1.A class is a programmatic description of entities,also know as objects. If we were creating a class to describe fishes, for example, we might give that class properties such as color, weight, and size. We might also give that class abilities (called methods) such as eat, swim, etc.
  A class can be used to create anther type of programmatic construct called an object. As object, created from a class, is the actual entity, and can contain actual properties and abilities.
2.The .Net Framework includes a set of data access technologies, called ADO.NET that make it easy for us to connect to data, sources, access their data, display and alter it.ADO.NET is a name for the group of object classes provide by the .NET framework for interacting with data from data sources. As we know, one of the main advantages of object-oriented programming is that it lets us wrap up all sorts of complex functionality in a self-contained, encapsulated unit. All we then have to deal with is a well-defined interface, consi
sting of methods and properties.
3. Cookies are name-value pairs that can be sent by a web server and stored on the client's machine. The cookie is associated with the URL of the server, so that only the web site that "dropped" the cookie can retrieve it from the user's hard drive once it has been stored there.
  Cookies are a way for web servers to store information about the user who visited their sit and save state information.
  One of the most important properties of the Cookie object is the Expires property. Setting the Expires property to a data in the past will cause the Cookie, dropped by your server application, to expire the moment the Browser (client) is no longer communication with your application. (2.3任选一题即可)
4. Creates a unique index (one in which no two rows are permitted to have the same index value) on a table. Microsoft SQL Sever 2000 checks for duplicate values when the i
ndex is created (if data already exists) and checks each time data is added with an INSERT or UPDATE statement. Duplicates must be eliminated before a unique index can be created on the column(s).If duplicate key values exist, the CREATE INDEX statement is canceled and an error is returned. A unique index can be created only on columns that are defined as NOT NULL.
  When a unique index exists, UPDATE or INSERT statements that would generate duplicate key values are rolled back, and SQL Server returns an error.
3.有两间房 一间房里有三盏灯 另一间房有控制这三盏灯的开关(这两间房子分开的毫无联
)现在要你分别进这两间房一次 然后判断出这三盏灯分别是由哪个开关控制,你能想出方法么?
7.编写一个数据库的存储过程,StrConnect 实现功能:将任意输入的两个字符串(变长,最多32个字符)连接起来并将结果串返回。(请注明数据库类型,如SQLSever或Oracle)
