单词的中文意思(The Chinese meaning of the word)
How to remember the meaning of English words
A big problem is not a problem
I start on sina "quick English online FAQ" has been more than two years, has answered the net friend of more than ten thousand questions, but there is a problem that I find most "strange,"
I don't have this problem as a problem, think everyone should know the answer to this question, I didn't even prepared the answer to this question, but this problem have been filed, and the questions of the repeat frequency is quite high, which makes me have to take this issue as a "big issue" to pay attention to, and will carefully consider good answer to this problem, in view of this problem is very universal, I will answer this question, published in the blog, this question is "how to remember English words in Chinese mean?" It is.
If you think about it, who invented English? British people! Do British people know Chinese? Don't know! So do British people need to remember the Chinese meaning of words when learning English words? No, there are no Chinese characters in English textbooks. How to remember the Chinese mea
ning of the word? So why do Chinese people learn English to remember the Chinese meaning of words when they don't need to remember (or even see) the Chinese meaning of the word? Doesn't that surprise you?
However, because Chinese people learn English in the back of the words in Chinese, so people can't find the "back Chinese characters" any strange. Actually think about it, this behavior is really very strange, strange root is not in itself, and the
Chinese is generally not directly identify the meaning of English words, and therefore had to rely on Chinese symbols to mechanically help to memorize English words meaning, so to learn English not only extravagance, and is bound to be in pain memories of endless symbols of disaster.
Actually English words and Chinese characters, there are a lot of "Chinese character component radical", know that the Chinese character component radical you can according to their direct to guess the meaning of the word, say not guess one hundred percent accurate, but at least you can guess, probably at least after people tell the meaning of your word you can suddenly realize to comprehend it, so that it can greatly enhance your English words "word meaning" knowledge ability, really know a word, and the Chinese meaning of it as a general reference only.
Words such as representative, please don't rush to tell me do you know this word, in fact you not really "know" this word, you are just with your memory to remember a list of English letters and two Chinese characters symbol "on behalf of the corresponding relationship between", so that you will be more difficult to learn English? Now let me tell you why this word means "representative". Re in English is a partial, it is the meaning of "coming back"; The pre is also a side-by-side, which means "forward"; Sent is also a partial ministry, is "send out, send out"; A is only part of the Chinese character component radical between a "connector", didn't it two consonants t will together, the pronunciation will be, will be difficult, therefore with a vowel letters a separated; Tive is also a partial ministry, is "human" meaning. So what does this bunch of partial heads mean? Re - pre-sent - a - tive, is "come back
- forward - sent to -", that is, "come back to ask everyone's opinion, and then send out to speak for everybody", this is not the meaning of "representative"! To know a word is to know the word, to recognize it.
Psy = sci, is a partial, is "know" meaning; Cho is a side of the side, is the meaning of "heart"; Lo is the side of a side, is the meaning of "to say"; Gy is a side of the side, is the meaning of "learning", and the word "logy" is the meaning of "doctrine". Therefore, psy - cho - y is linked to "the theory of th
record是什么意思中文e heart", hence the meaning of "psychology".
So, with that kind of push, not much,
I'd like to express views already clear, that is, not to memorize words in Chinese meaning, but want to use the method of identification of "Chinese character component radical" to really know a word, really know the words, you will find the Chinese translation of the original words to the vocabulary is very reluctantly, sometimes even basic translation not to come out, because Chinese and English are two different words system, both on the text was not one to one correspondence, only back English words, Chinese characters mean don't really know the word, can cause a lot of subsequent learning difficulties, to see the English words will cause you a lifetime like a hazy, always have a back out strangeness.
To answer this question when I discovered the Chinese to the English Chinese character component radical new two main reasons, one is one of the important content is not in the school English teaching materials, everyone in the classroom is less
than (the current school English teaching is an urgent need to make up for the defects). 2 is one of the few bookstore sales of books about this aspect content too complicated, dynamic track hundreds
of thousands of pages, content bitter large, affected the popularity of these common sense, make originally of common sense is not common sense. Actually in English learning of Chinese character component radical named "root", has more than two hundred, they are like as common and important 26 letters, like the Chinese character component in the Chinese radical common and important, they are learning English in the first class should be an important content of learning, learning English should be as soon as possible to master the important sense, as soon as possible to get rid of the brute-force state of rote learning, early access to scientific, efficient, state of literacy.
Sweet greetings to great talent! To learn!
China great talent concentration camp, the thinker's paradise "worry record" education column collection!
Teacher qu is right. Remember English words can't be remembered as Chinese. But English is a foreign language for Chinese, and the thought of the mother tongue has been formed, and before I can get away from my mother tongue, I have to have a bridge in my mother tongue. Domestic common used by large primary and secondary school English textbooks, even including those used by the brim of the foreign language school textbooks, although the form of the text is full of English, but after class English word list is have a meaning in Chinese, this is going on here?
I still don't understand. Why do the people who write the book
use Chinese annotations? Miss qu, can you say something?
Teacher: you're right. You can really recognize a word by identifying the "side by side" method. But where can we learn English from the side?
What the teacher said is right! Unfortunately, the teaching of the school is still memorized, and it does not tell the students the efficient learning method. It's time to give the teachers a lesson.
Once you have a certain English foundation, you should use the english-english version of the dictionary, such as the fourth edition of longman, the Macmillin dictionary, and the Collins Cobuild dictionary. Further study, you can use the original English Dictionary by Merriam Webster's Collegiate English Dictionary or OXford English. I have already learned a lot about my teacher's quick English, let me put it this way. I only need 10 seconds, 40 seconds of the alphabet, and a big grammar of my chest.
My current experience is that it's not advisable to borrow Chinese words, because I can't remember English at the moment. English is the right way to learn English.
My current vocabulary is a conservative estimate of 19,320. Because I am currently memorizing the longman2005 dictionary at the rate of 210 words a day, today I am writing the 19,320 word kudos.
I didn't advertise my teacher qu. I did it because I was able
