新的数据源和数据集,以从SQL Server数据库检索销售数据。
We will write our query to query textbox.
