本文由我司收集整编,推荐下载,如有疑问,请与我司联系python的套接字。错误:[Errno 9]错误的文件描述符。
python的套接字。错误:[Errno 9]错误的文件描述符。[英]: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor I wanted to make a server and a client with Python. It was supposed to make multiple connections, one, where the server is sending something to the client, and one where the client is sending something to the server.
localtime中文是什么 The first connection worked fine, but the second one crashed with the message:
json文件编辑器下载 第一个连接运行良好,但是第二个连接崩溃了:
weblogic常用端口 : [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor Here is the Server:drupal7 getshell
important意思 import socketimport errnoimport pickledef Main(): host = ‘’ port = 66666 all_text = [‘te
xt1’, ‘text2’, ‘text3’] all_description = [‘Test \n Description1\n’, ‘Test \n Description1\n’, ‘Test \n Description1\n’] all_images = [‘unlock.png’, ‘unlock.png’, ‘unlock.png’] s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM, socket.IPPROTO_TCP) s.bind((host, port)) s.listen(1) if command == ‘GIVEALL’: textstring = pickle.dumps([all_text, all_images, all_description])#verwandelt Liste in String c.send(textstring)from kivy.properties import StringPropertyfrom kivy.properties import NumericPropertyfrom kivy.properties import ListPropertyclass Netclient(object): def __init__(self): self.s = socket.socket() = [] self.current = ‘All’ self.ip = ‘’ self.port = 66666 def giveWid(self): print ‘give Widgets executed’ if self.current == ‘All’: , self.images, self.description = self.sentHOT(self.ip, self.port) , self.images, self.description def sentHOT(self, host, port): t((host, port)) self.s.send(‘GIVEALL’)#sends command recived_string = v(1023) more_text = pickle.loads(recived_string)#verwandelt string in liste self.s.close() print ‘closed’ return more_text[0], more_text[1], more_text[2] def