What was her name?  她叫什么
Her name was Jenny.  她叫珍妮
Where was she from?  她是哪里人
North Carolina, originally.  老家是北卡罗来纳州
We had met in Raleigh.  我们是在罗利市相遇的
What do you want to tell me about her?  关于她你想和我分享些什么
How much tape you got?  你还剩多少胶片
She hated the water.  她超级讨厌水
You know, she hated it.  她...非常讨厌
But she still didn't have the heart to tell me  但她依旧没忍心告诉我
to tell me I'd wasted half a paycheck  我为约会租那条破船
rentin' that damn boat for our date.  所花的一半工资是白花了
Her family was there, and, uh, my brother.  她的家人在场  还有我兄弟
It was just a small ceremony, you know,  只是一个小小的仪式
and that was alright with us.  我俩都没意见
I didn' I mean,   我没有睡觉...我是说真正入睡...
good three months.  有整整三个月
He wanted to get a dog.  他想养条狗
Yeah, he, um... he played baseball,  对  他...他打棒球
record是什么意思中文and he was terrible.  打得很差
just loved comics.  男孩子就...很爱看漫画
He made me this card  他给我做了一张贺卡
for Father's Day.  父亲节的
My boy,   我儿子  德韦恩...
he was the best of both of us.  他取了我俩的长处
You know, you grow up,  你长大以后
and you think that you know what life is,  以为自己知道什么叫生活
you seen the patterns.  你...已经看出了规律
And the clichés are pretty much true.  基本上都是相同的套路
And then you have a child,  然后你有了孩子
and it reframes everything that everybody knows.  然后众所周知的一切都变了
Morgan, we're all gassed up.  摩根  我们装满油了
I you know, I was just watchin'.  我刚刚只是...在随便看看
Nice.  挺好的
We should get back to the convoy.  该回车队去了
Been outta range for a couple of days.  我们已经驶出通讯范围好几天了
Still got some boxes to drop off, though, don't we?  但我们还有几个箱子要放  不是吗
We haven't been this far west before.  我们以前没到过这么西的地方
We're runnin' low on gas.  汽油不多了
How low?  还有多少
About a day's worth?  大概一天的量吧
We should drop off some more boxes, though.  但我们还是该再多放几个箱子
You know, they could make a difference for somebody.  它们有可能改变某人的生活
I don't know. We should get back.  我说不好  我们该回去了
Boxes make a difference, Al. We...  箱子能带来改变  艾尔  我们...
Alright.  好吧
Shit.  该死
What?  怎么了
There were three cans of gas.  之前有三桶油的
Battery's probably dead.  电池八成没电了
Look, even if you got some of that gas in there,  听着  就算你灌了一些油进去
it's not gonna start.  也打不着火的
- Back away. - It's alright.  -退开  -没关系
We just need the gas back.  我们只想拿回那桶油
- "We"? - Easy there.  -"我们"  -冷静
I said back away.  我说了让你们退开
No, she's right.  不  她说得对
We do need it. So listen.  我们真的需要那桶油  所以听好了
Why don't we talk about it?  我们不如谈谈
Just get the hell away from me.  你们给我走开
Hey, need you to lower the knife.  你得把刀放下
Come on.  来吧
Lower the knife.  放下刀
Now, why don't you tell us where you're trying to get.  你不如告诉我们你要去哪里
Morgan.  摩根
No. No.  不  不
They found me.  他们到我了
Get in the van. Al.  上车  艾尔
Al.  艾尔
Four?  四个人
- Shit. - What?  -靠  -怎么了
- Uh, gas cap. - Al.  -油桶盖子  -艾尔
Over here!  这边
He went this way!  他往这边跑了
Okay, start talking.  好了  说吧
Who the hell was that?  那些人是谁
It's alright.  没关系的
We can help you.  我们可以帮你
That's what they said.  他们也是这么说的
That's what they said.  行尸之惧  第五季第十四集
Destiny guides our fortunes more favorably than we could've expected.  命运的安排比我们希望的还好
Look there, Sancho Panza, my friend,  你看那儿  桑丘·潘沙  我的朋友
and see those 30 or so wild giants  就有三十多个放肆的巨人
with whom I intend to do battle and slay.  我想同他们战斗  杀光它们
And with whose spoils we shall begin to make our fortunes,  有了战利品  我们就可以发财了
for this is righteous warfare  这是正义的战斗
and it is God's good service  从地球表面清除这些坏种
to sweep so evil a breed off the face of   是对上帝的一大贡献
What are you listening to?  你在听什么呢
"Don Quixote"... Cervantes.  《唐·吉诃德》  塞万提斯写的
Beautiful.  真美
Long-winded.  又臭又长
Yeah.  是啊
Anything we can salvage from the stores?  店里有什么可抢救的吗
Nothing so far, but even if we did,  目前没有  但就算是有
we're running out of room in this truck.  这辆卡车也快装满了
We could make room. - Why don't you take a break?  -我们可以腾出点地方  -不如你休息一下
I saw a case of Fanta.  我看到一箱芬达
Grape or orange?  葡萄还是橙子味的
It's an important distinction.  这差别很重要
Whichever one gets you off the roof faster.  哪种口味能让你快点下来就是哪种
Well, convoy's gonna need solar panels  等我们到安顿下来的地方后
for when we find a place to settle down.  车队需要太阳能电池板
Nothin' wrong in stockpiling for the future, right?  为未来囤货没有错  对吧
No, there isn't.  确实
But I wanna go to the record shop and see what I find.  但我想去唱片店  看看能到什么
You're talking about the future.  你在谈论未来
Nice to hear you looking in that direction.  听见你开始考虑那个方向真好
